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Chapter 2 - Homecoming

HA! i finally wrote it. it's going to be alittle slow at the beggining but as the story goes on it shall get more actiony.

Chapter 2 - Homecoming

Chapter 2 - Homecoming
i DO NOT own YYH, and Yukiryu gets credit for the story too, for she helps write it w/ me.

Hiei, kurama, and Yusuke fell out of the porthole where they were a few minutes ago in the park.
"Botan really needs to make those portholes more stable" Kurama stated as he stood up"and Yusuke you fell ontop of Hiei"
"ohh" Yusuke said "sorry 'Hiei"
"hn." was Hiei's answer, as he jumped into a tree as ningens were starting to wonder how they fell out of the sky.
Just then a few people from Kurama's school came over to him "Hey Shuichi, homecoming is almost here, did you find a date yet?" sneered one of them. This perticular person was very jelous of Kurama's good looks.
"homecoming?! Crap! i completley forgot about that"Kurama said slapping his hand to his head *and if i don't find a date, my mom will find one for me....* he added as an after thought. last time his mom had chosen his date the girl she picked out was so flirty that he learned never to trust his mom with picking out girls again. "wait, when is homecoming?" Kurama asked the boy.
"this saturday" he said sneering.
"O.O today is Thursday! crap!" *now i got to find someone to go with before my mom does* He whined to himself.
"well" said Yusuke " good luck finding a date Shuichi, later" as Ysuke dashed off, Kurama could hear him laughing.
*it's not funny* Kurama thought.
"hmmmm, hard to believe that the most popular boy in school can't find a girl, that's hilarious!" laughed the boy.
"it's not that funny" said another person from the group
"who asked you?" said the lead boy.
*yeash, i'll have to ask out the first girl i see tomarrow, hopefully homecomeing isn't THAT important* Kurama silently prayed to himself.
the next day Kurama was running late for school. When he ran into the hallway to get to class he bumped into someone.
"Gomen Nasai" Kurama apolagized to the peron he had knocked down. "i wasn't looking where i was going" he said holding out his hand to help them up.
"it's ok" said a girl getting up.
*i said i' ask out the first girl i see so...* he thought "do you have a date for homecoming?" he asked her.
"I was going to go with my friends." she replied.
"will you go with me?" Kurama asked.
"Sure, my name is Akemi" she said shaking his hand.
"Shuichi" Kurama said introducing himself also. "well, see you tomarrow" *well, now that takes care of my mom, i got to start looking for Mitsune* he thought.
the rest of that day he tryied to look for demon enery signals from the girls from his classes. Obviously she wasn't in his classes.
back at home his mother called.
"Shuichi this is Shori, homecoming is tomarrow, and i found the perfect girl for you! her name is Izumi" Shori sarted.
"Mother" Kurama interupted " i already have a date for homecoming"
"ohh" Shori said sounding happy " is she nice, what's her name?" she asked exitedly.
"She's nice, her name is Akemi" Kurma told his mom.
"oh, Shuichi, you finnaly found a girlfriend! i'm so happy! i can't wait to meet her!" Shori said saounding like Christmas had come early and she hang up.
"HEY! wait a minute! whoever said she was my girlfriend?!" Shuichi yelled into the phone just when he realized he was only yellnig to the opperator saying to hang up the phone and try again. "i can't believe her" Kurama muttered."Mother can be so stubborn"
Kurama decided to go to the park, hopefully Yusuke and Hiei would be there. fortunatley they were. "hey guys" Kurama said waving.
"hey Kur-Shuichi" Yusuke said wavig back.
"hn." Hiei said glancing down at Kurama from his perch in his tree.
"any lead on Zatago yet?" Kurama asked Yusuke.
"Well, we know that he knows how to hide his energy well" Yusuke said.
"^^' that wasn't what i meant." Shuichi said sweatdropping.
"Any girlfriend yet?" Yusuke asked.
"i have a date for homecoming, JUST for homecoming, she is NOT my girlfriend!!!!" Kurama yeleld at Yusuke.
"Yeash, you don't needto take it that seriously" Yusuke said, he had never seen Kurama angry like this before.
"Hey shuichi" said a girl.
Kurama turned around to see it was Akemi"hello Akemi" Kurama greeted her.
"Want to get some ice cream" she asked.
"uhh, sure" Kurama said face turning sligtly red.
"Akemi and Kurama sitting in a tree" Yusuke whispered.
Kurama glared at Yusuke.
Yusuke wached as Kurama glared at him *i didn't know he had a death glare* Yusuke thought.
