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Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

What happens when Yumi comes down sick, but no one knows what it is she has? Does X.A.N.A have anything to do with it? Will Ulrich be able to save her? Find out in my first ever Code Lyoko fanafic! R&R Pairings: AxJ YxU OxS(Maybe)

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a very long time and alot of you have looked forward to seeing more of the story up, but unfortunately alot of things have come up and I haven't found the time to do anymore of it for a while. Now, today, after going through weeks of bad fortune and hearing about 12 different deaths, 9 of them close to me and the other two from school and a friend, and getting into many different fights with my boyfriend and best friends, I decided to sit here while I'm online to write this. Just because I feel bad enough leaving you all waiting so long for the next chapter. Well, I'll stop talking now and get on with it...


It had been a gloomy day for the gang the following afternoon. They sat on the bench they usually went to to meet Yumi after their class let out. It seemed so much different with her not there, like she was the link to the chain that kept them together and made everything so wonderful. " you think you find a cure for her in time, Jeremy?" Odd asked in the voice that sounded not of his own. "I don't know Odd, but as long as Yumi doesn't fall under too much stress, she'll be okay..." Jeremy told him with semi-confidence.

Aelita looked to everyone with a confident look, "Come on everyone. Now isn't the time to get so down...Yumi is still here, so we have to keep trying to find a way to help her. I'm sure if she was here right now she would be telling you all to put on a smile and not to worry. And besides, if we do find a cure, there would BE nothing to worry about. So, come on!"

Ulrich smiled towards her, "You know, Aelita's right. If we want to help Yumi, sitting around here and moping isn't going to help her get any better. Once we find that anti virus, we can cure Yumi of that virus that X.A.N.A infected her with."

They all looked to each other with a smile full of renewed confidence. "Alright then, it's settled. No more moping. So, now that thats settled, while me and Aelita work on the cure for Yumi, you and Odd can go and visit Yumi in the hospital. I'm sure that she would enjoy the company." The two other boys nodded and ran off towards the hospital while Jeremy and Aelita headed off towards the factory through the forest entrance.


Once Jeremy and Aelita had reached the end of the sewers, something told Jeremy there was something wrong. Worried about this feeling that had overcome his senses, he hurried up the ladder and pulled out his laptop, opening it was turned off. "What? But...if its turned off, that would mean...!" Becoming very concerned of this, he tried turning it back on. After a few rounds of trying, it finally responded and turned back on, only to find his worst fear come true, "A tower has been activated!"


Odd and Ulrich were stopped halfway down the hall from Yumi's room by one of the nurses shortly after reaching the hospital. "I'm sorry, but you can't go down there right now. The cops are investigating the scene to find out what happened..." Both boys concerned, they decided to ask her what had happened...

"Well, this morning, one of the patients family came in to visit for a while. But soon, the father and son had left to go home, the mother staying with the patient for the night. I had gone in to check on them a couple of times throughout the was such a peaceful sight...hard to imagine that nightmare this morning after that scene..." Her face was filled with a kind of sadness while she told her story. "But, when morning came around, the madness began...The child's mother had gone down to get breakfast after she had woken up. She was so kind to everyone then...but after that, when she had come back, she seemed quiet and gave cold glares towards everyone who tried to greet her. And not too soon after she had entered the patients room again, we heard the shattering of glass. We ran in there to find her and the patient gone. The question is, though, is where they disappeared to. We have no idea if they jumped out of the window or what."

Ulrich and Odd listened in horror, knowing that this was one of X.A.N.A's doings. But, just to make sure, they asked her the question that they were dying to have answered, "Um...did you know the patient's name?"

"It was Yumi something...I heard her mother speak her name over and over last night, but I never got their last name. See, I'm not their official nurse, I just work down these halls and decided to peep in on them from time to time to make sure they were doing okay, seeing as to how this one was a special case...doctors couldn't find the source to why she was becoming so weak...strange, huh..." She turned and left to head further down the hall towards the place where the cops were still investgating the witnesses.

Odd and Ulrich looked towards each other with horror struck looks on their faces. "We need to head back to the factory!" Ulrich announced quietly towards Odd, who only nodded in reply. They turned back towards the stairs and headed back down towards the first floor, not bothering on waiting for the elevator.


"Oh no, Jeremy...look!" Aelita exclaimed with fright as she pointed towards the main computer screen back in the factory. Jeremy looked towards the screen and located the source of Aelita's fright, "No! X.A.N.A must of logged into the transfer data and sent Yumi to Lyoko! We have to-" The computer made a small noise as the mail icon popped up on the screen, interupting Jeremy's sentence. "It's from X.A.N.A..." He opened up the e-mail sent to him, "It says, Send Aelita to Lyoko and we shall make our trade. If not, the one I have taken will not return..."

Aelita looked to Jeremy, "I have to go..."

Jeremy sighed, "'s all a trap. Can't you see, even if we do give you to him, he isn't going to give Yumi back. He wants us gone so he can escape to earth and take it over with no set backs. And he has to get rid of us first to do that, and if we send you to him, Yumi will be the first to go...and we can't let that happen. We're to wait for Ulrich and Odd to get here. Once they arrive, we can figure out what to do next and then go from there."

Aelita heaved a burdened sigh, "I guess you're what do we do now then?" Jeremy turned back towards the screen and began to type as he placed the headphones on his head, "We get Ulrich and Odd over here."


"We're almost there...we heard about it at the hospital. X.A.N.A possesed her mother and jumped out the window from the third floor..." Ulrich told Jeremy over the phone after hearing Jeremy's side of the story. "Okay then...once you and Odd get here, we'll figure out what to do from there." Jeremy explained to him. "Rodger that, Jeremy. See you two soon." They both hung up and Ulrich and Odd continued on their way, heading into the forest not soon after the call had ended.


Okay...sorry the stories so short, but my talents are being run short today. Not to mention I have other things I still have to do at the moment...supper's ready, yeah. Hope you enjoyed it. Well, laters...


Comments (1)

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SasukesChick on December 21, 2006, 2:21:57 AM

SasukesChick on
SasukesChickI love this fanfic! and i remember this being on, is this correct?

anyway, please continue!!