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Chapter 6 - Treasure and Secrets

What would you do if you found an old treasure map to a legendary planet? Jim Hawkins, your average 16 yer old, found one, and no he's out to fins the treasure and prove his own worth.
author's note: Ive added a character and changed it up a bit. Enjoy!

Chapter 6 - Treasure and Secrets

Chapter 6 - Treasure and Secrets

Every muscle in Jims body strained to the limit as he pushed the crashed longboat off him and his comrades. Giving one last heave, he flipped it over. Amelia held her side and grimaced in pain while Dilbert tried to comprehend what had just happened. Looking at the others, Amelia managed a wimpy smile. Its not one of my&gossamer landings, she said, trying to lighten up the situation.

Staring ahead wide eyed, Dilbert commented to no one in particular, Next time I say Im looking for adventure, someone shoot me! Just as he finished talking, Amelia doubled over in pain. Captain! Youre hurt!

Oh dont fuss, she said, putting on a brave face. Cup of tea and Ill be right as rain. Her face scrunched in agony, Amelia fell to her knees. Dilbert went to her side and helped her sit up. But she wasnt about to give in. Mr. Hawkins, the map if you please?

Jim took out the brass sphere and held it in his hand proudly. He was about to give it to the Captain when it suddenly transformed into a laughing pink blob. Morph! Wheres the map?!

Morph transformed into a coil of rope and the map and plopped the map inside the coil of rope. Jim roared with anger. Its back on the ship?! How do you strangle protoplasm? Morph just continued laughing and flying around, making Jim try and catch him.

Back on the R.L.S. Legacy, Silver was giving more orders. Scroob! Stay here and watch the ship. If any one attempts to come aboard othern meself, shoot them. The rest of you, with me!

Amelia looked up at the sound of a longboat sailing across the sky. Stifle that blob and get low&Weve got company. Grabbing her rifle, she looked up, sighed and lowered her head. We need a better position. Turning to Jim, she gave him a pistil. Mr. Hawkins, scout ahead.

He took the gun with pride. Aye, aye, Capn!

Without another word, Jim began walking through the strange world of Treasure Planet, with Morph floating at his side. Alien vegetation grew in clumps. The ground was covered with ages worth of moss and slime. Strange pipe-like weeds grew everywhere. All of it provided a perfect hiding place for a pirate, or some other unknown life form. Jim took every step with caution, holding his gun at ready.

Suddenly, Jim stopped and whispered to Morph, Shhhh! I hear something. Noticing a few of the pipe-weeds move, Jim moved cautiously over. Just as he began looking down into the green holes created by the weeds, two bright yellow mechanical eyes jumped at him.

OOOH! This is fantastic! A carbon-based life form come to rescue me at last! A strange robot with two blinking yellow eyes hopped out and jumped on Jim in what he could only assume was a hug. I just wanna hug ya and squeeze ya!

Jim scrambled away from the crazed robot. Alright! Okay! Would you just let go of me!

The robot was still hanging on in excitement but quickly let go. Oh, sorry, sorry&Ive been marooned here for so long! Solitudes fun, dont get me wrong, but after a 100 years, you go a little nuts!!!

Morph transformed into a replica of the robot and opened the top of his head, causing a cuckoo bird to pop out. Jim pushed Morph aside as the robot turned back to them. Im sorry&I am&uh&My name is& he squinted his eyes and held the top of his head as he tried to remember. Morph and Jim exchanged glances. B.E.N.! The two spectators nearly jumped out of their skin. Of course! Im B.E.N.: Bio-electric navigator! And you are? B.E.N. said as he shook Jims hand.

Still a bit more then puzzled, Jim shook the metallic hand back. Jim. Look Im kind of in a hurry. Ive gotta find a place to hide and there are pirates chasing after me&

Before he could say another word, B.E.N. interrupted. Oh pirates! I dont like them! I remember Captain Flint. This guy had such a temper!

