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Robo Suicide

Blog Entry: Robo Suicide

Blog Entry: Robo Suicide
Posted by: pixiepumpkin
Posted: August 23, 2010, 12:30:13 PM
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sniffles, looking up at Dib* C-can you fix me..?
<Vee-Ro> nope..... it's probably in the stack of 15 journals....... I'll get to it! SOON!
<Cryssy-miu>Nao please. It'll tell you everything bird wise that happened today. I was an official bird doctor, caring for three
<Cryssy-miu>Crud, DA is being mean again
<Vee-Ro> I want to... I really do, but my computer's battery is in the freezer right now... apparently, it'll help with the not greatness of it. So, it's just with it's powercoard, and it's causing having multiple internet windows open quite a pain, it keeps exiting out on them. But, I will add it to the sticky note on my desktop. Read Fritz's Journal!
<Cryssy-miu>Kay ^^ Your turn
<Vee-Ro>I'm the Dibbers!
<Cryssy-miu>For now XD
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *glancing down at GIR, he bites his lip, before sighing* Uh... GIR I don't really.... *pausing, seeing GIR's desperate look, he sighs again* I'll try.... I guess.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sniffles, crawling into Dib's arms, like he did with zim ,i>so</i> many times*
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *offers GIR a small smile, sitting the robot on the table, looking over the dent, not quite sure what to do*
<Cryssy-miu>DA won't let me access my won't let me go to MY profile, but I can go to everyone elses
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobbing from the pain*
<Vee-Ro>( same....gah, I'm probably just going to work on Photoshop and chat or something..... darn DA. )
<Cryssy-miu>I'm going to take pictures of my toys.
<Cryssy-miu>Darn, my GIR plush isnt' here. I forgot him
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *not glancing up from the floor, mumbling* You have to push the dent out, Dib. But you have to be careful, because there are wires in there that could possible kill him if bent to far the wrong way, or snapped.......
<Vee-Ro>( are you not where you always are?)
<Cryssy-miu>I'm at moms
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sniffling and clutching dib's uniform
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *nodding slowly, sighs heavily, rubbing GIR's arm* Uh.... GIR.... are you sure you want me to do this... I mean..... Zim does know how to fix this.... I might... do something......
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *quietly* I don' care if you do something....
<Cryssy-miu>(OMG, great idea to finally get Zim and GIR back together again. We do something similar to the drugees, maybe, and Zim saves him. I mean, he'd probably burst into tears out of fright and just cling to his master.)
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *biting at his lip* But GIR... I don't want to be the one who might...... c-cause you to.... die......
<Vee-Ro>( YUS!!!! I had fun with that too... )
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: I don' care if I die.........
<Cryssy-miu>(Drugees, or some other scenario we haven't done?)
<Vee-Ro>(what other scenerio could there be? We did the drugees, and the SEN with Nim saving GIR....... hmm.....)
<Cryssy-miu>(Uh.........shark or something? No, I don't want it to be out of disobedience.......hmm....)
<Cryssy-miu>(Uhhhhhhh.....I have no idea. X______X the drugees are dead....and too dark XD)
<Vee-Ro>(..... oh my...... uh... what if GIR wants to go out for a walk, and he asks Dib or Nim if he can, just by himself so he could maybe.... think about things. But he promises them that he wont self destruct, and even disables the button for them to see. He's aloud, and he walks around, ending up in the city where tall buildings are, reaches the top of one and you know... wants to jump. It's not self destructing with the button, so he's not really breaking any rules, and Zim has a bad feeling about them letting GIR go out on his own, so he kinda follows the robot, losing him for a bit while trying to watch him, and finally seeing him ontop of the building and all and sorta maybe has to catch him before GIR hits the ground..........)
<Cryssy-miu>(Love it.)
<Cryssy-miu>(Mostly...... umm... I don't really want it to be a suicide attempt. Or maybe it could be that originally, but he changes his mind, and slips. Zim could question why he was on the building.)
