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Chapter 2 - Garra and His Love...Sakura

Hello A message for all you lovers out there. If you Think Love is For FairyTales, Then Well I am here to tell you the truth.......I Am Cupid, Ninja Of the clouds and of the heart...And now its time for The tales of Love Ever Lasting......

Chapter 2 - Garra and His Love...Sakura

Chapter 2 - Garra and His Love...Sakura
 We are here today to View the relationship between Sakura&Garra. Now lets role back Time, I believe I Qupid* my human name was erased from history, time and memory When I exepted my powers* was just Behind Garra for I wanted Him to Feel something other than Pain......

Cupid: Poor Garra lets see... Who could he love... If I could only start the Flame of love and passion in Garra's heart by Sending This Arrow Through his Body...Well here Goes nothin...*Qupid Pulled his Bow & arrow up and did a wierd hand sign and shot a Golden  arrow at Garra.*

Garra:...................* The sand Rushed In front of the arrow Qupid atomaticaly asumed it had made its destination from the Gaze on Garras face as he Looked at Sakura*

Cupid: I see you Seem to be drawn to Sakura...A very pretty Girl Indeed... But I am afraid She is Still offering her heart to Sasuke... I do Hope she succeeds in that... But for Now I need Her to work For me and forget Her personal Fellings For Sasuke... Trusty Arrow Forgive me for Altering Sakura's Feelings, I know it is against a Qupid's Nature To Recall Love from a person, But I am Afraid it must be done! *he Held up his bow and arrow and did once again the weird hand sign and shot it at Sakura*

Sakura: Hey Sasuke Whats up?*she said calling Sasuke over. Just as she was Finish the Arrow Hit Sakura and was asorbed into Sakura's Skin*

Sasuke: Hi Sakura...I am glad to see you... You see...*he is saying this while Reading Things Kakashi told him to say that he had wrote on his hand* I have Relized that I can only become stronger by training... But I can't train when My chakra is low and I hear Love, and other passinate feelings inhanse your chakra and Heal it... Sakura I also Relized that, If I were to Love someone, They would probly have to be as pretty as you.... Sakura you wana *in thoughts* "God I seem so Emo Its going to ruin my Image to say this.." You wana hang out sometime maybe today after Trai-

Sakura:.....................*Sakura is in Powerful daze. She Can't turn away from what she was Looking at... She was looking at Garra...* Excuse my Sasuke, I gota go talk to Garra.....

Sasuke: Umm But Sakura....I want to-

Sakura:.....*she walked over to Garra* Hi Garra


Garra:......Umm Are you talking to me....

Sakura: Who else silly....Umm I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime.. Like now while we are still on break we could take a walk in the woods.

Garra:*in thoughts* This couldn't be... I thought she was afraid of me... I thought everyone was...

Sakura: So what do you say?

Garra: Ummm I ...... I..........*In thoughts* What is this feeling I'm feelin inside of me....

Sakura: ..............*in thoughts* Whats is this notion will some one help me please...

Garra & Sakura: *in thoughts* Maybe Just maybe... It's Something I should seize...

Garra: I corse of will....

Sakura: umm You meen "Of corse I will".... Hopefully...

Garra: Yeah...

Sakura: Well Lets go...* She lead/Drug him off in the woods, he being extreemly Timid and shy, He thought This was really Odd... and had no Idea what she was doing, He thought she had ment to take a "walk" in the woods*


Sakura: Wow This is the spot...

Garra: What spot...I thought we were walking...

Sakura: Yeah, we are walking here then walking back...

Garra: uhhhh

Sakura: Here it is... Right behind this Branch. *she Pulled back the branch and Garra stuck his head through the small opening and walked through... Sakura Did the same except she got a few cuts from the thorns, While Garra was  Protected by the Sand...When they walked through they saw the most beutiful sight... Butterflies fluttering, birds chirping, and Many Qupids hidden in the corners of the trees. The sun Light Was shinning through all the butterflies wings like stain glass. Garra Thought It was a wonderful place and he thought he would make it Better.*

Garra: I have never seen anyplace like this.... Here Its my turn to show you something...Hold on tight...*he Held Her hand as she nodded and they walked forward. Sakura Didn't notice what he was doing untill They were in midair... Garra had been using the sand to make a solid Spirel bridge, He was leading he in circles and she held on tighter and tighter untill she slipted*

Sakura: Help me!

