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Chapter 1 - Kagome's Voice And Kikyo's Kiss Rewritten

What if in the episode Kagome's Voice And Kikio's Kiss, Inu-Yasha DIDN'T wake up as Kikyo was dragging him down to hell? A Sesshomaru/Kagome fic, even though I really don't believe those two are a good couple.

Chapter 1 - Kagome's Voice And Kikyo's Kiss Rewritten

Chapter 1 - Kagome's Voice And Kikyo's Kiss Rewritten
        Inu-Yasha had been running all night following Kikyo's scent. When he reached a stream, where her scent was stronger and was obviously nearby, he stopped to catch his breath.
        "This is it." he panted. "This is the place the monk told us about. Huh?" He seen something white lying in the dirt on the shore. He picked it up and sniffed it. "What is this? A hairband?" The last he seen one like this was in Kikyo's hair. "Kikyo...are you really still alive?"


        *flashback* Inu-Yasha and Kikyo are hanging from the cliff.
        "I will not rest in peace until I see you DEAD!" Kikyo yelled, squeezing Inu-Yasha's hand tighter, making the electric jolts more powerful.
        "Don't do this!" Inu-Yasha said, slipping and falling. He quickly grabbed the cliff wall, accidently dropping Kikyo in the process. "KIKYO!" He shouted, as she fell. Kikyo's voice echoing,
        "I died dispising you. The moment I died, my soul was paralyzed. As long as you live I cannot be saved."
        *end flashback*

        Kagome came to an opening in the woods. And sitting in a tree surrounded by those lizard-like demons, was Kikyo.
        "Is Kikyo sleeping?" Kagome thought, moving closer to her. She looked at her skin. "She looks so frail and sad." she thought. Kagome whimpered a little after seeing Kikyo wake up and stare right at her.
        "I see that my barrier was not strong enough to keep you from finding me." Kikyo said.
        "Barrier? What barrier? I don't remember seeing anything like that. Huh?" Kagome looked away from Kikyo and seen demons carrying soul clouds. "Are you the one whose been luring the souls of women away? It IS you, isn't it? You have to stop! You've GOTTA set them free!" Kagome's motives didn't get anything out of Kikyo but a dead stare.
        "Is HE not here with you?" Kikyo asked after a moment's silence. Once she realized who Kikyo was talking about, Kagome's face saddened.
        "I came on my own. Inu-Yasha set off to find you earlier." she looked back up at the priestess. "That's right. He must be trying to come here." Kagome thought.
        "Tell me, what is your relationship?" Kikyo asked, putting two fingers on Kagome's forehead.
        "Uh...Ah--" Kagome's body literally froze. The priestess stared at her for a minute.
        "This will end your interfering." Kikyo said, unknowing of the hanyou sprinting over the hill towards the barrier.

        Something caught Inu-Yasha's eye.
        "Huh? Them again?" He seen a group of demons soaring somewhere in the forest. "The demons that were making off with the souls." Inu-Yasha chased after them and seen a few pass through something that looked like a gigantic bubble. "It's a spirit shield."
        "Kikyo must be on the other side." he thought. "Kikyo is it really you?"

