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Powerpuff people

Powerpuff people

Powerpuff people by Sesshoumaru_Dbz5
Powerpuff people by Sesshoumaru_Dbz5


Here are some of my favorite anime characters as Powerpuff girls. I was watching the Powerpuff girls marathon, when I deicided to draw a powerpuff vegeta. and i continued from there ^_^<br />
Oh, by the way, if by chance you can't tell who they are, they are Vegeta, Inuyasha, Hiei, Miroku, Naraku, and Sesshomaru.

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Category Anime/Manga » - Crossovers
Date Submitted
Views 3517
Favorites... 29
Vote Score 0
Comments 29
Media Unspecified
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Comments (29)

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animefan204 on March 11, 2006, 8:22:35 AM

animefan204 on
animefan204I love the way you drew InuYasha, Miroku, and Sesshomaru. Their way cool!!! Can you draw Kagome, Sango, Kanna, and Rin like that too?!

KagomeXKoga4ever on November 23, 2005, 1:22:52 PM

KagomeXKoga4ever on
KagomeXKoga4everAwwwwwwwwww,*says in baby talk* look at the cute little Inuyasha! Oh yeah,cool pics and adding to faves

Atems_Little_Girl on November 10, 2005, 11:12:25 AM

Atems_Little_Girl on
Atems_Little_GirlI like Inu-Yasha and Sessy

GojakInucrawler on October 22, 2005, 8:22:28 PM

GojakInucrawler on

I want to pet them!! (*pat* *pat*)

Nice! =^_^=

weirds_artist on July 28, 2005, 6:59:03 AM

weirds_artist on
weirds_artistBOYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ITS SO FUNNY! VEGETA LOOKS SO CUTE ITS UNBELIEVABLE!!! i dont watch inuyasha, but it seems a good anime, and i like looking at the pics cause i no about the characters, there all so funny!! this is cool! :D

punkrocker on July 17, 2005, 7:51:12 AM

punkrocker on
punkrockerCool pic+_+

Nightingale628 on May 3, 2005, 11:53:58 AM

Nightingale628 on
Nightingale628No one can risist the powerpuff-ness!
+fav now!!

cool_rushi9 on March 4, 2005, 4:18:14 PM

cool_rushi9 on
cool_rushi9hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......hahahahahaha....hahahaha...haha..ha! Bwuhahahahahah! that is just hilarious! favs.

Sesshomaru1111 on March 4, 2005, 12:56:50 PM

Sesshomaru1111 on

halfdragon on September 5, 2004, 6:18:20 AM

halfdragon on
halfdragonLMAO! *grabs Sesshoamru* MY CHIBI!<br />

orange_head on July 24, 2004, 3:31:20 PM

orange_head on
orange_headThat's awsome!!!!!!!!!

animechibi on July 9, 2004, 9:26:03 PM

animechibi on
animechibiI'd have to agree. Naraku does look a bit cute. Did that just come out of my mouth! Oh well. *nervous look* MAN, EVERYONE ELSE TOOK WHAT I WAS ABOUT TO SAY!! Fine then I'll repeat. Miroku does look suspicious, Hiei's the coolest(not to mention the cutest)Inuyasha does look like he's about to cut Veggie's hair. WAIT, MAYBE THAT'S WHY VEGETA'S HAIR IS SHORTER IN GT! Anyways,I really like the color you used on Hiei's eyes. Their really pretty. *get lost in eyes* Oh ya, I want something.*rips Hiei powerpuff of page and runs away giggling like a freak* Hold the phone, I forgot Sesshie! Darn it! Huh *takes real close look at Hiei* YOU FORGOT THE HEADBAND! I CAN'T BEILIVE YOU! THE HEADBAND IS WHAT MAKES HIEI, HIEI!YOU CAN'T DO THAT!*sirens wailing* <br />
Police: Put your hands up. You under aresst for stealing unbeilivalby cute chibis. <br />
Me:Not again

yuyuyasha33 on July 6, 2004, 11:13:32 PM

yuyuyasha33 on
yuyuyasha33xD Ah, I just burst out laughing when I looked at this...xD PPG Naraku is actually kinda cute...You drew IY and Veggie close together, so it looks like Inu is trying to cut Veggie's hair with Tetsuaiga...and somehow, Miroku looks like a whack-job...xDDDDDDD LOL!

TheRealSugarBaby on July 6, 2004, 8:17:24 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyawwww so cute >.< i love it

TheRealSugarBaby on July 6, 2004, 8:16:58 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyawwww so cute >.< i love it

hikaru on June 26, 2004, 4:54:23 PM

hikaru on
hikaruLol! Kawaii drawing!!! Keep up the great work!!! ^^

animekitty13 on June 16, 2004, 5:33:14 AM

animekitty13 on
animekitty13Miroku looks a lil' high. Plus this is a good pic!<br />

Mouse-chan on June 8, 2004, 4:49:19 AM

Mouse-chan on
Mouse-chanWah! Adorable, and drawn well too! I like this!

Ryokitty on June 3, 2004, 5:00:43 AM

Ryokitty on
RyokittyXDDDD!!! THAT'S SO MESSED UP!!..BUT FUNNY! Most of them look angry..I wonder why. XD Hiei looks the cooooollleeesssttt.

AnimeDarin on May 27, 2004, 7:25:13 AM

AnimeDarin on

kool_kirby on May 26, 2004, 12:22:09 PM

kool_kirby on
kool_kirbyMan! That's so cute! I think that Inuyasha, Vegeta, and Hiei r da cutest ones there!

kizz on May 13, 2004, 12:40:42 PM

kizz on

Yume_innocent_child on May 3, 2004, 11:38:01 AM

Yume_innocent_child on
Yume_innocent_childLOL ~laughs~ i love this picture it so cute ~adds to favorite~ mehehehehe

Kiyiya on April 19, 2004, 1:54:34 PM

Kiyiya on
KiyiyaOMG, I LOVE IT! Me like Sessy the best! ^^

CatWhoHas14Tails on April 18, 2004, 7:56:29 AM

CatWhoHas14Tails on
CatWhoHas14Tails*dies of laughter*

blood_and_death on April 18, 2004, 12:26:33 AM

blood_and_death on
blood_and_deathOMG!!! *huggles hiei power puff*

hieisstrawberry on April 17, 2004, 4:57:11 PM

hieisstrawberry on
hieisstrawberrylol, that is sooo adorable! *steals naraku ppg*heehee

DreamOfFire on April 17, 2004, 3:50:22 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFirelol,faves!*steals INuyasha,Hiei,Miroku and Fluffy*<br />

LaiYang on April 17, 2004, 1:13:23 PM

LaiYang on
LaiYangawwwwwww! soo kewwwwwwwwt! very very kewwwt!