Jim was starting to walk away but at the mention of the legendary pirates name, he turned back and started questioning the robot. Wait, wait, wait, you knew Captain Flint!

But B.E.N. was still rambling. I think he suffered from mood swings, personally. Im not a therapist or anything, but-

Now Jim was excited. But that means youve gotta know about the treasure!

The psychotic robot scratched his head. Treasure? Well, its all a little fuzzy& Then something at the back of his head seemed to spark. Wait, wait&Treasure&Buried in the centroid of the mechanism& His voice was starting to crack as he began to remember. There was this big door&At that, his glowing eyes lit up into triangles that opened and shut like a door. And Captain Flint wanted to make sure nobody could get his treasure&? Sparks were starting to fly every where. So I helped him! Helped- I helped-I helped&DATA inaccessible! Reboot  Reboot-

B.E.N&. B.E.N.?! When the robot didnt respond, Jim pulled his hand back and slapped him across the jaw.

B.E.N. turned to Jim with a normal look on his face. And you are?

What about the treasure?! Jim was losing his patience with the irrepressible robot.

And once again, he wasnt listening. I wanna say Larry. Then, as if hed remembered the hole ordeal, he apologized. Im sorry&Ive lost my mind. He turned around and pointed to a spot in his metal head. Wires were sticking out at odd angles from a hole where what looked like main piece was missing. You havent found it, have you? My primary memory circuit?

Jim gave up. He was tired of trying to understand the robot. I really need to find a place to hide, okay? Im just gonna be&you know&moving on.

Kneeling on the ground with a defeated look on his face, B.E.N. said, Oh, um&so this is goodbye, huh? Im sorry Im so&dysfunctional. I do understand. Goodbye.

Jim took pity on the sad robot, but rolled his eyes anyway. Look, if youre going to come, youve got to stop talking.

Instantly, B.E.N. turned around and flung himself in Jims arms. Yippee! This is fantastic! Me and my best buddy out looking for a place to hide-

And you have to stop touching me! Jim practically scraped the robot off his arms to the ground. Morph continued flying around, looking disgustedly at the robot.

Touching and talking, my two big no-nos&Got it!

Rolling his eyes again and beginning to regret his decision, Jim pointed towards a group of reeds. Okay. Now, I think we should head-

B.E.N. squinted his eyes, crossed his legs and smiled embarrassedly. Say, before we go on our big search, would you mind if we made a quick pit stop by my place? Pulling aside a cluster of tall pipe-weeds, B.E.N. revealed a strange, moss covered dwelling. Its kinda urgent.

Jim smiled excitedly. B.E.N., I think you just solved my problem!

An hour later found Jim, Dilbert, and Captain Amelia safe inside B.E.N.s strange home. As Dilbert walked in with the wounded Amelia in his arms, the robot looked at them fondly. Ahhh&Isnt that sweet? I find old-fashioned romance so touching. How bout drinks for the happy couple?

He pulled forth two oily drinks on a tin tray. Dilbert refused politely. Oh, no, thank you. And&were not a couple. As he said this, though, he looked at Amelia lovingly and she returned the gesture.

Then, becoming more serious, Amelia turned to Jim. Mr. Hawkins, shoot anyone who tries to approach.

But before he could make it too the circular entrance, B.E.N. was there, waving his arms wildly. Hey look! More of your buddies! Hey, fellas!! Were over here! Fellas!!! The fellas in question just so happened to be Silvers band of pirates.

Jim pulled the annoying robot out of the way just as shots began to be fired. Shaking with adrenaline, Jim gathered his courage and returned fire.

Then the unmistakable voice of Silver rang out over the din. Stop your fire! He hobbled up on a makeshift cane and held up a white flag. Jimbo! If its all right with the capn, Id like a short word with ya&no tricks!

The captain frowned. Come to bargain for the map, doubtless.

