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CONTEST! ^-^ Really!

Blog Entry: CONTEST! ^-^ Really!

Blog Entry: CONTEST! ^-^ Really!
Posted by: IshJusMeh
Posted: November 8, 2008, 6:46:22 AM
Updated: November 29, 2008, 8:19:26 AM
Mood: Happehy
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Currently: Coughing
Listening To: Listing to meh cough
Well as you all know my last contest was a huge bust!
so... Im gonna make a new one! YAY! XD

What you have to do:
Draw Hikari in your style Refence picz:

It Ends:
January 1st (will change if need too!)

1) Has to be your own work
2) Color would be nice (Might get bonus points :D)
2a) Do NOT mess with her colors but you can mess with outfits! (Just no pink please!!!!)
3) A backround will get you bouns points
4) You drawing Her with someone will get you major bouns points!
5) Try your best!
6) Have fun!

1) 3 Requests and 2 Gifts
2) 2 Requests and 1 Gift
3) 1 Request and a Suprise
4) A Surpise!

So What are you waiting for dont ya wanna win? I would want to Join today!
Oh and tell all your friends!