While Kurama and Akemi were out for ice cream Kurama realized that she really didn't care what he looked like, and found out she was very nice too, they talked about things like school, and even some rumors they heard, of course Kurama didn't believe them,, and he thought Akemi thought the same.
"That was fun" said Akemi smiling.
"It was" Kurama said too, "umm, would you like me to walk you home?" he asked
"sure" she said they talked even more while they walked, when they finnally reached her apartment Akemi said "well, see you tommaorrw"
"ya" Said Kurama strting to blush.
When Kurama reached his appartment he had butterflies in his stomach he had never felt this way before. Something about Akemi made her more attractive than just looks like himself.
The next day he spent all day getting ready for homecoming, which took longer than he thought. When he was finnally ready it was about an hour before homecoming. *i better go pick her up* he thought leaving his appartment heading toward hers.
he knocked upon her door, and she answerd it.
"wow." was all Kurama could say, "you look great" she really did. she was wearing a bautiful red dress showing every curve of her body that went all they way down to her feet.
"thanks" she said blushing"so do you"
"so shall we go?"Kurama asked extending his arm.
"let's" she replied taking his arm.
At homecoming everyone noticed them, they were obviiously the best looking couple at the whole dance.
"umm, would you like some punch" Kurama asked Akemi.
"yes please" she said.
As Kurama went to go get the punch the same boy from the park a couple days ago said " so did you get a date?" he asked sneeringly.
"why, yes i did" Kurama said politley scooping some punch in a cup.
"who did you ask?" the boy asked slightly surprised.
"Akemi" Kurama said walking back to where Akemi was.
The boy's mouth fell open, obviously he didn't think that he would get someone so good.
About half an hour later, they started to play slow songs.
"want to dance?" asked Akemi
"sure" Kurama said. they went to ther dancing floor, Kurama placed one hand on her waist and one hand in hers, while she put one of her hands around his back, and the other hand in his. While they danced Kurama got lost is Akemi's saphire blue eyes. and she got lost in his emerald green eyes. A long while later they stoped dancing and went outside.
"Beautiful night" Kurama said looking up at the stars.
"ya" Akemi said looking up also. "you know, tonight has been so much fun" she said looking at him.
"sure has" he said looking at her too. their faces drew closer and closer, thier lips were a breath away when....
Kurama whiped his head around to see half a dozen demons there, they then attacked. They went for both Kurama and Akemi. Kurama started to pull out a rose seed, when he realized he was in place full of ningens. He started attacking with just his fists.
"EK!" Akemi cried, as a couple of the demons started to attack her too.
"AKEMI!" Kurama cried, thses demons were not easy to defeat, they were like cocroaches, if he didn't use his spirit energy, Akemi and he would be killed. He glanced over at Akemi making sure she wouln't see him use hie rose whip, but she wasn't there. "Rose whip!" Kurama, cried out, he swung the whip around decapitaticg the demons that were attacking him. He followed the energy signal the others left behind. He finnally caught up with them one of the demons had an unconsious Akemi drapped around his shoulders, and they were running. Kurama put on an extra spurt of speed to cath up with them, but as soon he caught up with them they jumped through a porthole, kurama tried to get to it too, but it closed right after the last demon went in it.
"Why did they want Akemi that badly?" he asked himself. *wait* he thought he had not considered this yet, but what if Akemi was Mitsune?

like it so far? i might not put another chapter up for a while. please comment!!!!!!it took 3 hours to type!!!!


Comments (4)

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kawaiiyouko on February 23, 2004, 7:38:13 AM

kawaiiyouko on
kawaiiyoukoSame as last chappie, same comment about the few spelling errors and such.

The plot is good; it's getting interesting. ^-^

Yukiryu on February 22, 2004, 9:32:37 AM

Yukiryu on
Yukiryu^-^ Thank you for mentinoning me, arigato. *bows* WOO-HOO! AND IT ONLY GETS BETTER FROM HERE ON, AND IT GETS EVEN MORE ACTION-Y!

Setos_Girl on February 22, 2004, 9:16:20 AM

Setos_Girl on
Setos_Girlhey please continue. I like this story. Queen how di you fo the heart thing?

queen_of_foxxes on February 22, 2004, 7:11:33 AM

queen_of_foxxes on
queen_of_foxxesI LOVE IT!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥ IT'S THE BEST FANFIC I'V READ SO FAR ON THIS SITE!! ^0^♥♥i can't wait for the rest!