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Forbidden love

Forbidden love

Forbidden love by _ren_tao_fan_
Forbidden love by _ren_tao_fan_


He walks the lands, his tears frozen in the cold pain of loss. No more shall he cry, no more shall he feel the happiness taken from him by this world he called home. His blood runs cold. His eyes tell a cold frozen blue, no emotion shown, only a blank stare at his victim. Ohh but who is this being I speak of? It starts long ago. He was born of an angel and a demon. Heather Cooper. And his father Abel Cooper. The two adult immortals were happy when their new baby boy was free forom inside his mother's womb. "We shall name him after his best feature. His fangs are as sharp as razors. Thus his name is now Fang." This day thousands of years ago the baby known as Fang took his first steps into the world. Many years later when he was but a child of 14 his parents hated each other. Abel leaving the mother. Her despair consuming her. The boy seeing his mothers tears always from his son love would comfort her. After months of the comforting his love for her began to grow into something more, as did her love for him. After a few years when the boy was 18 he confronted his mother about his love in her. With flowing tears she hugged him saying the same. Fang thought to himself "It's incestreal love but...she makes me so happy...and I make her happy." The two hugged each other for minutes. Then shared Fang's first kiss right there on the couch, both in the happiest state they had been in years. The love went as far as them mating...and concieving a baby girl...they both agreed on a silly name for her silly personality...Dazzle... they both raised the girl for years in happiness. But this bliss would soon break...when Fang had lost control of his demonic powers within himself...and brutally killed his mother in his uncontrollable form. After he recoverd his sanity...on his knees his fangs and claws covered in his mother's blood..his cold tears falling onto her body..he spoke no words, but on the inside his heart was broken into an unreparable state. From his crystal blue eyes they dulled in color and he stood up and buried her himself, blaming himself for her death. He raised his daughter, but once she reached an age of taking care of herself he left, his heart hardened, locked away in a coffin of cold, unbearable pain. Mortals can feel his cold it is if he bleeds...for his blood is as cold as arctic waters....The lonely broken Fox roams the world now....killing all of those who claim happiness....

Story written by super_sonic2000. Heather and Fang belong to him.

If you disapprove, please keep your comments to yourself.

General Info

General Info

Category Furry » Anthro art » Canine (Dogs) » Foxes (Vulpine)
Date Submitted
Views 1337
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 4
Comments 21
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 20 minutes


Comments (21)

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lashanta22 on December 5, 2009, 3:15:01 PM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22such a sad story!!! i really loved it though your good at writing.
the pic is very sweet and i just could not help but look at it when i saw the title hehe

_ren_tao_fan_ on December 6, 2009, 2:45:23 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_Who can resist something that's forbidden LOL. X3
I didn't write the story. He did.

lashanta22 on December 6, 2009, 6:26:34 AM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22we love the forbidden things in life!!!
ohh ok well the story is still good

_ren_tao_fan_ on December 6, 2009, 11:07:52 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_Yes we do. X3 I'm always more tempted to read the books/press the buttons/open the doors that say DO NOT READ/PRESS/ENTER on them ^^

lashanta22 on December 7, 2009, 3:28:03 AM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22lol me too!!! i know i shouldnt but i just cant help it!!!
its like being a little kid lol

_ren_tao_fan_ on December 7, 2009, 4:11:36 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_I know!! :D That's okay though, I rather enjoy being childish ^^

lashanta22 on December 8, 2009, 5:03:21 AM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22i dont wanna grow up im a toysrus...kid!!!!

_ren_tao_fan_ on December 8, 2009, 5:27:06 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_LOL X3

lashanta22 on December 9, 2009, 3:24:00 AM

lashanta22 on

_ren_tao_fan_ on December 9, 2009, 3:45:22 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on

JonathanX2O on November 10, 2009, 2:18:14 PM

JonathanX2O on
Comment Deleted

_ren_tao_fan_ on November 10, 2009, 2:20:07 PM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_I'm glad you like it but I can't take credit for the story. ^^ super_sonic2000 wrote it.
You like the ears? Thank you. =3

JonathanX2O on November 10, 2009, 2:26:42 PM

JonathanX2O on
Comment Deleted

_ren_tao_fan_ on November 10, 2009, 2:27:31 PM

_ren_tao_fan_ on

Falconlobo on November 1, 2009, 9:46:01 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobocute nice poses^^

_ren_tao_fan_ on November 1, 2009, 11:05:55 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_Thanks =3

Falconlobo on November 1, 2009, 11:14:15 AM

Falconlobo on

super_sonic2000 on October 27, 2009, 8:47:57 AM

super_sonic2000 on
super_sonic2000......uh...umm....uhhhhhhh.....UMMMMMM...*majorly blushes takes pic and cuddles with it* MYNE!

_ren_tao_fan_ on October 27, 2009, 9:12:45 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_Welly well well, then, I'm glad you like it. X3

Jackismyman on October 27, 2009, 8:47:18 AM

Jackismyman on
Jackismymanooooh NICE!!!! epic story, though a bit akward, i like it anyway. first comment dance.