<Vee-Ro>( that works too! It's less serious...... )
<Vee-Ro>(maybe he just wanted a view of the city with all the lights on and stuff)
<Vee-Ro>Dib: ........ but I do GIR..... and so does everybody in this room..... *sighs once more, before biting at his lip, and opening GIR's head, seeing the wires Zim mentioned earlier* I really hope this doesn't hurt... to... much.... *slowly and carefully, attempting to not push against or bend any wires, he starts to push lightly against the inside of the dent*
<Cryssy-miu>(I like the idea of him falling accidentally when he was planning suicide and went back. Imagine the discussion of Zim asking why he was on the building and GIR telling him)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *cries out from the pain*
<Vee-Ro>(oh my.... yes....... I like it. )
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *pulls back quickly, glancing down worridly at GIR* GIR... I... I'm sorry.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobbing softly*
<Vee-Ro>Zim: *sighs heavily, pulling out a little vile from his PAK* Dib-worm.... *getting the human's attention, he tosses it to him* It works like your human anesthetic..... since GIR wont let me near him, you might want to use this, it'll numb the area, but only for a bit........
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *trembling*
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *catches the clear bottle, nodding quickly before turning back to GIR, placing some of the liquid onto the dented area, he taps at it* Can you feel that, GIR?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: No...
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *bites at his lip, reaching back into GIR's head and pushing at the dent, forcing it back out and into place with a loud snap**steps back quickly, still within arms reach of GIR, supporting the robot in case the fix causes dizzyness* Are.... are you okay?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Mhmm..
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *sighs, slowly picking GIR up* Okay.... lets just... get you upstairs I guess.... and.... wrap it up....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *clings to him*
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *heading up the stairs with the robot, he sits him on the couch, getting a bandage wrap from the bathroom, quickly heading back to GIR, starting to wrap it around his head**worried about GIR, and the robot's attempts early at trying to self destruct* Are you... sure you're okay GIR?
<Vee-Ro>( Np.)
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *softly* Health wise..
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *drops the bandage suddenly, giving GIR a tight hug, whispering* GIR, I'm so sorry..... I don't even know what he was thinking..............
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobbing* He hates me...I thought he loved me...he just hates me
<Cryssy-miu>I'm jail breaking my ipod...just not sure how to do it
<Vee-Ro>sweet, i was just about to do that too! my bro Dylan knows how to do it, so..... he'll explain it and do it with me and I'll let you know either tonight or tomorrow! (probably tonight. go onto yahoo if you can, it'll be easier to just type explain it there than just here. )
<Cryssy-miu>I'm on yahoo!! Give me step by step. I can't use itunes by the ay
<Vee-Ro>kay. YAHHOO!
<Vee-Ro>Dib: No GIR....... no.... he doesn't he just........ I don't know...... and I'm not going to vouch for him or anything, but GIR.... he really is sorry...... really.....
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobs* He's done this too many times..
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<Cryssy-miu>You turn
<Vee-Ro>what was the last thing?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sobs* He's done this too many times..
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *bites at his lip* But... that doesn't necessarily mean he'd stop loving you.... I mean... Zim has a pretty short temper....
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<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sob* The things he said...I'd rather he spank me wif the spoon 100 times!
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<Vee-Ro>Dib: *hugging GIR tightly, falling silent he pulls away a little, to go back to wrapping up GIR's head*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *hiccups a sob, sucking his fist*
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<Vee-Ro>Dib: *sighs, finishing wrapping GIR's head, tieing it off, setting the things off to the side**rubs GIR's arm slightly* Do you want to have anything to eat?
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: No..
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<Cryssy-miu>GIR: No..
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *nods slowly, getting up witht the supplies* If you need something, GIR, just... let me know..... *offers a small smile, before heading down the hall to put the bandages away*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Love you.....*needs someone to say it to him*
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<Vee-Ro>HELLO! !@#$ does it work!? XD
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: Love you.....*needs someone to say it to him*
<Vee-Ro>OMG it works!!!!!
<Vee-Ro>!@#$ yeah!
