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Yellow Beauty Burns Gold

Yellow Beauty Burns Gold

Yellow Beauty Burns Gold by MadamePenguin
Yellow Beauty Burns Gold by MadamePenguin


Based on Barbara voice actress from RoosterTeeth (youtube).

Character speculation on the upcoming character for RWBY inspired by Yellow. Character name is not known but will be announced June 1st at A-Kon. This is totally of my fan design and is NOT the character herself. 

Marker, Sharpie, and White-Out on a 22 in x 28 in posterboard

Hey did you know that the trailer is out now, and my character design was way off? Well you're in luck! Click on the link to the youtube channel video! Now remember, you need to make it HD because it's totally worth it and OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO SHE'S HAWT

Happy watching! (also sorry FAC but when I edited this it would let me scroll down to "Real People" again to categorize this correctly)

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female » Young Adult (19-29)
Date Submitted
Views 11893
Favorites... 13
Vote Score 8
Comments 9
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken 12 hours
Reference Barbara and Yellow silhouette


Comments (9)

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ritafoster on September 17, 2024, 9:56:58 AM

ritafoster on
ritafosterYellow Beauty Burns Gold by MadamePenguin is good, and I saw people are looking for the best solutions. When I got the local roof restoration I saw people can get more solutions with the best results. You are good to have it for us and can provide us with the right ideas.

fushi20 on December 19, 2023, 7:59:18 PM

fushi20 on
fushi20That's so beautiful. It makes me surprised. papa's pizzeria

Dream_Fire on May 23, 2013, 9:38:32 PM

Dream_Fire on
Dream_Fireoh wow! this is very detailed! i really love her eyes and hair and...every thing shines! thier is alot to look at on this piece!

MadamePenguin on May 23, 2013, 11:14:56 PM

MadamePenguin on
MadamePenguinThank you~ I was hoping that it would go for "shine" since yellow is supposed to burn gold which then made me think shiny and the outline of the character looks like it has armor so I was like MORE SHINY. Hope it doesn't look so detailed that it's overwhelming htough 

Falconlobo on May 19, 2013, 9:02:44 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobolove the eye colors^

MadamePenguin on May 19, 2013, 6:10:58 PM

MadamePenguin on
MadamePenguinthank you <3 used rose art markers to color and shade them

Falconlobo on May 20, 2013, 1:25:09 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboyou're welcome^^

luckylace222 on May 15, 2013, 9:18:45 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222That is a giant posterboard! Well, you certainly have the traditional cell-shading look with choice of super detail somewhere else down! Who says we need expensive markers/colors to make this quality of work?

To be honest, having a tank-character for Yellow would really work! I just hope she will not be super feminine. I want her to be really really bad-@$$- like red. ...But more anti-social like. Cloud? Like Lightning...Oh god...

ANyways! I must say that I like her shiny gauntlet the most and the incredible detail of her shining armor (you are getting better at the shines; I forgot, do you use white out or gel pen?). And the haiiiiirrrr. HOw did you blend the green and blue to look so nice in the background? 12 hours?! Half a day! Should you not be sleeping and eating and watching porn instead!

You are really leaving me behind; hahaha, as if! I am drawing a giant No. 6 picture with watercolor at Gabby's house (if they will just LET me into the house to get my art supplies)!

MadamePenguin on May 19, 2013, 6:15:22 PM

MadamePenguin on
MadamePenguinI'm so totally done with expensive markers, but sharpies are really expensive now as well. They don't last as long as I would hope. I used the white out pen for most of the shines in this piece.

I want Yellow to have like super armor, but I have a feeling that she or Weiss will most likely be the group leader.

As for the background, I started with a light blue-green (more blue) color and then layered yellow on top of the edges of the blue and colored out. To get the thorns, I used a dark green and outlined some of them with the white out. The reason I spent a full 12 hours straight doing it is because she was doing a live video interview with my friends and I was invited to watch so I wanted to show Barbara what I drew for her.