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Leon - Torpor

Leon - Torpor

Leon - Torpor by AllisonPO
Leon - Torpor by AllisonPO


I drew this for Atashi in August for her Resident Evil doujinshi...decided I really liked it and asked her if I could upload it. ^_^

So...I really want to play Resident Evil 4, but I can't. =X So I do fanart. Hah.

This is my second ever picture of Leon, my first being one I drew for my obsessed friend back in eight grade. =D

And I know the gun is way off...parallel lines don't agree with me. -_-;;;

Resident Evil © Capcom, I believe...

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Genre » - Macabre (Horror) games » Resident Evil » Resident Evil 4 » Leon Kennedy
Date Submitted
Views 1681
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 3
Comments 19
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken 3 hours, maybe?
Reference Screenshots


Comments (19)

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souledge52 on August 28, 2007, 2:11:52 PM

souledge52 on
souledge52aww men you should try it especially with the handcannon it exists for real!!! S&W Model 500

Ordonian on May 28, 2007, 11:04:12 AM

Ordonian on
OrdonianReally nice job! I love it! So why can't you play resident evil 4?

AllisonPO on May 29, 2007, 8:05:25 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOHeh, thank you! And I can't play it because my parent's won't let me play M-rated games or any of the like (my father's a paster). Kinda' sucks that I can't play some of the best games out there, but hey, once I turn 18...=D

emereldstone on March 12, 2007, 9:01:52 AM

emereldstone on
emereldstoneI love the texture of his hair in this pic. It gives the sneze of movement. I like his expression as well. A great pic all in all.

AllisonPO on March 13, 2007, 7:35:30 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThank you. =D The hair in this pic was actually the easiest thing for me to do, after all those dang belts. @_@

But thank you very much for the comment! ^_^

emereldstone on March 15, 2007, 5:08:23 AM

emereldstone on
emereldstoneYeah. Those belts did look hard. But the finished product is beautiful. Your'e quite welcome.

emereldstone on March 12, 2007, 9:02:22 AM

emereldstone on
emereldstone*sense I typed too fast

Azazel on October 31, 2006, 10:07:17 AM

Azazel on
AzazelParallel lines are the enemy of man kind.
::nod nod::

AllisonPO on October 31, 2006, 12:08:11 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOSurely, yes. =D Seriously...ugh, I hate them. Even in math I hate them. -_-

Azazel on October 31, 2006, 12:12:10 PM

Azazel on
AzazelIf line a is parallel to line b, and line b is parallel to line c, line a is parallel to line c.
::The teacher was teaching this as I was using a ruler, trying to get the lines of frames on an Aeovis page parallel XD::
"I pay attention, Paige! See! ::points at frame lines reciting the rule::

Atashi on October 31, 2006, 8:40:44 AM

Atashi on
ah smecksayneeeeeeees

AllisonPO on October 31, 2006, 12:06:47 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOGet on with it then, I want to see the pretty colored Leon hair that you do. ;_;
And Dante so owns Leon, woman. =D

Azazel on October 31, 2006, 12:13:32 PM

Azazel on
AzazelGood greif, not that again! We'll end up with another black bar @__@

SeaMonkeys on October 30, 2006, 1:15:20 PM

SeaMonkeys on
SeaMonkeysWow, you're getting suprisingly good at drawing guns, girly.
I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a very disturbing thing. =P Oh wells, Anyway leon looks hot. And even though I already seen this one, I thought I should leave a comment considering I haven't left many recently. So yeah, see you later kiddo.


AllisonPO on October 31, 2006, 6:30:17 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOI only draw them all the time, so I better be getting better. >>
And haven't you been leaving comments, though? oO Thanks for it anyway. ^_^

SeaMonkeys on October 31, 2006, 6:49:07 AM

SeaMonkeys on
SeaMonkeysKey word being 'many'

royally_spooky on October 30, 2006, 10:28:12 PM

royally_spooky on
royally_spookywell done!^^ You did so good on all the details! Nice job, keep up the great work!^^

AllisonPO on October 31, 2006, 6:29:13 AM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOThank you! But ugh...those stupid belts of his...>_< Made me wanna' die.

royally_spooky on November 2, 2006, 5:26:12 AM

royally_spooky on
royally_spookylol yeah that's a lot of detail, but you did well^^