<Vee-Ro>Dib: *to far from the living room to hear GIR's quiet voice to respond, putting things away into the medicine chest*
<Cryssy-miu>GIR: *sniffles, dejected*
** Vee-Rohas left [timed out]
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Hi dAx
Dib: *sighs, heading back into the living room, seeing GIR's dejected look, he sits beside the robot, slowly pulling him into a small hug* I know.... I know it's not the same but..... Talia loves you like a brother, Nim just completely adores you, and I love you too. We care a lot about you GIR.... really.
Victoria Roeske: (okay.... maybe not that long.......... hopefully..... I just don't know where to start with it again. DX lol)
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: But....Master..*sniffle*
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *rubs GIR's arm* I... I can't speak for Zim, GIR. I can't..... Zim's..... *laughs once, humourlessly* almost unpredicatble, and a little loose in the head a bit....... only Zim can talk for... well... Zim..... but..... *bites at his lip, sighing, speaking quietly* but he was.... pretty.... devistated when..... he thought you were dead.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:................I duno why.......
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *figures he knows the answer to GIR's doubts, but knowing that it be better for GIR to hear it from Zim than himself* Well.... that's where Zim has to speak for himself..... and..... that's also when you gotta listen GIR... because I know both you and I and everyone else knows, that......... Zim doesn't ever... open up like that..... ever...... and I know he's kinda uncomfortable and awkward with those kinds of things, but he's gotta do it himself, and you gotta let him.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:..............*quietly* I might...I..I just need to go fer a walk..
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *his eyes shift towards the clock, biting his lip at the late time. Looks back slowly down to GIR* GIR.... I.... it's late... and..... well..... *he doesn't really want to confess that he doesn't quite trust GIR to be alone for a long time without self destructing*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: I'll be okay..
Victoria Roeske: Dib: ........... can... can you promise me one thing then?
Victoria Roeske: (whoa.... major dejavu here...... lol)
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: Sure..
pixar_dreamer16: What?
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *sighing quietly* Can you promise..... not to... use that button.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:...........I prmoise..
Victoria Roeske: (I don't know.... I feel like I've done this before.........)
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *offers GIR a small smile, nodding slightly* Alright..... but...... just don't... be out to late, okay.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIr: Okay, Master..
pixar_dreamer16: OOPS!
pixar_dreamer16: I meant Dib
Victoria Roeske: XD
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *unfolds GIR's dog suit from his lap, handing it to the robot* And... be careful, too.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *slips on the costume*
Victoria Roeske: Dib: *Gives GIR a tight squeeze with the hug, before letting go to give the robot room to leave*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *walks slowly out*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *standing at the doorway from the basement to the upstairs, he glances from the door after it shut from GIR leaving to Dib* .... you just... let him walk out!?
pixar_dreamer16: Dib: He promised not to push the button.......
Victoria Roeske: Zim: Irk.... I can't believe you just let him do that! There's... more danger than just himself out there too! What if the SEN finds him!? Or some other horrible filthy humans!?
pixar_dreamer16: Dib: Look, he needs to be alone..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: .... he could have been alone in his room, or another room, or anywhere in the condo or on it's property! He didn't have to go out for a walk.... *his eyes linger towards the clock* this late at night too! *rubs at his antennae, before looking back at Dib, biting at his lip* You told me once... GIR has the mind of a smeet..... what if he gets hurt..... maybe not from himself, or..... the SEN or something...... what if an accident happens? How will we be able to know he's not more injured out on some Irk forsaken street?
pixar_dreamer16: Dib: Go check on him if you want, but I doubt he'd want to see you..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *dropping his gaze from Dib, glaring down at the floor. Taking his disguise out from his PAK, muttering and turning towards the door* Thanks for cutting a little deeper, human.
pixar_dreamer16: Dib: I'm just telling it liek it is! you should have expected this!
