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Chapter 5 - GOTSR and RAS RPG Episode 2 - explicit yaoi

Okay, so, the other day I was thinking (scary, huh?). I have no way to share my short stories other than creating a story thing for each. why not just have one whole 'story' for short stories? so, here we are. Just Because.

Chapter 5 - GOTSR and RAS RPG Episode 2 - explicit yaoi

Chapter 5 - GOTSR and RAS RPG Episode 2 - explicit yaoi
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm and Rei_Anul_Sama bring you the continuation of our OCs RPG!

Part Two: Enter Macabre and Airal

The next morning&

Craven: ....I don't want this time to end...but i must go...

Diesel: *wakes up next morning; subconsciously turns over and puts his arm over the figure laying beside him* love...*stirs slightly uttering a few words under his faint breath* can't lose you.....*starts to toss and turn* ...don't go!.....

Macabre: *to Airal* I love no one....Ariel my dear. Your bearer is a fool for loving my brother. * goes and lays down on the sofa. As he gets comfortable, his shirt lifts slightly, revealing a little glimpse of his pelvis* hmmmmm.....

Lian: *strokes Craven's cheek* then return to me soon, Dear Craven...*allows the sanctuary doors to unlock and open* do come back to me, my love...

Raven: *waking, hugs Diesel tightly* Diesel! *as the vampire tosses, Raven holds on tighter* Diesel, wake up! Its a dream, just a dream! *when Diesel doesn't wake, Raven bites the vampire, holding back his venom*

Airal: *watches Macabre* Raven is younger than me; he is not my bearer. Lian is my sire, though I'm not sure how that happened...*glances away from Macabre...I don't even know who my bearer truly is...I've asked father to explain it, but...he won't...I don't know why...*glances back to Macabre to find that a bit of Macabre's pelvis was revealed* *has to hold on to his mind, but is really turned on*

Craven: * smiles gently and kisses Lian on the cheek sweetly* not fear...for i will return to you. *gets up and walks away, glancing back at Lian just as he exit's the sanctuary*

Diesel: * Moans as Raven sinks his fangs into him; suddenly awake, Jerks up. Realizing he has blood dripping from his face...puts his hand to his eyes to find tears*....It, was a dream...just a dream. *looks at Raven* ......*leans over him and kisses him, holding him tight* *gazing into his eyes*.........

Macabre: *still laying on the sofa* could have fooled me....the fact that you did amuses me even more...* avoiding eye contact purposely, looks up at the ceiling* ..You know, you look very young for your age.....i envy you...*stretches, revealing even more of his torso as his shirt rises ...and his fangs as he yawns*

Lian: *watches silently as Craven leaves, then transforms into a white fox, curling up on the place where Craven had been, closing his eyes, he allows the mortal's scent to fill his nostrils*

Raven: *holds the vampire gently, he kisses the vampire passionately* what dream, love? what could make you toss so? *eyes full of concern*

Airal: *shifts slightly, trying very, very hard not to stare at Macabre's exposed skin* I'm a fox least, that's what father tells me...we don't normally begin to show our age until about five thousand years of age. Our powers are really the only thing that shows how old we are. Uncle Lucifer shows his age by his knowledge. Sometimes you can see the past reflected in his eyes. *glances back to Macabre's exposed skin, blushing profusely* Ma-maybe I should go... *shifts eyes to the exit*

Craven: * walks outside, goes to a nearby tree and breaks down, falling to his knees*....what have I done......

Diesel: ...*lays on his back* ....I've never felt such feelings. It was like i was human again...being starved of air...only my heart was aching, hollow...dying. *sits up, looking away from Raven*...* wrapping his arms around his bare torso*....I cannot allow myself to love, not again....I never want to feel that pain again, the pain of loss....