Jims eyes lit up with realization. That means he thinks we still have it! Without another word, he swung himself over the small ledge and walked over to where Bekkah and Silver were sauntering to. Inside, he burned with hatred, but managed to control himself.

With a heave, Silver set himself down on a boulder. Looking at Jim apologetically, Silver said, Whatever ya heard back there concerning you, I didnt mean a word of it. If those blood thirsty blaggards had thought I had gone soft, they wouldve gutted us both! Despite his words, Jim didnt believe him. Putting his oversized arm around the boys shoulders, he continued. Listen to me&you get me the map, and Ill split the treasure, fifty fifty! Well, thirty-three, thirty-three, including Bekkah, of course.

Jim shook his head and smiled. Boy, you really are something. At least you taught me one thing: to stick to it. And thats what Im gonna do, so you wont see one dubloon of my treasure!

Silvers cyborg eye flashed red. That treasure is owed to me, by thunder!

Well try to find it without my map! By thunder!!

Silver looked darkly at Jim. You still dont know how to pick your fights do you, Jimbo? Either I get my map by dawn tomorrow, or Ill use the ships cannons to blast ya all to kingdom come!!

As he turned and left, no one saw the sad look that the big cyborg cast over his shoulder. Bekkah turned to Jim and took a deep breath. Jim, theres something you should know about me, so listen.

Completely taken over by anger, Jim snapped angrily at her, Oh really? Just one thing?!

She took another shaky breath and closed her eyes before she continued. When I was only two years old, my mother dies of a disease that ravaged her lungs. My father lost his job and left me every day with my nana to find a new one. Well, when I was 5, my nana decided she couldnt watch me without any pay and left me. My father decided I was old enough to stay home alone, and finally found a job. He would be gone for a week at the most, and every time he came home he would sweep me in his arms and smile. She smiled at the memory then opened her eyes again. I reached my eighth birthday and my father came home, as usual. But he didnt seep me in his arms or smile, or even take his cloak off. He wouldnt let me touch him or go near him. As he put me to bed that night, he said goodbye and I, confused, said goodnight. The next day he was gone. I waited for weeks, but he never came home. When I ran out of food, I decided he wasnt coming back.

Jims gaze softened slightly as he looked into her sad eye. I left my home and went to the streets to find food and possibly a job. One night, a group of traveling aliens came upon me, shivering in a torn blanket. One of them took pity on me and took me home with him. Her fingers twitched and she straightened her shoulders. That man was Silver, Jim. I was eight years old had had no other way to know what to do. He told me how to a pirate. How to think on my feet. The look in her eyes held no regrets.

So you lost your parents, your home, all in a few years& Jims voice trailed off.

Bekkah bit her lip. All my life, I could never make a friend. Silver was the closest thing I had to a father, but that was all I had. We would convince captains we were good crew men and pretend to be friends with the captain and their crew, but it wasnt a real friendship. Jim, when I met you, you were the first real friend Id ever had. I didnt want to lose that. Dont want to lose that.

Then whyd you turn against us like that? Jims eyes so cold, Bekkah could barely look at them.

Drawing herself up, Bekkah responded with cold severity in her voice. I couldve turned you in. I coulve told Silver you were hiding in that barrel. Then they all wouldve cornered you and shot you and made our job just that much easier. I couldve killed you so many times, but I never did.

Yeah, but you also couldve never joined him to begin with. Why didnt you just run away? Jims eyes held so many questions, but Bekkah only had one answer.

I was eight years old, Jim. Eight.

Those simple words held so much impact, Jim began to feel almost guilty. Gazing sadly at the ground, he responded in barely whisper, Sorry.

Bekkah turned on her heals and headed back to Silvers band. Dont be. But Jim never saw the slender tear that rolled down her rosy cheek.


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Redwall_Artist on July 9, 2006, 11:42:47 PM

Redwall_Artist on
Redwall_ArtistAnd now we know about Bekkah! Great story! Do continue.