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *shrugs slightly, pulling the door open, pausing for a bit, smiling slightly* Well... at least you don't lie to Zim..... *sighs* Do you.... have any idea where he could have gone?
pixar_dreamer16: Dib: No...but he shouldn't be too far..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *nods, glancing outside* And.... uh... thanks for..... you know.... earlier.... I... uh... kinda heard what you told GIR and.... yeah.... *hurries out the door, not quite waiting long enough to hear Dib replie, stepping down quickly onto the side walk*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *is close to the city now*
Victoria Roeske: (there's a fly on my arm........ ._.)
pixar_dreamer16: ..........*laughs*
Victoria Roeske: (it tickles.... XD oh... just flew away....XD)
pixar_dreamer16: When I was younger, my cousins used to put them in my shirt. THAT tickles
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *running down the street, not wanting to call out and probably cause GIR to walk faster away**trying to spot for any little green shape that would stand out amongst the greys of the city*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *spies a suitably sized building*............
Victoria Roeske: (.... down your shirt!? XD)
pixar_dreamer16: Hehe, in one RP I did, GIR dropped a caterpillar down zim's shirt. He went nuts. XD
pixar_dreamer16: And yes, down my shirt. O______o
Victoria Roeske: (XD Poor Zim. and Poor you... I'd hate to have a fly(s) down my shirt... on my arms and hands is okay cause I can see them but seriously.... XD)
pixar_dreamer16: Oh yeah, having a bug crawl over your bare stomach is like tickles galore XD
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *running around, he glances down a street, just catching a flash of green, skidding to a halt and jumping back behind a nearby building. Peaking around the corner, he spots the green, almost sighing in relief and giving out his position, he watchings curious to what GIR's doing*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *begins climbing the ladder*
Victoria Roeske: (I see the fly on the table..... out of the corner of my eye, it moves so quickly.... XD)
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *watches GIR closely, wonder what exactly the robot's up to and why he's climbing up a ladder**thinking that GIr would be at that for a while, he pulls himself back behind the building and starts to walk a bit, heading around to the back of the alleyway*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *is up at the top of the building*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *pausing to look at the mouth of the alley, he grimaces, not quite intent at going back there. Slowly he heads back towards where he started from, pushing against the building and peering out, not spotting GIR anywhere on the ground or ladder, finally seeing him on the top of the building*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *looks over the edge*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *his eyes widen in shock, muttering to himself* Surely, he's not going to........ *bites at his lip, seeing GIR so close to the edge made him uneasy*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *standing at the edge, contemplating*........
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *gripping the side of the building* Oh Irk... GIR... don't...... *sighing, a little frustrated* Dib said GIR promised not to push the button..... but GIR never promised about... any other ways.... *quickly calculating the distance from the building to the ground, he bites at his lip* That distance.... GIR wouldn't stand a chance.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *teetering a little on the edge, about to jump off. He remembers all dib had said, how they all love him, to hear Zim out*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *catching GIR's teetering, his grip tightens on the building, almost hurting his own fingers as they try to dig into the brick* GIR... step back.... step back......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *steps back at the last second, but his foot slips and he falls, jerked quickly to a hlat. His dog feeties are caught of a wire sticking out, and it's quickly tearing* Augh-!!
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *eyes widen and he pushes himself from the building, racing down the street towards the one GIR is teetering off of**He feels like he's gaining no ground as he spots GIR slowly slipping more forward, and the robot's name falls from his lips* GIR! GIR Hold on!
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *crying and covering his eyes* MASTER - MASTER!!!!!
Victoria Roeske: Zim: Irk.... GIR! I'm coming! Just... hold on! *pushing himself faster, he growls at the streets stupid length, and the building's placement at the far end of it*
pixar_dreamer16: *rip.......riiiiiiiip*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: HELP!!! *bawling* Somebody!!!!