Macabre: * looks into Airal's eyes, an intense stare* much power do you have?...I would like you to show me. *slides his tongue over one of his fangs smiling* Take no notice of Your sire. Even if you are is hard to believe such a demon could produce such a fine specimen such as yourself...i find it hard to believe you've not been with anyone in all your years....Are you telling me the truth?...* ...Still on sofa lol, relaxes even more, opening his legs and running his right hand down his inner thigh as he scratches an itch*

Lian: *feels the pain in Craven's heart (after he's been w/ someone, he can sense them and their feelings from a mile away) and pricks up his ears and head, gazing toward the door* *as he searches for the mortal's whereabouts, he leaps towards the door, lopping up to the sanctuary's entrance* *spots Craven and runs to the mortal, wrapping his huge, lithe body around the mortal, meeting Craven's eyes with his* *speaking into Craven's mind,* what is it, little one? there is much pain in your heart...much sorrow...and doubt...*eyes full of concern* are you...regretting it? *nuzzles Craven's cheek*

Raven: *sits up, wrapping his wings and arms from behind around the vampire* *rests head against the vampire's cold back* you won't loose me...I am immortal, like you...that pain you felt...I'll make it go away...I'll make it so you never feel that pain again...

Airal: *hesitant* what kind of...demonstration? I can show you my powers...its not forbidden... *blushes as thoughts forbidden enter his mind* I...*glances away from Macabre's gaze* I've...never been...with anyone...ever...*hugs midsection tighter, allowing his tail to wrap around his waist* *slides down to the ground, hugging himself* Its...a little embarrassing...admitting it...I know my sisters and brothers...they've been with so many...and father...*shakes head, trying to clear his mind* I may have no experience in that area...but in war and battle, I excel. There is no warrior who can beat me, not even Uncle Lucifer. *really really trying not go to the subject of his virginity*

Macabre: *closes eyes and traces a slender finger over his lips, moving slowly down his neck; pressing slightly harder to draw a tiny bit of blood* *moans ever so slightly*

*glances back at Airal*....a demonstration....well. Do what ever you feel comfortable doing...whatever that may be...My dear your body language, i can tell your not lying to me. But i can also see you insecure.....why does it embarrass you?....personally, i find it enticing. Tell me.....what do you want right here....right now. What does your heart feel. Forget everyone else......what do you want....

Craven: *cries into Lian's arms, holding him tight* I cannot cope with what i have done!......*pauses for a moment* ...It's not that i regret our time can i....but my heart tortures me. I love you more than anything...but there is still part of me that is bound to Diesel....

Diesel: *like Lian can sense the pain of those he cares for* *pauses for a moment; Grabbing the left side of his chest in pain*! *moans* * glances up at Raven, reaching a hand out to him as he falls unconscious*

Airal: *before his cheeks become a deep read, he transforms himself into a mix of a grey fox and wolf, curling his tail around him* *glances away from Macabre* *can't think of an excuse or lie that wouldn't be too obvious* I've never been able to tell...what my heart wants. But right now...*glances at Macabre* I think...I

Lian: *holds Craven close to him, stroking the mortal's hair* shh, my dear...I'm here...*simply holds him, not knowing what to say*

Raven: *catches Diesel in his arms, shaking the vampire* *curses* Diesel! Diesel!!! *has no idea how to tell if he's 'alive'*

Craven:* curls up in Lian's arms and curls the demon's hair around his fingers* ....i'm sorry....ignore my emotions.

Diesel: * smiles as the demon panics*.....You are so easy to fool.... I am a creature born of night and darkness. Do you really think i would be that easy to kill * Grins as he gives a chilling glare into Raven's eyes*

Macabre: *smiles seductively at Airal* *reaching out an arm, curling his index finger* hmmm....come here a minute, I want to show you something. ...You are such a delicate little creature, what makes this so appealing to you......why now.

Lian: *shakes his head* I won't ignore any part of you, good or bad! *holds the mortal tighter and gazes steadily into his eyes* Tell me, what's bothering you? What ails your heart?

Raven: *hits Diesel on the shoulder* Stop that! *glares playfully at the vampire* Don't play with my worries like that! I don't need the stress. *kisses the vampire squarely on the lips* I may live forever, but I really don't want my hair to go grey in a few years! I like it black^_^

Airal: *cue playing of 'Mountain' by Good Charlotte* *as he slowly pads over to Macabre, his form changes and he stands as he did before, his skin radiant with secret pleasure, his eyes filled with a hidden passion* is just the atmosphere...all my life, I've been surrounded by those who delve freely in their passions...their loves...but, I've always controlled my emotions...*sits on the arm of the couch* Yet around you...I cannot seem to keep my emotions in check...they just...get away from me...*smiles weakly at Macabre*

Craven: *Slides Lian's Kimono away from his chest slightly and places his head against his heart, breathing softly* ....I love you. That's all you need to know......