Garra: Don't worry! *he Signaled the sand to push her up to safety. The sand did as Garra signalled and sakura Fell In Garra's arms* You... You have the prettyiest eyes in the world...*his Voice started to get Kinder like, it was when he was younger*

Sakura:...I didn't know you could be this kind...*they continued to walk intill they were  right below the trees*

Garra: Stand over there...*He made a platform for her to walk on with out falling, She stud there and waited, Garra did a Hand signal and the sand twirled around and created an Exact sand statue of Sakura, They made her look even prettier.* There now its perfect.

Sakura: That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me...

Garra: Sakura, I have never felt this way for anyone before....

Sakura:*she walked to him and gave him a hug then looked into his eyes, And Kissed Him as Garra Pulled Sand over them Like it was a cape.*

Sakira: I think I might Love you Garra...

Cupid*me Cupid not any other of those amiture Qupids*: I belive it is about time those magic arrows wore off...Lets hope this doesn't get to ugly *I teleported to Garra and Sakura and Noticed the kissing* I hope They don't Let the magic were off...

Sakura: I don't ever want this moment to end...

Garra: Me either and I think I might-...*Sasuke had found them...There was a small whole in the Dome Garra had created around them, Sasuke Saw them And thought Garra was raping her*

Sasuke: Sukura... Oh know!! Get your hands off her you freak! Phenix Fire ball Jutsu!

Qupid: Ohh no Sasuke......Don't.........

Garaa: *the dome was burnt down and the rest of Garra's creation. Garra and Sakura Fell to the Ground, Garra was holding onto Sakura  but right before they hit the ground Sasuke rushed to Sakura's recue and dashed her away from Garra* What do you think you are doing...?

Sasuke: I am saving Sakura from a Monster........ Now go away..... You are not wanted here...

Sakura: What are you doing!!! Sasuke, Garra and I are.......uhh*she started stumbling around* Sasuke is that you... Ohh Sasuke...Whats going on... Where are we... Did you take me to this place? Ohh your so romantic...

Sasuke: Garra, She doesn't need to Know what happened here, she must Have hit her head on a branch or something when she fell down...Listen Garra Leave her Alone...I meen It! *he helped here out of the forest*

Cupid: The Magic has worn off... Maybe if Sasuke  Never came into the picture then Garra and Sakura still might Be for each other.. But now I relize it was just the Magic...Ohh well this will only seem like a dream to both of them...Wait why is Garra still greaving... He should only remember the could feeling that he felt... what is going on?

Garra: Sakura... I will never forget you, for you have forgotten me...*He Picks up the Head of Sakura's statue's face, and a tear roles down his face and lands on the fragment of the statue.*

Cupid: *Gaspes*  Ohh no... I scred up big time...When The sand defended Garra The Arrow Must not have hit him...

Garra: You were the only one to really Love me...I Love You too...*another tear falls onto the statue*

_______________________________________________________________________________Thats The End of this relationship for now , and of this story.....


Comments (7)

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SasukesGirl01 on November 11, 2007, 3:05:34 AM

SasukesGirl01 on
SasukesGirl01that was good!

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 11, 2007, 3:07:41 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskthanks, I'll be writing that NARAXHINATA One now =D

SasukesGirl01 on November 11, 2007, 3:11:15 AM

SasukesGirl01 on
SasukesGirl01yeah!!!! ♥ i know ill love it!!!!

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on November 11, 2007, 3:12:54 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskYAY! =D

wolf-girl-ghost on April 12, 2007, 10:16:37 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on
wolf-girl-ghostomg this is my fav couple!I luff this fic, i wuv you gaara-kun!

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on April 12, 2007, 10:20:24 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Masklol ^.^ I Hope that meens you like it :) lol thanks

Sasukesgirlfriend on April 11, 2007, 10:41:35 AM

Sasukesgirlfriend on
SasukesgirlfriendNice ^^

VNDcorperation on March 31, 2007, 1:59:38 PM

VNDcorperation on
VNDcorperationDo a NaruHina one!

I've always loved that couple.

AmmyK on March 15, 2007, 6:48:40 AM

AmmyK on LOVED IT!!!! oooh, do one with *thinks to find a random couple* hmmm... oooh, i no! Sasuke and Hinata! ya, ya!!! do that!