DUDE! I TINK I'VE SOLVED KH2!!!!!!! (read my theor
DUDE! I TINK I'VE SOLVED KH2!!!!!!! (read my theor
DUDE! I TINK I'VE SOLVED KH2!!!!!!! (read my theor by blind_stranger


4:52pm Mountain-time
11:15am Dec 22, 2005 Az-standard time
(my brother reminded me that all the MT people are on daylight savings time right now, and that WE'RE actually on Az-standard time because we're NOT. So, if I were in Mounatin-time, then at 4:22, KH2 would've already been out for a whole whappin' 22 minutes! Unless.....the Japanese do dailight-savings time too.....In which case.....I am confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(I'm assuming you've read the theory on the pic just before this, and Ansem Report 15 in my fics)
Sooooo.... a Heart has two halves; truns out, they are Dreams & Memories.
The heartless are not really lost hearts----- when a heart is "taken", it's halves are merely separated.
The two seperat halves become the two types of heartless: Heartless (the black type), and Endless (the white type). The Heartless stay in the dimension, where Ansem and Sora are, and the Endless dissappear off to the World In-Between. (hang on toy your hat, because this is where it gets complicated) 0_o
Point 9 ofthe 13-points graph says "The world in-between = A forgotten world". Well, it's a trick. The apparent "forgotten world" is NOT merely /a world that has been "forgotten"/, but the palce where lost memories actually GO! ("the forgotten world" actually means "the world OF the forgotten") Twilight Town seems to be a twilight world, a world in-between.... Convinient isn't it, that Twilight Town's where we find the Endless; the lost Memories halves of peoples' hearts? ',:-j
And back to the 13-Points... Ansem never know about the white heartless. I think the white heartless are /arteficial/ Memories-halves (because they have an insignia) that were created as a byproduct of Ansem's experiments with his Heartless-making machine. But, because the machine created hearts who's halves were already separated, the Memories-halves vanished before Ansem ever knew they were there. (thus he thought it ONLY created Heartless. Also, note that Ansem had his machine up-and-running looong before he'd ever figured out that there were four other dimensions: light, dark, between, & preasent)
AH! An epiphany! Ok, back to the chart here: There are two /types/ of dreams: Good Dreams, and Nightmares; those influenced by goodness and light, and those influence by evil and darkness. There ARE INDEED four worlds, but two of them are actually just sub-devisions of the same world! The worlds of Light and Darkness are actually the two sides of the unified World of Dreams, with each side stuggling to controle it! (obviously, Light winning is supposed to be a good thing; Darkness, a /bad/ thing)
The "World In-Between" is the "World of the Forgotten", as I just explained a moment ago. So, now we have the world of Dreams, where the Heartless go; and the world of Memories, where the Endless go, BOTH accounted for by Ansem's theory. And the only world left, the Preasent World, must be where all the Nobody-shells go!
That would make sence, because if Dreams are equivilent to "future" and Memories are equivilant to "past", and the Unknowns who are shells have neither (because they have no hearts), then they must be trapped in the /preasent/! THE PREASENT WORLD!!!! :D
*grins very satisfyed* ^________^
And now, back to the 13-points!
The Endless are the "creation born of ignorance" because Ansem didn;t know his machine had created them, and at that time, he'd been NOTHING LESS THAN "ignorant" of the the four worlds! :P
*grins verrrrrrrry satisfyed* ^___________________^
Sidenote: I've been calling these white heartless "Endless" a LOT lately, and I'm sure you're wondering, where did I get such a name? Well, I got it strait off the 13-points graph. There are three connected points on there, each with a word in ALL CAPS. The three words are NOBODY, ENDLESS, HEARTLESS. We know what the HEARTLESS are. The "Unknowns" as we call them, are always complaing about "being 'Nobody'", so they're the NOBODIES. So the only mistery left is the White Heartless! Thus, they must be ENDLESS. ~_~b
(tis just 'process of elimination')
....Dude... *puts on shades* B-)
10:36am Dec 24, 2005
Sooooo--- KH2's been out a couple days now, soooooo--- to anybody who might've played it, can you tell me if I'm right or wrong yet? (my mom corrected me, the rest of the world is NOT on daylight-savings-time; they only do that during the summer and fall, and this is winter, so KH2 REALLY DID come out at 5:00pm here! :P *glares daggers @ lil bro* >_>)
I'm trying to find the origional document when I actually FIGURED OUT it was Dreams x Memories... but it's on a different computer that I really haven't had much time with lately... *glares @ more ppl*
Unlike most de la theorists, I make theories up just cuz I feel like being weird! B-3 One day I was in the mood for being REALLY weird, and decided I was going to figure out the whole "Anatomy of the Heart" as t'were in the Kingdom Hearts world....just 4 da heckovit!