Diesel: OW! *snickers*....I will play with you all I want...*leans over Raven, slides a hand down his inner thigh, and squeezes* awww.....has your little friend gone to sleep.....that's a shame..... *grins playfully at Raven; rising to his feet again, suddenly runs off*

Macabre: (first of all good song choice for the moment lol) *watches Airal as he gets closer, continuing his stare as he sits on the arm of the sofa; listening carefully to his words* ......are you trying to turn me's working...*lets out a big sigh as he undoes his jeans; lifting his shirt up more, slides his right hand slowly down his chest and down into his jeans, moaning slightly* ...damn...look what you've done.....

Lian: *strokes Craven's hair, laying his head on Craven's* are you certain, dear Craven? *eyes full of concern* I don't want anything to happen to you...

Raven: Diesel! *curses again, glaring at the vampire, jumps to his feet and sprints after the vampire, frantically pumping his wings and rising into the air* *pursues the vampire and tackles Diesel* What the hell?! What was that for?! *glares steadily at the vampire* more playing, I'm guessing? *kisses the vampire under him*

Airal: (thanks^_^) *blushes profusely* *hastily glances away, though out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Macabre's length poking out of Macabre's jeans*

Craven: * gently kisses Lian's Chest*...i'm certain, don't worry....

Diesel: * Lets out a playful yet sadistic laugh as Raven takes him down*...So what if I was playing. What are you going to do?....punish me....I like to play. You should know that by now...* grinds his pelvis against the Demons as he kisses him*

Macabre:...does my body not please you..* gives a luring stare into Airal's eyes, forcing him to make eye contact* ...* gently takes Airal's hand and moves it across his chest, running it over his nipples as he inhales deeply, bringing it up his neck; starts to suck on Airal's finger* this what you want...

Lian: *smiles gently* very well, my dear Craven...*brings Craven's chin up and kisses the mortal* then I will press no further...

Raven: Oh, I know you love to play! *holding Diesel's chin in his hand, the demon runs one claw over the vampire's chin, cutting the vampire slightly* And don't worry, I will punish you so you will never leave...*leans down and licks up the small trickle of blood, trailing his tongue down to the vampire's nape and playfully nips him* *while he does so, his other clawed hand is busy running over Diesel's chest, playing with one of Diesel's nipples*

Airal: *blushes an even brighter scarlet* I...I do want it...*is drawn to sit between Macabre's legs* I just...don't know...what to do...*can't seem to stop his blushing*

Diesel: *His senses completely clouded by lust, bares his fangs as he moans out in pleasure as the Demon plays with his nipple* mmmmm..... *pulling Raven closer, grinds his body against the Demons* You learn know what pleases me....make me pay. * runs his claws down Ravens rib cage, then digs his thumbnails into both his nipples*

Macabre: aaww.....look, i see youre nervous. You do not need to worry..... I will take you gently....i will be your first....i will give you the pleasure which you have so longingly yearned for....*as Airal slides between his legs, he tightens his thighs, pressing his trapped length up against his back* * continues to take his shirt off completely; starts to grind his hips against Airal's back and moans faintly* mmmm.....It's not very often i get to play with beginners *grins*.....i remember my first time......long ago...for now though.....i am yours......*guides Airal' hand between his legs* as you wish...

Raven: *moans slightly, pressing himself into Diesel's hands* *with his claws dragging across Diesel's chest and drawing blood, the Demon moves down Diesel's torso* *when he encounters Diesel's pants, he slowly unbuttons the vampire's pants, slowly removing them* *using his tongue, he laps at the blood on the vampire's chest; using one clawed hand, he massages the vampire's dick, cutting lightly into the cold membrane*

Airal: *blushes as his hand touches Macabre's dick* I...what do I do...? *he looks questioningly into Macabre's eyes* I've...I've never...*blushes more*

Diesel: *Moans loudly as Raven works, getting even harder, pushes himself into Ravens claws* yes.....more!....*throws his head back in pleasure, wrapping his thighs around Raven's waist and pushes into him* ...harder! *starts to claw at the ground both out of pain and pleasure as his blood starts to form a puddle around him*

