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Cat Man's Profile - Leu Gift

Cat Man's Profile - Leu Gift

Cat Man's Profile - Leu Gift by Lusha
Cat Man's Profile - Leu Gift by Lusha


Boo! Lusha is back but not for long, perhaps.^^; The history behind this art...

Lusha one day is suddenly strucked by a thought! This time of year!! Spring and a few more months 'til school is out and~! Somebody's b-day! But who's.... [/dramatic]

Well, it was Mecha's b-day at the very end of March. And it was Feb. I think, that I started on her present. I didn't know what to draw but I wanted to try something with realism. So, drawing Mecha in realism...failed. Just trying to draw in realism...failed. I was so fustrated that I quite.-_-; Then the day came and I had nothing to give to her, but a five minute comic/card thing.^^;; So, this isn't really a b-day present but a gift to her and more should be coming her way to make it up~!!@@...Karou's b-day is almost up, too.. *faints* and I need to make a gift for A-kun.@@;

Anyway, this 'lil dude is Tulusu the girly cat man!! HAHA! *Tutu-chan takes her money away* He's one of Mecha-chan's OCs. I don't like Tulusu.XD Clay ish ta man, y'allz!!!

As you can see (or can not), I've *tried* to do another style that would make him look more boyish and cute! *Tutu-chan doesn't like cute, right?XD* But he doesn't have hair covering one side of his face...I just felt like doing that. @@; And this may look very simple, but it took me some freakin' hours to get it the way I wanted it to look. >0 Darn you, Tulusu!!! There is some inside jokes in there that anyone not in our B-table circle would know.^^; Oh! I've just recently changed the resolution on my monitor, so my new pictures may end up bigger than my old ones (has looked at old pictures and they look very tiny@@; ).

All I know is that I keep on giving Mecha silver-headed boys for b-day gifts.XD Aren't I a cool mom!X3

Tulusu (c) Leu
Art and Clay's soul (c) Lusha

meds: Tablet, cookies, hours of doom, PhotoShop, Open Canvas, Gackt, W-inds, Luna Sea, and a mother's lurv X3

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Category Comics » - Original Comics » - Characters & Fanart
Date Submitted
Views 1454
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Vote Score 1
Comments 8
Media Unspecified
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Comments (8)

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starry on May 21, 2005, 2:07:45 AM

starry on
starrysmexy o.o;; you did a great job as always sis!

Lusha on May 12, 2005, 8:20:39 AM

Lusha on
LushaJust hang on, May-chan!! School will soon be over and then you shall be FREE!!!!00;

He does look like Inu but he's a neko (like thats a differenceXP).XD Aww! Thanks May-chan! *glomp~!* :3 But no one can steal meh sloppy art skillz.X3

Maylia_Intusha on May 12, 2005, 6:15:10 AM

Maylia_Intusha on
Maylia_IntushaNUUUUUUUUU! -squeeks and glomps you- I MISSED CHU, LUSHA-CHAN!!! -huggles chu to near death- I HATE SCHOOL!! @~@ And teachers...and hockey pucks...oh, the hockey pucks...-is shot-

MEW!!! -squeeks- This is so spirky, Lusha-chan!! *-* He looks like Inu in a way..XP

Chur getting better and better w/ every picture, chu know that? XP -tries to steal your talent and fails miserabely- XD;;

Kerushi on May 10, 2005, 12:32:04 PM

Kerushi on
Kerushi...? I seem not to comment on yours but you've commented on mine a lot! (And gave me the link to the kawaii grovvin' chibi!)
Well anyway, I drew a piccy for you...have a look, ok? ^^

Lusha on May 9, 2005, 7:35:11 AM

Lusha on
LushaAh! Kerushi!!!00 *glompclings* Thank you so much!!XD I haven't comment on most of your new stuff, so what cha talkin' about girl!?!XPXD Ooo! Yay! A gifty-poo?!99 It looks like you're being the nice one here!XD But thank you! *heart~!!*

Kerushi on May 8, 2005, 12:28:16 PM

Kerushi on
KerushiThis is soo beautiful! He's really shmexay! lol
Your art is soo awesome, I wish I could color like that...
And thank you for being such a great friend! You've commented so much on meh pics, it makes me feel so loved :3
I want to make a giftie for you... n.n
Have a look at my pics near the end of the week and I should have a piccie for ya..

ThanX for being so darned nice!

Lusha on May 8, 2005, 8:27:06 AM

Lusha on
LushaYes, he is a gorgeous girly-man, but his soul and body is owned by Leu.-,- No one can have one unless its Will. *shifty eyes* He seems to be obsessed with him and vise versa. Poor Mecha daughter of mine!!!Y^Y Darn you, Tulusu~!!!>3 We all should gang up on him and put him in a yaoi and put his hair up in pigtails and bla bla bla~!!

Anyway, I'll give you a pretty boy for your b-day, Karou. No worries.^^

BespectacledChicken on May 8, 2005, 7:26:33 AM

BespectacledChicken on
BespectacledChicken*dies* Ohhh... Lusha, he is so pretty! Gorgeuos! Beautiful! I want one of my own, Im totally in wuv with him! Hes so cool! Darn you Tulusu for being so awesome... ;.; This is so cool, though, seriously...