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Look at me, I'm a big girl!

Look at me, I'm a big girl!

Look at me, I'm a big girl! by FleurDeLaLune
Look at me, I'm a big girl! by FleurDeLaLune


Finally I finished it! So, I tried to imagine what little Hinaichigo would look like if she were a 16-17 year old human. I think it turned out well, no reference (yay me) and I re-designer Hina's official costume so that it would suit an older girl. I'll post a coloured picture soon. Please, comment, I want to know your opinion))

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Rozen Maiden
Date Submitted
Views 1621
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 5
Comments 26
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken quite a few hours


Comments (26)

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Californiagirl on February 20, 2008, 3:00:18 PM

Californiagirl on
CaliforniagirlSo cute!  I love the hair and the dress!  And yay for you!  No reference!!!!  *smiles*  I'm so happy for you!

FleurDeLaLune on February 20, 2008, 4:26:06 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneYa, thanks girl! I'm glad you like it)) i suppose this picture is one of my best)) Oh, I finally did the pose wholly by myself, that's awesome) The hair and the outfit were my design) Hmmm, I say it's a top and a skirt rater than a dress, but this doesn't matter. And thanks 4 faving) How r u, btw? How's your mom?

FleurDeLaLune on February 14, 2008, 10:39:55 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneArigato gosaimas once again, I love details) I also love your style, you're a wonderful artist, seriously) Especially I like your pic of Chii))) Also like Chobits?

liannacat on February 18, 2008, 6:53:24 PM

liannacat on
liannacatYep I do like Chobits I  watching some episodes yesterday x3 I can't get that opening song out of my head ~ chiiiii =3
and thank you for saying such nice things about my art ( if you where talking to me because if you where  talking to someone else that would be a bit award x3 )

FleurDeLaLune on February 20, 2008, 12:28:27 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneHey)) Well, actually this message was adressed to Arisu, but don't worry, I really think you have the potential in drawing) And your pic of Chii was great!)
BTW, I have the opening song from Chobits, so if you give me your e-mail adress I can send it to you))

KionaKina on February 18, 2008, 10:52:40 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaHer hair is so pretty and I like her clothes, but her face is a little blurred

FleurDeLaLune on February 18, 2008, 5:22:21 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneWow, thanks a lot, glad you like it!)) The hair and the clothes is my original design, so that's it) As for the face, I'm not really good at drawing faces in general, moreover, this picture is small, that's why it looks a little bit blurred. But I'm going to upload an inked version today, hope it looks better there) Oh, thanks for faving!

Infanta on February 17, 2008, 1:26:15 AM

Infanta on
Infantashe is the cute one!rly cute^^
as i've said before,it is one of ur best works in my mind)
hina ichigo is love!^^

FleurDeLaLune on February 17, 2008, 2:55:20 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneYayx, a very positive comment from you, Fa-chan, I'm happy!))) *dances with glee* Yay, Hina-chan forever!) I should draw adult Kanaria someday))
Alrightly, now I'm going to post the inked and coloured version of this pic) waiting for your further comments! ^0^

Infanta on February 17, 2008, 5:25:43 PM

Infanta on
oh,sexy kanaria is more than i can stamd xDDD

FleurDeLaLune on February 18, 2008, 1:32:15 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneYou'll have to)) Oh, I'll have to use ALL my imagination to turn the little baby-cutie into a sexy vamp-woman, but all for the sake of the noble aim of eating Fa-chan's brain)) *mwahaha*

Infanta on February 18, 2008, 3:17:14 PM

Infanta on
Infantahey,what a brilliant idea!but i have to apologize for not having brain at all!it was successfully eaten out by my harem T__T
у меня мысля пошла дальше!что если нарисовать канарию в эдаком эротичном стиле!хDDтам,чулочки,подвязки,
я возьмусь за это!хDDD

FleurDeLaLune on February 18, 2008, 5:20:06 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneSo your harem apart from fulfilling its natural function also eats out your brain? My, I didn't know that)) BTW, is Lelouch (or whatever his name spells) also in your harem? *wink wink*
Не, не смей плагиатить, Кану уже рисую я!)) Правда я не хочу совсем уж извращаться над ребенком, пусть она будет типа этой Хины - повзрослее, с буферами, в желтеньком костюмчике с докольте и чулочками)) Но если ты хочешь превратить ее уж совсем в леди-вамп, флаг вам руки))

Infanta on February 19, 2008, 1:37:15 AM

Infanta on
Infantaда,такая функция тоже есть.иначе не получить место в гареме.
да,лулу тоже там х)

нет,никакой леди-вамп.ЭРОТИКА!!)))

FleurDeLaLune on February 19, 2008, 3:11:20 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneОднако у тебя там жесткие правила, в гареме-то, прям естественный отбор по Дарвину! Лулу? *падает со стула* Обязательно посмотрб Код Гиасс! Кстати, у кого там шуры-муры с Лулу и как зовут ту зеленоволосую девочку?

Оки-доки, пущай будет эротика. Буду ждать-с! Кстати, я хаю нарисовала, поздравь меня))

Infanta on February 19, 2008, 2:56:26 PM

Infanta on
Infantaну да,лул.его так ширли называла)
девушку звали С.с.коротко и ясно.вообще её также называли С2,но и реальное имя тоже имелось.но оно держалось в тайне.знали его только она и лулу х)

ага,выкладывай-)а я пока пойду хину крашенную откомменчу)

FleurDeLaLune on February 20, 2008, 12:32:38 AM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneА кто такое Ширли?
С2 значит? Хорошее имечко. Запомним))

Мерси за крашеную хину, хаю я выложу вместе с остальными, после того как помещу нашу красоту на фанфикшен, а ты, бяка такая, не пишушь мне пишешь мне письмо, не отвечаешь на ньюансы в отрывочке и я из=за этого его поместить не могу, ты читателей задерживаешь! Так что hurry up, ma!

liannacat on February 15, 2008, 11:05:24 PM

liannacat on
liannacataww so cute =3

liannacat on February 15, 2008, 11:07:05 PM

liannacat on
liannacatWTF?! 0_o my message was cut short >_<
lol I'm sorry I wrote lots more that that!

FleurDeLaLune on February 15, 2008, 11:27:05 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneDon't worry about that) Anyway, what else did you write?

liannacat on February 16, 2008, 3:17:20 AM

liannacat on
liannacatI can't really remember now TT_TT I do remember saying something about liking her hair... anyway I really like it ^^

FleurDeLaLune on February 16, 2008, 10:27:17 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneOh, thanks a lot, I also thin such hair style really suits her)

liannacat on February 18, 2008, 5:41:38 AM

liannacat on
liannacatYeah it dose =3 and you drew it all with out a reference. hooray for you! ^^

Arisu on February 14, 2008, 9:11:41 PM

Arisu on
ArisuAwesome job on the folding in the skirt. I really love the outfit and her hair.

FleurDeLaLune on February 14, 2008, 10:15:46 PM

FleurDeLaLune on
FleurDeLaLuneThanks, I tried my best!)) I also like how the skirt turned out) I tried to save Hina's original fashion of hair and make them longer) glad you like it. Please, check out my other pics too!)

Arisu on February 14, 2008, 10:35:19 PM

Arisu on
ArisuI did ^^ I really love your style. This one is my favourite though, cause of all the little details :)