Macabre: *places a slender finger on Airal's sweet, innocent, tender lips* hush my dear.....i will guide you *Licks his right fang as they grow to their full length* * gently starts to slide Airal's hand over his length, gradually closing his hand to intensify the grip* *moans slightly* see.....; see what youre doing to me..*grits teeth to hold back an intense moan whilst staring into Airal's eyes* mmmmm....wait....*Rolls over, forcing Airal underneath his body* *moving his hand away from Airal's allowing him to

continue, he brings his slender hands up Airal's chest, undoing his Shirt* ....*moans again as Airal continues*

Raven: *grins mischievously* very well...*bites Diesel's dick, sinking his fangs into the hard membrane, not injecting his venom (he wants to have fun)* *as he sucks on the membrane, drawing in the blood and hardening the membrane further, one clawed hand sinks into Diesel's thigh, moving up and down, while the other is stroking the vampire's other thigh*

Airal: *still embarrassed, Airal does as Macabre instructed and moves his hand over Macabre's dick* *moans slightly as Macabre finds Airal's hard nipples*

Diesel: * suddenly rams his nails into Ravens back as the demon bites* *moaning loudly, pushes himself further into the Demons mouth* *his skin going even paler then before due to blood loss, he starts to laugh sadistically* You hit the spot right there..... *starts squirming underneath the Demon as he struggles to hold back* Ah!.....not yet....not yet!......*suddenly pulls Ravens mouth to his, biting his tongue, the two embrace in a bloody kiss*

Macabre: *as he moves his hands up Airal's body, he feels the demon trembling beneath him* ....calm need to relax...only then will your senses be blind to nothing but lust........*presses his body against Airal's, jabbing his pelvis against Airal's* *Gazing softly into the demons troubled eyes, he leans in close and slides his tongue into his mouth to deliver Airal's first kiss*

Raven: *As they kiss, one hand travel's up the vampire's chest and one claw sinks into Diesel's nipple* *he lets his wings sag into the vampire's blood and rests his body atop the vampire under him.*

Airal: *blushes as Macabre's tongue enters his mouth, but closes his eyes and forces himself to relax, still moving his hand on Macabre's length* *moans into the kiss as their membrane's touch*

Diesel: *breathes heavily from his weakened state, wrapping his lean arms around the Demon. *sighing out of pleasure; His surroundings, becoming nothing but a blur as he gets drawn deeper into the moment, making intense eye contact, panting heavily still fighting to hold back*

Macabre: *rolling his tongue around Airal's, shows as light grin as he hears Airal's faint moan*'s beginning to you feel it in your's like wild fire....Fierce, untamable, but above all....the feeling of ruthless passion...*slowly slides his left hand down to Airal's length, which is now beginning to harden for the first time*.....oh....your quite impressive, I must say...I think Im going to enjoy breaking you....*gradually trails his tongue from Airal's mouth down his heated torso and round the base of his length* me show you how it's done....*begins to suck gently on the membrane as his hand caresses Airal's thigh*

Raven: *grins seductively, moving back down in between the vampire's thighs, gazes at the vampire in his pleasure-filled, weakened state* Would you like me to finish...with my mouth, hand, or @$$? *lightly strokes the vampire's membrane with his long nails*

Airal: *lets out a surprised yelp, and moans loudly as Macabre begins on his cock* *squirms slightly under Macabre's masterful touch, blushing scarlet, his head pushing back into the couch cushions, his mouth open, letting our loud moans he couldn't possibly keep in (he is new to thisXD)*

Diesel: *bucking his hips slightly as Raven gently claws his membrane; Digging his own nails into Raven's lower arm* mmmm.....finish already....*grins*....your you think you can manage it *Licks the Demons cheek*

Macabre: *moans with Airal as he sucks, encouraging him to moan louder and get even more aroused* *starts to suck harder, focusing on the tip of Airal's length* let it out.....don't hold back, don't be's just you and me....*moans again as he lowers his upper body more and slides Airal's thighs onto his shoulders, using his claws to run up the Demons body and rub over his nipples* this how you envisioned....does it feel good....