An' it WAS just4daheckovit right up until a little over a month ago when I finally realized what "the world of the forgotten" really was (right in the middle of an English quiz at school, most randomly 0_o My teacher really likes to read my theories, even though she's NEVER playd KH, and so I actually /told/ her right then that I'd just solved a mystery I'd been working on FOR ALMOST A YEAR and that I was one EXTREAMLY distracted person at the moment----she congradulated me, and told me to at least TRY to keep working......which I soon found to be very hard indeed. X3 )
I remember that the logic I followed to figure out that "dreams" were somehow involved was all weird and tricky, (because I had not yet known of the existance of KH Mobile), so I kinda glossed over it in the document. (I was telling all my guild buddies on neopets about my theory for it is a kh guild and we are all avid kh fans B-) ) AS SOON AS I CAN FIND IT (which I promise you will be VERY soon... I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!) I will post it on my "Heart=Dreams/Memories Theory" fanfic. I'll ask my guild buddies if it's ok with them if I include their repplies too, because they're really important. (you'll see why once it's posted) ;-D
April 20, 2006, 5:56pm
*sighs heavilly*
Ok... so I was wrong after all. *shrugs*
...But, you know what? I really like my theory /better/! 0_o
But, even though, I think the writters who worked on KH2 made reeeeaaally good use of the theory they had...
So it's offical: I wanna work for SQUARE when I grow up! =D
11:15am Dec 22, 2005 Az-standard time
(my brother reminded me that all the MT people are on daylight savings time right now, and that WE'RE actually on Az-standard time because we're NOT. So, if I were in Mounatin-time, then at 4:22, KH2 would've already been out for a whole whappin' 22 minutes! Unless.....the Japanese do dailight-savings time too.....In which case.....I am confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(I'm assuming you've read the theory on the pic just before this, and Ansem Report 15 in my fics)
Sooooo.... a Heart has two halves; truns out, they are Dreams & Memories.
The heartless are not really lost hearts----- when a heart is "taken", it's halves are merely separated.
The two seperat halves become the two types of heartless: Heartless (the black type), and Endless (the white type). The Heartless stay in the dimension, where Ansem and Sora are, and the Endless dissappear off to the World In-Between. (hang on toy your hat, because this is where it gets complicated) 0_o
Point 9 ofthe 13-points graph says "The world in-between = A forgotten world". Well, it's a trick. The apparent "forgotten world" is NOT merely /a world that has been "forgotten"/, but the palce where lost memories actually GO! ("the forgotten world" actually means "the world OF the forgotten") Twilight Town seems to be a twilight world, a world in-between.... Convinient isn't it, that Twilight Town's where we find the Endless; the lost Memories halves of peoples' hearts? ',:-j
And back to the 13-Points... Ansem never know about the white heartless. I think the white heartless are /arteficial/ Memories-halves (because they have an insignia) that were created as a byproduct of Ansem's experiments with his Heartless-making machine. But, because the machine created hearts who's halves were already separated, the Memories-halves vanished before Ansem ever knew they were there. (thus he thought it ONLY created Heartless. Also, note that Ansem had his machine up-and-running looong before he'd ever figured out that there were four other dimensions: light, dark, between, & preasent)
AH! An epiphany! Ok, back to the chart here: There are two /types/ of dreams: Good Dreams, and Nightmares; those influenced by goodness and light, and those influence by evil and darkness. There ARE INDEED four worlds, but two of them are actually just sub-devisions of the same world! The worlds of Light and Darkness are actually the two sides of the unified World of Dreams, with each side stuggling to controle it! (obviously, Light winning is supposed to be a good thing; Darkness, a /bad/ thing)
The "World In-Between" is the "World of the Forgotten", as I just explained a moment ago. So, now we have the world of Dreams, where the Heartless go; and the world of Memories, where the Endless go, BOTH accounted for by Ansem's theory. And the only world left, the Preasent World, must be where all the Nobody-shells go!