        The priestess had Kagome tied to the tree that she was "sleeping" in by the demons.
        "I can't move!" Kagome thought. One of Kikyo's loyal demons brought her another soul and put it in her hands.
        "Inu-Yasha has come." Kikyo smiled, as the ball in her hands shrunk down to the size of a marble. She lowered the spirit shield, allowing him to enter. "I fear he has not come to save you. His purpose lies in seeing ME." Kikyo's face turned cruel. "You will not interfere."
        "Interfere?" Kagome repeated. "Are you still wanting to destroy Inu-Yasha? He's not your enemy! Someone pitted you against each other on purpose! Inu-Yasha would've NEVER taken your life, Kikyo."
        "Hmph. From your countenance I gather you EXPECT me to be rejoycing."
        "Someone caused my premature demise. Will my murderous death bring me back to life?"
        "I guess not..."
        "The Dead have but one wish: To walk amongst the Living, once again. A wish that will never be realized. However, this dead woman can wish for one thing: I wish for a heart. The heart of the man whom I shall never allow to forget me. That is my desire."
        "You will never allow him to forget about you? You mean Inu-Yasha?"
        "It is clear that Inu-Yasha wishes for my death." Kikyo's eye-brows lowered. "That is a good thing. Because it means that he feels remorse for our dispute. Hm. Let him feel remorseful. I shall never allow him to forget about me. Time will not advance. Thus, allowing me to exist in a dimension in which time is frozen." She smiled. "I can live on in his heart, here inside my recreation."
        "You're ALWAYS in Inu-Yasha's mind! Why can't you be satisfied with that?" Kagome asked. "He's never forgotten you all these years. He thinks of you all the time! Isn't that good enough? Uh?" Kagome watched a demon swoop under her head. "Hmm."
        "When Inu-Yasha and I parted, we dispised one another. The love that you speak of is but a shallow emotion, an emotion which only served to deepen the hatred. Nothing can resolve one's determination for exacting vengence as bitterness can. If he MUST love, then let him love my consuming resentment." Kikyo closed her eyes and put her hands on her chest as demons surrounded her. "And in return, I shall love his heart while it falls into deep dispair."
        "No, Kikyo! It's senseless! Your hatred is totally pointless! I--" Something came into Kagome's line of vision. When she looked, so did Kikyo. It was Inu-Yasha standing in the trees, breathing hard and in shock at the sight of Kikyo. "Inu-Yasha! You've GOT to talk to Kikyo! Please, tell her what happened! How Naraku deceived you!" Inu-Yasha didn't seem to pay any attention to her and walked right passed her to Kikyo. The other demons cleared the area. "Inu-Yasha...?"
        He just stood staring at Kikyo with his mouth ajar. "Kikyo..." he whispered.
        "He didn't hear me!" Kagome thought. "He can't even SEE me!"
        "So you WERE the one doing it." Inu-Yasha whispered. "Gathering the souls of the dead women."
        "My body is molded from the earth and the bones of my gravesight. It has to be sustained by the souls of human's if I have to stay here." said Kikyo. "Inu-Yasha, you must dispise me. I have drawn in the souls of the dead to maintain my presence. And it is the hatred of you that fuels my actions."
        "That's just ludicrous!" Inu-Yasha exclaimed. "You may very well dispise me, but the feeling's not mutual." He turned away from her with a sad look on his face. "Kikyo..." He looked back at her. "I never stop thinking about you; not even for an INSTANT!" There was a long silence between them. Kikyo's eyes were beginning to well with tears.
        "I thought so..." Kagome thought. "Inu-Yasha has never forgotten Kikyo. Sure, why would he have? Still, it's hard to hear it said out loud. Inu-Yasha's been taken away from me...! What am I saying? It's not like he was ever my boyfriend or anything..."
        "I could never hate you or think less of you." Inu-Yasha said to Kikyo when she turned away from him. "It's your spirit I care for, not your appearance."
        "Truly, Inu-Yasha, you wouldn't?" Kikyo asked, with her hand on her heart. "You wouldn't dispise me if I used these hands to steal the life from you?" She turned around and placed her hand on Inu-Yasha's cheek. She removed her hand from his face and put her hands on his chest, then gently kissed his lips.
        Kagome's eyes widened. "SHE'S KISSING HIM...!" Kikyo broke the kiss and embraced the shocked Inu-Yasha.
        "Inu-Yasha," Kikyo said. "After meeting you I will renounce being a shrine priestess. I became an ordinary woman." She tightened her grip on Inu-Yasha. "I've longed to embrace you like this when I was alive." He embraced her back. "
        Inu-Yasha..." Kagome whispered, near tears. "You're going to take her back. Sure, you are, it's only to be expected. What am I doing here, watching them like this? I'm such a fool! Oh, great, now I'm probably gonna start crying. I can't believe what an IDIOT I am...!"
        "Kikyo's scent is so familiar," Inu-Yasha thought. "Her fragrence is just as it used to be. The only difference is that she has no warmth. Her body is cold from death and she's sad. And lonely."
        "We aren't able to turn back the hands of time." said Kikyo. "So please, allow me to embrace you a little longer."
        "I can't save you. I can't do anything to help you." said Inu-Yasha. "Except stay like this... If only time could stand still."
        "Would you agree to that? If I could stop time?" Kikyo asked.
        "Yes...I don't care...As long as...As long as...I'm with you..." Inu-Yasha whispered, going unconscious.
        "Ugh! I can't watch. I'd be happy to leave you two alone if you'd just release me." Kagome whined. She turned her head away making a weird face. "I'll just go crawl under a rock or something like--Hey! Are you listening--*gasp!*"
        The ground opened up beneath Inu-Yasha and Kikyo to the fiery pits of hell, sucking all of the human souls into it.
        "Inu-Yasha," Kikyo began, still hanging onto Inu-Yasha, who was still unconscious. "I will never let you go. Come with me, to the depths of hell."
        "He's being dragged down with her!" Kagome exclaimed. "Inu-Yasha! Snap to it! You've gotta get out of there!" Inu-Yasha didn't wake up. "It's no use. He's unconscious! Listen, Kikyo, cuz I KNOW that you can hear me! That's not fair! Inu-Yasha said that he wanted to be with you! I didn't hear him say anything about wanting to DIE with you! Inu-Yasha's going out to destroy Naraku for deceiveing you both 50 years ago! He still has things to do!" Kikyo's eye opened and looked at Kagome. "Inu-Yasha wants to live to fight Naraku more than anything! And he's determined to stay alive until he faces him and avenges your death!"
        Kikyo let go of Inu-Yasha and faced Kagome.
        "Do you understand what I'm saying?!" Kagome cried.
         Kikyo pointed a finger at Kagome and shot a ray of light at her, making the demons release her from the tree. Kagome fell to the ground
        "Oh, Kikyo...!"
        "And what if he DOES exact revenge?" she asked. "Will THAT serve to revive me?" She turned back to Inu-Yasha. "Come, Inu-Yasha. Come, rather than stay here with just my memory." She and Inu-Yasha were being dragged down into hell. "You and I share the same desires."
        "You're downright evil!" Kagome yelled at Kikyo. "The poor guy's unconscious, remember? Otherwise, he'd NEVER follow you! Do us all a favor and let go of Inu-Yasha! I'm telling you, HANDS OFF OF HIM!" A blast of energy emerged from Kagome, making all of the human souls escape from Kikyo's chest and go back to their bodies.
        "This girl is taking my spirit once again!" Kikyo thought. "I have to hurry before this body is completely emptied!" She grabbed Inu-Yasha's shoulders. "Inu-Yasha! Come!" They're being dragged down into hell again.
        "Wake up!" Kagome yelled. "Don't let her take you, Inu-Yasha! Inu-Yasha!! INU-YASHA!!!"


Comments (4)

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sango_fan_1 on May 22, 2006, 1:39:18 PM

sango_fan_1 on
sango_fan_1aww thats sad

mikita_inugirl on December 27, 2005, 11:07:14 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlThis is soooooo good! I'm going to keep reading!

Sesshomaru1111 on February 19, 2005, 11:16:54 AM

Sesshomaru1111 on
Sesshomaru1111*wipes tears outta eyes* that epi always makes me cry!!!!! Poor kagome.........OHHHHH WELL!

hiei_and_kurama on May 25, 2004, 9:42:02 AM

hiei_and_kurama on