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Chapter 12 - Pushed Over the Edge

This is a story I decided to turn it into a manga because it would be so much better as one. I will be putting my character's pictures on my page as soon as possible. But, the story will have to do for now. Please leave comments and be kind.

Chapter 12 - Pushed Over the Edge

Chapter 12 - Pushed Over the Edge
Thirteenth Chapter

I awoke to the sight of an empty drivers seat and bright sun. I looked around the outside of the car and saw Chris walking back to the car. He had his phone in his hand and he was zipping up the front of his pants.
He opened his door and I apparently startled him when I greeted him with a drowsy, Good morning.
Oh, you scared me. I didnt expect you to be awake.
I got up into the front seat again.
Were you calling Smokey?
He nodded his head yes. That and I had to pee. He smiled.
Okay, thanks for the info, I said with sarcasm.
Anytime, he chuckled as he put the car into gear and drove forward and out of the lot.
How far ahead of us are they?
About three hours.
Its going to be a long day.
He said nothing but only nodded in return. And the journey begins.

It had been a dull three hours of driving already and I soon became very bored with the sight of pavement and white and yellow lines. I didnt have slightest idea where we were. All I cared about was making it to Leah in time before I was caught.
What do you plan on telling her? Chris asked in his mysterious tone.
I dont know. I just need her help and support right now.
Are you sure that shell accept you now that youre one of us?
I looked at him in shock. At first I thought it was the stupidest question! But, then I considered how through all our years of being best friends, Leah always detested these people like they were rabid dogs. And now that I was officially one of them she& It made my stomach cramp with uneasiness at the thought of it all. I couldnt say anything in answer to his question.
Lets just hope were not going to her for no good reason.
We soon came to an old wooden bridge. It was held up over a fast moving river held up by tall wooden posts. There were wood guard rails, supposedly to keep you from crashing and falling into the water.
We each took a deep breath and Chris slowly eased onto the bridge.
All was fine until we got halfway across. There was a hard push against the back of the truck and Chris slammed on his breaks. I turned quickly and saw that there was a truck a little bigger than Chris shoving against us.
Unbuckle your seat belt now! Chris yelled over the sound of his screeching tires.
I fumbled with the button and finally released the belt and did the same for Chris, knowing he couldnt react to all of it.
When I looked up, I saw that we were being pushed closer and closer to the edge of the bridge. Chris pushed the break harder, causing even more rubber to burn. I felt the intensity of it all and sweat dripped from under my arms.
Were going to die! Were going to die! the voice in my head screamed.
The nose of our truck pushed through the guard rails and now hung over the fast waters that ate the wooden planks that fell in.
Open your door and get ready to jump!
I cracked open my door like he told me to do, my sweaty palm holding tightly to the door handle.
The truck began to dip down, getting closer and closer to the raging water.
With one last push from the truck behind us we plummeted down.
Jump now! Chris yelled.
I fell and felt the unwelcoming bite of the cold river water. I tried to swim against the current but to no avail.
I screamed over the rushing water for Chris but only heard sloshing and gushing around me.
Ahhh! I sceamed when I was pushed against a boulder in the water, my leg trapped between two sharp rocks. I struggled to set myself free as my fresh blood was being carried down stream.
I made one last cry of pain, then gurgled and let the water take me over.
This is it. This is where I end.

When I felt all hope escape, a hand wrapped around my wedged leg and with ease, pulled it loose. I was then lifted to the surface and gagged and choked at the air meeting my lungs.
Chris? I managed to ask weakly.
Im here. Dont let go.
We soon met solid ground. Chris set me down and ripped the bloodied pant leg. I heard him curse and I lifted my head and saw I had a huge gash on my leg that cut deep into my skin.
I looked over at Chris. His hair was wet and sticking to his face, his eyes burning with wonderment. I could tell he was beginning to panic, but then calmed himself. He pulled his wet shirt off over his head and ripped off a large piece of the black fabric.
I bit my lip in some discomfort as he quickly, neatly, and tightly bandaged my leg.
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone and said with a grin to try and give me some cheer, Thank goodness its waterproof. He opened and called his sister only to tell her that I was hurt and she needed to come pick us up.
I pushed myself up and sat uncomfortably. Chris was taking his torn shirt and wadded it, pondering what to do with it. I couldnt help but stare at him. Without a shirt on he was& No words can explain. This was the second time Id seen him with no shirt on and it still never ceased to amaze me how amazingly hot this guy was.
He stood and walked to the lands edge. He had his back turned towards me, the X tattoo rippling with each movement his shoulders made as he rang his shirt out over the water.
He stopped and turned back to look at me when I spoke. The rings in his ears sparkled from the sunlight, making his face seem to glow.
For what?
What else?
He smiled. You mean for saving you?
I looked away and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to prevent shivering. But, it did no good. It only made my teeth chatter more.
Suddenly, Chris had his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him. I felt his damp skin against my cheek and his warm chest against my cold body. He wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me even closer.
Is that better?
He gently rocked me from side to side and I let out a faint sigh of content.
Good. And& youre welcome. His comment was followed by his soft humming of that song from our first day on the road.
His sweet voice chanted the chorus. Just hold me and tell me itll be alright. Change me and make me new. Clear my mind so I can feel right. Love me and hold me tight. Then he held my fingertips up to his soft lips and concluded with a new line that he added. Oh, I love you and I will hold you tight. He kissed the tips of my fingers and looked into my eyes that held astonishment. Do you love me too?
I didnt answer with words but pressed my lips against his I ran my hands through his black smooth and wet hair. I pulled away and leaned my head against his. His chest moved up and down fast as he tried to catch his breath.
Does that answer your question? I asked as I gazed into his eyes.
The corners of her mouth curled and he chuckled deeply. Then he pushed back my hair and said, Yes. It does. And youve just made me very happy. He pulled into his arms again and kissed me more and held me.


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