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Chapter 2 - The Evil Skyla Strikes Back!

Tohru Honda is living happily with Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure. Their lives are the same as usual, and nothing can go wrong. But, when a new girl comes to school and befriends Tohru, she ends up learning the Sohma family secret!

Chapter 2 - The Evil Skyla Strikes Back!

Chapter 2 - The Evil Skyla Strikes Back!
"WHAT?! Some strange girl knows our secret?!" Shigure managed to choke out. He
looked almost as if he were going to die of a heart attack. Tohru sighed and nodded.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen! She just happened to bump into
Kyo and-"
"What? That stupid cat. Why did you let her bump into you? Do you want to cause more
trouble?" Yuki interrupted.
"You shut up you damn rat! It wasn't my fault!" Kyo snapped back. Shigure held them
both back by their collars to keep them from fighting.
"Now listen, you two. We shall not tell Akito of this. If he finds out in any way, we don't
know what he'll do to Skyla. All we can hope for is that Skyla saw nothing."
And the three of them hoped this would be true.

The next day at school, Tohru tried her best to avoid Skyla. She succeeded with this until
lunch. Tohru was sitting down at a table eating a sandwich and talking to Hatsuharu and Momiji.
Skyla strutted up to Tohru and tapped her on the shoulder. Tohru turned around and when she
saw Skyla, she gasped, "Oh! Uh...uh...Sk-Skyla! How are you?" Tohru laughed nervously.
"I want to know what happened yesterday. I have no clue what happened with all the
orange smoke and that kid being a cat." She said sternly.
Tohru glanced over to Hatsuharu and Momiji, who were watching her, fear in their eyes.
"Uh.....well, Skyla, you see....erm....that is....."
"Well? Stop stalling! Tell me!"
"Well....the thing is....Uh....I...didn't see anything!" Tohru lied. Skyla narrowed her eyes
at Tohru.
"I'm not crazy, you know! This is just a pathetic way of saying I'm crazy, and I'm not! I
know what I saw and I want to know what's going on!!"
"Want to know what?" Kyo suddenly appeared behind Skyla. Surprised, Skyla shrieked
and fell down, almost fainting.
" shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" she growled. Kyo looked down at
"Psh. Dumbass. Maybe you shouldn't be such a klutz."
Skyla growled and pointed a finger at Kyo, "It's you! Now, I will make you turn into a cat
again! I'll show you that I'm not crazy!" With that said, Skyla screamed, got up and lunged her
whole body towards Kyo. Alas, Kyo was too fast and he moved to the side. Skyla soared past
him and fell to the ground, face first. She lay there on the ground, her leg twitching.
"Like I said. You're such a klutz." Kyo mumbled.