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *watches in horror as GIR slips further and further off the edge, being supported only by a small couple of strands on the leg of his costume*
pixar_dreamer16: *the fabric tears completely, and GIR screams, plummeting down to the earth. He closes his eyes*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: GIR!!! *not caring that he's out in public anymore, he uses his PAK legs to propell him the last few feet, pushing off the sidewalk and jumping forward, just catching GIR before the robot smashed to the ground**tumbling and landing with a roll, he does the best he can to sheild GIR from the impact, landing against a bunch of recycables, causing the pile to fall down upon the two of them*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *is in hysterics, clinging so tightly to zim it hurts, and is crying harder than he ever has before*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *trying to regain his sense of where exactly they landed, and on what, quickly pulls the legs back into the PAK, and hugs GIR tightly, at the same time trying to slightly loosen GIR's hold* Ah... G-GIR..... you're..... squishing.... organs.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *incoherent in his bawling, doesn;t even hear Zim, the cries almost becomming screams as Zim tries to pull away the slightest bit.
pixar_dreamer16: (He's REALLY messed right now. with what happened with zim, the notion he almost killed himself...almost dying, and everything)
Victoria Roeske: (I can't image how GIR's feeling right now.... the poor robot.... I want to hug him tightly!*
pixar_dreamer16: All Zim can do is comfort him for now
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *cringes as GIR's screaming rings in his antennae, ditching the effort to try and pull the robot away. He uses a free hand to push the papers and boxes off of them, and sits up slowly, grimacing a little as a sharp pain runs through his spine.**Forgetting about it quickly, he tries to quiet GIR down before the humans start to get nosey* GIR.... GIR.. it's... it's okay. It's okay, Zim's got you, you're fine and alive, and.... *slowly starts to rock GIR, trying anything to sooth the robot right now*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *doesn't scream anymore. but is still crying harder than he ever has*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *rocking GIR slowly, rubbing the robot's back, waiting out the cries*
pixar_dreamer16: €9
pixar_dreamer16: o€ops..
pixar_dreamer16: (XD, I know this is slightly not Zimmish...but Mala always had a special lullaby she used to sing to Zim when he was liek this)
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *not calming at all*
Victoria Roeske: (lol sure why not, he's desperate. XD)
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *trying to find anyway to comfort GIR, he starts to hum quietly, not quite sure where exactly the melody came from, a little surprised at himself for knowing any song actually, he just continues to hum, pausing sometimes, to remember a tune long forgotten*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *very very slowly starting to calm*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *notices the small change in GIR's crying, continuing to trying to remember this melody, rubbing GIR's back slowly*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *eventually, after about 15 agonizing minutes, loud scraming cries are reduced to quiet sobing*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *sighing, after repeating the melody, and making some parts up, he gets up, holding GIR close, and starts to make his way back down the street, heading slowly back to the condo.* You're going to be okay, GIR..... okay....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *is merely shaking now, hanging on to Zim for dear life*
Victoria Roeske is typing...
Victoria Roeske: Zim: Just try to relax.... calm down.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *trembling like a leaf, a few loud sobs braking out now and then*Bookmark
Zim: *not realizing how far GIR had travelled into the city while tracking the robot, he sees that he's not going to be getting anywhere near the condo for a while, attempting to lamely change the subject, and maybe get a few words out of GIR* Never knew you could.... eh... walks so far.... in a short time....... uh...... *feeling absolutely ridiculous*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *looks up, confused*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: Well... yeah... we're far in the city right now... and it'll probably take a while to get back to the residental place... thing.... and probably a little longer to get back to the condo house......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *blinks, tearfully, not sure where this came from*
pixar_dreamer16: Neither a I..
pixar_dreamer16: am*
Victoria Roeske: (XD)
Victoria Roeske: (don't question it! Just go with it........... XD)
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *swallowing* ...... uh.... I'll... just.... silence myself now...... I guess..... *continues to walk, just holding GIR, and a little glad actually, that the robot hadn't tried to let go, or run off. But remembering why exactly they are the way they are right now, he wasn't surprised to as why GIR didn't run. The robot was probably shaken up pretty bad*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *shaking still, looking around*
pixar_dreamer16: One more response nad bed for me. Gotta get up in liek two hours XD
Victoria Roeske: C oh man... it's.... early there! XD)
Victoria Roeske: .... (lolwhut...... XD)
Victoria Roeske: Zim: Just.. calm down GIR, okay... no more.... *pausing slightly* jumping off buildings for..... ever again.... *shifts GIR a little**quietly* Do you think you could walk for a bit.... Zim's arm is..... really sore.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *clings harder*
pixar_dreamer16: Heading to bed now. love youuu!
