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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 51-75 of 76 results.
It is six years after the last of Sakura's cards were changed into Star Cards and there seems to be new mysteries to solve and new enimies to fight.
I did this one right after I did the GROW UP!!! poem.
I did this poem sitting around being bored and thinkin about stuff that I hate... and this is what I came up with.
this story is written in first person & is about a girl who has a strange dream... its a real short 1 shot type thing... yea, umm.. so, lemme know what you think ^^;
One man loves her... and so does another... One man is fortunate... and the other is saddened... The young princess finds the broken man and tries to heal his heart, and the other is consumed with the emotion of envy... (LinkxZelda)(PG-13)
Tenshi, a young boy suddenly finds himself lost in the Shadow Relm, where the evil King Akuma reigns. In order to save his life, Tenshi's father must take away all of his son's memories and hide him in a village in hopes that Akuma will not find him.
Yah ummm... this here's my first poem in Fanart central... and also it's my first poem with anything to do with YGO, so please don't hate...
...and if you like Yami no Yuugi and/or Rishid, please don't read this...cuz they kinda get hurt...
A very brief essay on asking why we don't learn from our mistakes
abuse in the streets where there was no one around
a sad feeling brought onto paper
Randomly chosen pairs find themselves in Lyoko. Who will win 10,000 dollars?
It's a fanfic for Genkai's fanfic! ^^ Hope you like it!
Another funny list! You never how insane your school can be...
Two young girls get taken to a magical place where they have to take on the roles of their other selves. But what really awaits them in this land called Arasya? The story you've all been waiting for! Read and tell me if I should continue!
When Zelda decides to give Link back those 7 years he lost sleeping, something goes terribley wrong! Instead of sending Link back in time, she winds up erasing his memory instead...
Characters in Code Lyoko compete for a $10,000 prize. Who will win?
Yay! Do you watch/read too much anime/manga?
Link and Zelda sittin' in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love... then comes marriage... then comes a baby in a baby carriage! ... *Cough* sorry... several babies... That REALLY stress out Link! (PG)
This is a poem I made that has a hidden meaning. I hope you can see it!
I'll post the original, then after it i'll post the meaning behind it k
I did this for the same reason as the last one I did called "What is Love?"
This is a poem I decided to do because my friend asked me what love was (not saying who) because she said that I was really good at describing really hard things in a simple way ^^
This is a poem about the game DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) And it's not about me just in case if u were wonder but I do love this game *has it at home* ^^
I wanted to do poems of all the colors (well the main ones) Because I see poeple doing it all the time, so I figured "HEY! I'll give it a try." ^^
A cloaked man finds a young maiden along the shores of Hyrule ocean crying all for her absent lover. He goes to her and finds out more than what he expected. [one-shot]