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Submission quality guidelines & Categories

View News #73

TitleSubmission quality guidelines & Categories
Body&lt;b&gt;Submission quality guidelines.&lt;/b&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;1. Put effort into your work. Don’t submit every little doodle.&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;2. Lined paper drawings will generally NOT be accepted. Draw on unlined paper. For all those who draw in class, stick some unlined paper in your binders. Another option is to trace your art on to a clean sheet of white paper before scanning. If you are skilled with computer graphics you can clean it up in Photoshop or something, but this will work poorly unless you know what you are doing. Read &lt;a href=&#039;;view=findpost&amp;p=19558&#039;&gt;Lasher&#039;s Rant&lt;/a&gt; on lined paper drawings in the forum if you want more on this subject.&lt;/P&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;3. If you are posting official characters and they are not identifiable, you should really practice more before submitting your work.&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;4. Keep the size of the picture to less than about 600 pixels wide. This size allows those who use 800x600 screen size to view them without having to scroll to the side.&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;5. Scan your work well. EccentricSage has written up some guidelines for scanning &lt;a href=&#039;;view=findpost&amp;p=19599&#039;&gt;Here&lt;/a&gt;. If you don’t have a scanner get one or find somebody with one, digital cameras usually a very poor substitute for a scanner, they tend to have serious light level problems (if you can do it well, then that’s fine, but few can). Or learn how to draw on the computer.&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;I was considering purging the &quot;quick sketch&quot; pictures. But I&#039;ve decided not to do so at this time and just leave it up to the artists to voluntarily remove their poor quality work in favor of their better stuff. Why show off stuff that is less than your best work?&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;For anybody who doesn&#039;t like this, there has been a forum topic about this up for almost a week. People have had the opportunity to provide input on this. I got no negative comments about quality rules, so I&#039;m implementing them. You had your chance.&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;b&gt;Categories&lt;/b&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;P&gt;The category cleanup team has been working hard to cleanup the category system for the site. With almost a thousand categories and around 38000 pictures it will take quite some time but they are working hard&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;To support their work, make sure you submit your pictures in the best category available. For example if you have a picture of Kagome, put it under &quot;Anime/Manga &gt; Inu-Yasha &gt; Kagome&quot; not &quot;Anime/Manga &gt; Inu-Yasha&quot; or just Anime/Manga. This will keep the site organized and easy to use and fine what you want.&lt;/P&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;Pictures not submitted under the best category will be rejected. The categories for series change all the time as the cleanup crew does them. Check for the best subcategory when you submit a picture for a series.&lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;b&gt;Other news&lt;/b&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;I don’t know if I will ever get a new chat room up, but Sanoshi has provided a &lt;a href=&#039;;&gt;groupboard paint chat&lt;/a&gt; for the site to use. &lt;/p&gt;<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;There are lots of contests running. This news post is already too long so I won’t list them. If you are interested look in the contests forum&lt;/p&gt;
Date Posted1079871650