Victoria Roeske is typing...
Victoria Roeske: Love you too. talk tomorrow. ^^Bookmark
GIR: *clings harder*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *sighing slightly, he looks down at GIR* GIR... I'm going to be walking right next to you..... I'm not leaving you here...
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *doesn't let go*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *bites at his lip, starting to walk again, picking up his pace slightly, wanting to get home sooner*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *sobbing softly*
pixar_dreamer16: BRB, transfering to my rom
Victoria Roeske: (^^kay)
Victoria Roeske: I has a joke for you.
Victoria Roeske: People say time flies. Well... time flies like an arrow, and fruit flies like a banana.
pixar_dreamer16: .............*giggle*
Victoria Roeske: ^^
pixar_dreamer16: Your turn..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *holding GIR tightly, rubbing the robot's back softly* It's okay GIR.... really.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *sobbing and shaking feebly*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *quietly* ..... GIR.... there's... something I want to ask you.... but.... you really have to calm down......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *forces himself to, looking up at Zim and shaking*
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *sighs, just going to come out with it* What.... what were you doing.... on top of that building anyways?
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:....................I........I....*bites his lip*.........was looking at the lights.
pixar_dreamer16: (Had this not been a suicide attempt and GIR really was stupid enough to go up there to look at something, he'd definitely get a spoon spanking XD)
Victoria Roeske: (XD true)
Victoria Roeske: Zim: ....... *doubtful* Really..... looking at the lights.... so close to the edge like that?
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *stammery* I-I wanted a better view..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: .... and risking falling off.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:.........................................*sighs*........................I was.....plannin' on jumping..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *his step falters, and he stops walking, looking down shocked at GIR* J-jumping? You were going to... to jump!?
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *knowing he can't take it back or get out of it, he simply nods*........
Victoria Roeske: Zim: GIR...... *bites at his lip, shaking his head slightly, starting to walk again, keeping silent. His mind reeling with the fact that GIR tried to commit suicide again.... and not even with his own self destruct button*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: Dib not press the button..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: ........ *quietly, strained* So you were going to jump off a building instead.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:...............*nods* I changed my mind at the last second.....but I slippded..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *feeling relief with the fact that GIR did change his mind from jumping.... still shocked beyond belief he thought to commit suicide in the first place* .......... I still... can't believe you..... wanted to..... jump in the first place...
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *shrugs*...........thought you'd want me to..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *stops walking once more, looking down at GIR* You thought...... I'd... want you to kill yourself? GIR.... no.... GIR... no... no.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:...............Ah'm an unwanted mutt... you said for Nim not ta' bring me back... ah'm stupid and a deffectiv' *chokes on the word*.....So I thought you did..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *looks up and away from GIR, picking up walking again, at a slower pace, shakily rubbing GIR's back* GIR, I..... I...... *not quite sure exactly how to take any of that back... or if he even could*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: But I am jus' a defectiv'.............and unwanted. *quietly* I dunno why you haven't gotten rid of me yet....or pressed my button yerself
Victoria Roeske: Zim: ... GIR... I can't... I can't do that, I couldn't do that.... and... you are... not.... not unwanted.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: ................Prove it. How'm I supposed to know that you saved me cause you wanted to and not just fer everyone else..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: ........... because.... I.... uh... well.... *sighs, hugging GIR a little tighter* I just.... I just didn't... okay... I didn't do it for anybody else......
Victoria Roeske: (sorry for the wait, I had to go and try to get my dog upstairs for bed. XD)
pixar_dreamer16: GIRL I wanna believe you...
pixar_dreamer16: (XD, its kayP)
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *quietly, mumbling, not looking down at GIR* .... and... and you should...... I did it because.... because.... *sighs, not sure exactly how to get everything out.*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *listening*........