The rest of the day, Skyla continually glared at Tohru. Tohru could feel the hatred from
Skyla seer through her flesh. It was awkward, seeing as how Tohru and Skyla had every class
together. When school ended, Tohru ran out as fast as she could. She was so eager to get away
from Skyla that she had forgotten about Hana and Arisa.
"Haru, Momiji, I need you two to distract Tohru. It's Friday tonight, and we're going t
throw Tohru her party. Kyo, you come with me so we can help Shigure with the decorations and
food." Yuki said. They all agreed and went off in their directions; Haru and Momiji ran after
Tohru and Yuki and Kyo ran home. What they didn't know was that a certain suspicious girl was
watching them from afar, laughing evilly and following Yuki and Kyo.
"TOOOOOOHHHRRRUUUUU!!!" Momiji screamed. He jumped high in the air and
landed on Tohru's shoulders, causing the poor girl to face-plant herself.
"Momiji, get off her." Haru sighed. He picked up the boy by his ears and lightly tossed
him off of Tohru.
"Oh, Momiji, Haru! What are you two doing here?" Tohru smiled.
"You don't plan on going home, do you?" Haru asked.
"Well, yes, it's what I always do after school."
"No! Come have some ice cream with me and Haru!" Momiji smiled.
"I....I don't know...."
"Oh come on! Pleeeeeaaaaaaase??"
Tohru laughed sweetly and grabbed Momiji's hand, "Okay. I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Meanwhile, Kyo and Yuki were a few yards from their home. They hadn't talked the
whole time, but Kyo decided to speak up. "So...Tohru's party...She actually does deserve this,
"Yes, she does. I mean, considering she's lived with us for....God knows how long. She
puts too much pressure on herself...School, chores at home, her work. She deserves a break every
once in a while."
"Yeah...Oh, uh...Since we're doing the decorations with Shigure, who's going to do the
food?" Kyo asked.
"Just a little someone I know who can cook the best food." Yuki winked.
The two of them opened the doors to the house and when they did, someone Kyo hoped
he wouldn't see was standing right in front of him. The person made his heart beat faster and
faster, and he knew if he didn't die from fright, he would die from a good beating.
"Ka.....Kag....Kag....." He couldn't choke out the person's name.
"KAGURA?!?!" Kyo screamed. Kagura was the last person he'd want to see.
"Kyo, my dear love! I heard about the accident with that Skyla girl! I am so sorry, my
love! But, was it accidental or were you just really letter her see you like that??" Kagura began to
cry. "Do you...hate me, my love? Are you cheating on me, your own wife?!"
"Hey! Who ever said your were my damn wife?!"
"ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME, MY LOVE?!" Kagura had an angry tone in her voice
by now, and was charging at Kyo. Kyo screamed in fright and tried to run away, but it was too
late. Kagura Jumped in the air and kicked him in the back of the head, Kyo was sent flying into a
group of trees. Shigure sighed.
"Could we not ruin the forest, please?"

Everything was set up just in time. A few moments later, after all the people arrived,
Tohru showed up and everyone gave her a big "surprise!" as she came in through the door. All
her friends were there; Hana and Arisa, Kisa, Momiji and Hatsuharu, Hatori, Ayame, Kagura,
Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, Ritsu, and even Hiro.
"Oh, my! Is this....all for me? But I don't deserve this! No, not at all!" Tohru said with a
dazed look on her face. Yuki walked up to her and smiled.
"Don't say that, Tohru. You know you need this as much as we need you." He smiled and
laughed a bit.
" being so stupid and enjoy yourself..." Kyo managed to say through the
arms of Kagura.
Suddenly, the door swung open and in strolled Skyla. Her face was bright and happy but
she was laughing evilly inside. "Hello everyone! Hello, Tohru!"
Tohru stared blankly at Skyla, "" she choked out.
"Now...I just want to say...I'm sorry for...earlier. I guess I was seeing things after all..
Let's have a good time at...uh....your party!"

It was late when the party was over, and everyone left except for Skyla. She was falsely
having a good time and wanted to stay over for the night. As everyone went to get ready for bed,
Skyla stopped them, "Oh! Wait, wait! I want to remember this night with my new friends! Kyo,
Yuki, Shigure, I want you all to stand there. I'll take a picture of you three first, and then I'll take
one of you three and Tohru."
"Hm...Sounds good to me!" Shigure smiled. The three boys gathered in a U shape in front
of Skyla, who held the camera up to one of her eyes.
"Okay, now everyone smile!" She shouted. As everyone did so, Skyla narrowed her eyes,
dropped the camera and jumped at the three of them. "GROUP HUG!" She said evilly. She
crashed into all three of them. The room was quickly engulfed in a smokey swirl of blue, silver,
and orange.
Tohru watched in horror as all three boys turned into their animal forms. Skyla jumped up
from the ground and peered down at them. Suddenly, the camera on the floor flashed brightly and
took a picture. One picture was before Skyla tackled them, and the other was after. Their secret
was revealed to Skyla...and if they weren't careful, it would be to the whole world.


Comments (2)

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kagome99 on February 26, 2007, 5:30:06 AM

kagome99 on
kagome99uh-oh!Bad Skyla!What happens next?Write more!*favs*

CoStanleyQueen5 on February 16, 2007, 2:02:09 AM

CoStanleyQueen5 on
CoStanleyQueen5OH NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad Skyla! BAD!!!!! Please update! I want to know what happens next! Kyaaah!