That would make sence, because if Dreams are equivilent to "future" and Memories are equivilant to "past", and the Unknowns who are shells have neither (because they have no hearts), then they must be trapped in the /preasent/! THE PREASENT WORLD!!!! :D
*grins very satisfyed* ^________^
And now, back to the 13-points!
The Endless are the "creation born of ignorance" because Ansem didn;t know his machine had created them, and at that time, he'd been NOTHING LESS THAN "ignorant" of the the four worlds! :P
*grins verrrrrrrry satisfyed* ^___________________^
Sidenote: I've been calling these white heartless "Endless" a LOT lately, and I'm sure you're wondering, where did I get such a name? Well, I got it strait off the 13-points graph. There are three connected points on there, each with a word in ALL CAPS. The three words are NOBODY, ENDLESS, HEARTLESS. We know what the HEARTLESS are. The "Unknowns" as we call them, are always complaing about "being 'Nobody'", so they're the NOBODIES. So the only mistery left is the White Heartless! Thus, they must be ENDLESS. ~_~b
(tis just 'process of elimination')
....Dude... *puts on shades* B-)
10:36am Dec 24, 2005
Sooooo--- KH2's been out a couple days now, soooooo--- to anybody who might've played it, can you tell me if I'm right or wrong yet? (my mom corrected me, the rest of the world is NOT on daylight-savings-time; they only do that during the summer and fall, and this is winter, so KH2 REALLY DID come out at 5:00pm here! :P *glares daggers @ lil bro* >_>)
I'm trying to find the origional document when I actually FIGURED OUT it was Dreams x Memories... but it's on a different computer that I really haven't had much time with lately... *glares @ more ppl*
Unlike most de la theorists, I make theories up just cuz I feel like being weird! B-3 One day I was in the mood for being REALLY weird, and decided I was going to figure out the whole "Anatomy of the Heart" as t'were in the Kingdom Hearts world....just 4 da heckovit!
An' it WAS just4daheckovit right up until a little over a month ago when I finally realized what "the world of the forgotten" really was (right in the middle of an English quiz at school, most randomly 0_o My teacher really likes to read my theories, even though she's NEVER playd KH, and so I actually /told/ her right then that I'd just solved a mystery I'd been working on FOR ALMOST A YEAR and that I was one EXTREAMLY distracted person at the moment----she congradulated me, and told me to at least TRY to keep working......which I soon found to be very hard indeed. X3 )
I remember that the logic I followed to figure out that "dreams" were somehow involved was all weird and tricky, (because I had not yet known of the existance of KH Mobile), so I kinda glossed over it in the document. (I was telling all my guild buddies on neopets about my theory for it is a kh guild and we are all avid kh fans B-) ) AS SOON AS I CAN FIND IT (which I promise you will be VERY soon... I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!) I will post it on my "Heart=Dreams/Memories Theory" fanfic. I'll ask my guild buddies if it's ok with them if I include their repplies too, because they're really important. (you'll see why once it's posted) ;-D
April 20, 2006, 5:56pm
*sighs heavilly*
Ok... so I was wrong after all. *shrugs*
...But, you know what? I really like my theory /better/! 0_o
But, even though, I think the writters who worked on KH2 made reeeeaaally good use of the theory they had...
So it's offical: I wanna work for SQUARE when I grow up! =D
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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II
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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II
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blind_stranger on April 25, 2006, 10:53:25 AM
Whisper_The_Mercury_Panther on April 25, 2006, 5:18:49 AM
blind_stranger on April 20, 2006, 11:14:24 AM
Whisper_The_Mercury_Panther on April 20, 2006, 10:32:08 AM
iloveanime on April 20, 2006, 4:01:39 AM
iloveanime on
Blitz_Jade_Hawk on April 16, 2006, 8:44:44 AM
Kajuro_the_ultimate on February 28, 2006, 9:26:08 AM
Khgeek on January 7, 2006, 11:07:58 PM
Khgeek on
I /still/ don't understand what you ment, but I'll take your word for it. :-)
I apreciate your comments. ...And I'm kinna surprised you came back! 0_o
Thanks for all the comments, everybody!!!!! =D