Raven: *smirks* do not mock me...of course I can manage it...*as he moves down Diesel's torso, his other clawed hand rakes gently against the vampire's skin* *closing eyes, he takes the vampire's bloodied cock into his mouth, sucking gently at first, then more, encouraging Diesel's climax by running his claws over the vampire's thighs, torso, and swollen balls*

Airal: *cries out in ecstasy, rising his midsection and pushing further into Macabre's masterful mouth* mo...more...ahhh...*moans very loudly, gripping the cushions beneath him, pushing his head further into the cushions behind him* ahh...!! *let's himself release, crying out, and moaning louder*

Diesel: *smirks as he taunts Raven; resting his head on the ground smiling* *suddenly when Raven starts to suck again, he arches his torso forward, slamming his head into the ground, oblivious to the pain as his lust takes over* *As the Demon works, his heart pounds, as if life itself were returning to his body once again; letting out intense moans as he claws the ground. Blood still pumping from his body* AHHH! R...RAVEN!....AAAHHH......*Trying desperately to grind his teeth to prevent his moans, clawing the Demons hands as they move over his body* *finally, as the Demon increases power, he explodes into his mouth* *still panting for air, he relaxes as he brings the Demon's mouth up to his and delivers a soft kiss upon his lips*........

Macabre: *feeling Airal's release, grins as he gently slows down the pace, bringing his head up, tilts it back in a provocative manner as he swallows, running his tongue over his lips* mmmmmm......*brings his head forward again to make eye contact with the demon* taste good.....* leans forward and gently nibbles Airal's ear; guiding his right hand from the cushion down his torso and into his jeans* you want to see what it's like.....your doing so well....i'm impressed.....

Raven: *enjoys the kiss, running his hands over the vampire's soft body, playing with a nipple* *his hips lay atop Diesel's; he moves his pelvis seductively, smiling into the kiss*

Airal: *blushes profusely* I...I'm not...boring...? *searches for answers in Macabre's glorious eyes* *let's Macabre guide his hand and pushes himself against Macabre, burying his face in the nape of Macabre's neck* I'm...doing well...? *slowly grips Macabre's hard cock, his cheeks turning a rose color*

Diesel: *gaining control back of his breathing, he gently rubs his body against the demons as they kiss.*....*under his breath utters a few soft words*...I love you.

Macabre: boring? dear Airal, you are nothing of the sort...*gazes into his eyes softly making him relax* ...*grins slightly* ...are you sure this is your first time, your a natural at this.....* kisses the demon's neck softly and moans into his ear as Airal starts to slide his hand down his membrane.* It's your not be body is yours to do as you wish......

Raven: ...*smirks*...I love you more...*is certainly asking for it (Raven: HEY!)*

Airal: *blushing a rosy pink, he grips Macabre's cock tighter, feeling the hard membrane distinctly* *begins to move his hand in quick, hard movements* *going by instinct, he moves his other hand over Macabre's chest and lays his hand on one of Macabre's nipples*

Diesel: ....oh i don't think so *squeezes Raven between the legs as the Demon's body lay atop his*...oh look...your friend woke up i see....*smirks, gently pulling Raven's head close to kiss him*

Macabre: * leans in close to Airal, resting his head against his neck* *he moans as Airal moves* yes....mmmmm.....* Rubbing his hips against Airal's, grins* does it feel.....does my please you....AH! more!.....MORE! *gives a sudden nip to Airal's neck as his heart pounds, pulling his hand away*......thats enough. *sits up and faces the Demon, stroking his cheek gently as he gazes into his eyes* you want to it tastes.....

Raven: *moans gently into the kiss* *smirks* my little friend...has been awake for some time...*nuzzles Diesel*

Airal: *blushes* I...for you...*pushes Macabre onto his back, blushing slightly as he moves in between Macabre's legs and take's Macabre into his mouth*


Comments (2)

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Rei_Anul_Sama on January 24, 2008, 5:16:09 AM

Rei_Anul_Sama on
Rei_Anul_Sama*growls* Its not letting me put the whole thing up!!! *growls louder* FINE! I'll put it in the next episode...f*cking b*st*rds...

-From the Vampire

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on January 24, 2008, 7:43:17 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmNice one Rei ^+^ muahahah!!! Oh how fun fun fun!
*sniffs* i don't feel well at the moment X_*
*hugs Craven and Diesel*
hehe, i look forward to chapter three.......*starts thinking* hmmmm.....