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it hurts so bad

it hurts so bad

it hurts so bad by sexxygirl93
it hurts so bad by sexxygirl93


it hurts so bad
just to think of you now
and it hurts so bad
to hear your voice
it hurts so bad
knowing your so far
it hurts so bad
when i dream of you
yes it all hurts so bad
but what hurts the most
is that i may never see you again
it hurts so bad
i want the pain to stop
to stop right now
to stop when i think of you
i want it to stop when
i dream of your face,your kiss,your inbrace
i hate this pain
the pain of not knowing
it hurts so bad
and i wonder everyday
should i end it now.......

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Writing » Poetry
Date Submitted
Views 1933
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 11
Media MS Paint
Time Taken i dont care
Reference none


Comments (11)

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Blackwolfmoon on October 16, 2007, 10:27:08 AM

Blackwolfmoon on
Blackwolfmoonaww great poem *hugs* i know how you feel me and my boyfriend broke up when he moved to washington, it still hurts, and i emo as well =/... is dat you?

joey10 on September 19, 2008, 5:37:14 AM

joey10 on
joey10just t say, emos do not cut em selfs, hate life ect, if you think that, learn again

sexxygirl93 on October 16, 2007, 10:35:25 AM

sexxygirl93 on
sexxygirl93kinda its one of my characters from a story im workin on but she supposed to be based on me <im gonna post the 1st chap soon so look out for it>

ARCHERcat on October 14, 2007, 11:53:12 AM

ARCHERcat on
ARCHERcatAw...I like this pic
Hope youre OK!!

sexxygirl93 on October 14, 2007, 11:56:26 AM

sexxygirl93 on
sexxygirl93thankies im glad u like it....

ARCHERcat on October 14, 2007, 11:58:15 AM

ARCHERcat on
ARCHERcatYoure welcome =D
We emos have these kinds of days a lot huh?
Well maybe not you but I do... TT^TT

sexxygirl93 on October 14, 2007, 12:06:41 PM

sexxygirl93 on
sexxygirl93yea i always hav them expecially since my boifriend moved away =(

ARCHERcat on October 14, 2007, 12:07:51 PM

ARCHERcat on

SasukeAndMomijiHaHa on April 2, 2008, 12:45:59 AM

SasukeAndMomijiHaHa on
SasukeAndMomijiHaHai get this a lot.

DoNt KiLl UrSeLf CuZ PpL cArE aBoUt u

xEskimoKissesx on October 10, 2007, 6:19:48 PM

xEskimoKissesx on
xEskimoKissesxAwww... did u write dat? ? Is dat u? ? R u sad? ? Do I ask 2 many questionz? ? Should I stop? ? Do u care lol? ?

Dis pic iz berry emo i lykz it berry much u r ridonkulously pro!!! I HEART U LOL!!!

x Ug & A Kiss x

sexxygirl93 on October 11, 2007, 8:40:30 AM

sexxygirl93 on
sexxygirl93yea...kinda shes supposed to be based on me....most ov the time......i dont mind....ur okey....i dont mind
im glad u like it i think its one of my best