Victoria Roeske: Zim: .... because.... desregard what I.... I yelled..... in just pure stupidity...... GIR... you... you mean uh... a lot more.... to me than you could.... possibly understand.......
pixar_dreamer16: (Awwwwwwwwwwww!)
pixar_dreamer16: GIR:............*looks up at him, his expression saying "really?"
Victoria Roeske: Zim: I mean... yeah.. you were still as crazy as you are now *laughs a little* but even way back then... you seemed to stick around out of something else than just programming.... and back then I couldn't see that.... but now I do after of course it's been yelled at me by several different people....... well not only that but Zim just sees it...... and now... I really don't understand how you didn't just up and leave a long time ago.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: Cause I love you..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: Yeah...... and.... and Zim came out after you... because I was.... worried about you... being out that late.... alone..... and when I saw you on that building... leaning over, not knowing that..... you changed your mind... and even if you didn't... I would have caught you anyways, because I.... I could't just let you do that to yourself.... there are to many people who care about you and love you.... *sighs, biting at his lip after a short pause, breathing in slowly* And..... Zim.... l-loves you too.....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *looks at his master*.......*tryign to believe him*....You've done this too many times...
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *blinks slowly, his face expressionless* Zim knows........ I know....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *sniffles* It's so hard..
Victoria Roeske: Zim: .... I'm not expecting you... especially after what happened..... to just... believe me.... like that...... I mean... even as hard as it is for you to just believe..... it probably makes it worse with the fact that Zim doesn't know really how to do this... and it probably sounds fake to you anyways.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *sigh* I don't know......when you did it the first time, it hurt....mostly cause you jus' left me ta' die....but it wasn' this bad
Victoria Roeske: Zim: I came for you though...... if.... I really didn't care.... like you probably believe..... do you really think.... anything... any one of them said..... would get me to go after you? I mean.. if they knew what you were going to do..... they could have kicked Zim out of that condo, but that doesn't mean I would have gone after you.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: R...really?
Victoria Roeske: Zim: .... GIR... if I still stood behind everything I yelled at you in the kitchen... I would not have come after you... or cared that you went out alone so late...... but.... Zim does care.... I do! And I regret everything I said to you..... everything I drilled into your head, everything I said to Nim.... but as much as I regret it... it wont change what I said... or how I said it, what I meant..... nothing..... and I'm.... I'm... s-sorry....
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *gently kisses him on the cheek, much like a child would kiss a father* *smiles*
Victoria Roeske: (eeeeeeee!!!!!!!)
pixar_dreamer16: (I know. :love
Victoria Roeske: Zim: *a small, quiet muffled cry mixes with a sigh, and he finds he can't walk for right now, sinking down instead next to a nearby tree, hugging GIR tightly to his chest* GIR... I'm just... I just..... don't even know how to apologize... p-properly for that..... I don't know if you'd forgive me... if... if..... anybody would really forgive Zim for that....... *pauses, breathing in shakily, loosening his hold on GIR quite a bit, almost to the point of letting go* So... so... you should... should just go back to the condo, it's really easy to get back from here..... Just go back... Zim'll just... stay away... It'll probably be better for everyone if Zim stayed away anyway.......
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: *growls* Don't you say that...*buries into him, nuzzling into his chest and under his chin* It isn' true.
Victoria Roeske: Zim: But all Zim seems to be able to do is make people angry or frustrated or hurt. Zim's no good at the that family unit stuff...... *hugs GIR close, despite his thoughts*
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: We still love matter what
Victoria Roeske: Zim: And... and Zim still loves you lots... not matter what either... not matter what I don't want to see you running of to self destruct..... ever.... *the words slip out of his mouth, almsot feeling natural.... almost...*
pixar_dreamer16: gir€
Victoria Roeske: (urg... I gotta go... get up early to go to the dentist... DX)
pixar_dreamer16: GIR: O-okay..