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Blog Entry: Booooorreeedd.

Blog Entry: Booooorreeedd.
Posted by: Aesthetic
Posted: February 5, 2011, 3:10:15 PM
Mood: Aggravated
Currently: nothing..i'm bored lol.
Listening To: Tsuki No Hikari, Utsutsu No Yume - Nightmare
Name: Zoë.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5'2.
Eye color: Blue-gray.
Hair Color: Dirty-blonde.
Age: 17.
Birthday: 11/23/93.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty.
Piercings: 3 on each ear and my navel.
Tatoos: I wish.
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarious(sp?) and based off 2011's, Scorpio and Libra.
Ring Size: I have no idea.
Grade: Junior in highschool.
More about you: Ask i guess.
Are you named after anyone?: My middle name is based off of Mina from Dracula.
Do you live in the moment?: Somewhat yes.
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Yes very.
Do you have any secrets?: If i did i wouldn't tell you.
Do you hate yourself?: Nope, i can sometimes get dissapointed though.
Do you like your handwriting?: Sometimes, it's really sloppy.
Do you have any bad habits?: I chew my nails and i can't look people in the eye.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: i'm not sure haha.
Any regrets?: Not really no.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Sure, but it could get better.
Are you confident?: Not really.
How long does it take you to shower?: 30-40 minutes.
What color is your room?: Lime green.
Where do you want to attend college?: USAO. :)

Do you...?

Smoke?: I've been quiting for about 2 months almost.
Do drugs?: Nope.
Drink?: Yes.
Go to church?: Nope.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yes.
Take walks in the rain?: Not purposfully.
Talk to people even if you hate them?: Why would i do that? I don't hate anyone though.
Drive?: I need to..i'm almost 18.
Believe in premarital sex?: It doesn't faze me if you do it before or after.
Want to get married?: I don't really know.
Want to go to college?: Yes.
Want to have children?: Nope, pregnancy scares me.
Sing in the shower?: Yes.
Get along with you parents?: Yes.
Get along with your sibling/s?: Kinda sorta, we're not that close.
Color/highlight your hair?: Nope, i've never colored my hair before.
Like coffee?: Yes.
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: I should ahah. I at least put base on.
Love roller coasters?: Yes!
Like to cook?: Not really.

Have you ever...?

Hurt yourself?: Yes.
Been out of the country?: Yes.
Been in love?: Nope.
Done drugs?: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping?: With friends yes haha.
Had surgery?: Yes. Not for anything serious though.
Played strip poker?: Nope, i don't like card games.
Been on stage?: Yes.
Pulled an all nighter?: Yes.
Gone one day without food?: Yes, was quite terrible haha.
Slept all day?: Yes i tend to do that.
Kissed a stranger?: Yes.
Had a dream that came true?: Yes.
Broken the law?: Yes.
Stolen anything?: Yes.
Been on radio/tv?: No.
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yes.
Bungee jumped?: Nope.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes.
Gone out of state?: Yes, plenty of times.
Live in other states?: Nope, born and raised here.
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Yes, yummy. especially the mint ones.
Had a movie marathon?: Yes.
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Yes.
Been on a plane?: Yes.
Ran into a wall?: Yes haha.
Been rejected by a crush?: Yes.
Cried in public?: Probably.
Cried over a movie?: Yes ahha.
Pranked called someone?: Yes.
Gotten a cavity?: Yes.
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: I've been in, but never bought anything.
Broken a bone?: Nope.
Fallen from a tree?: Nope.
Passed out?: Yes.
Been to a theme park?:Yes i love them!
Eaten sushi?: Yea, I don't like it though.

This or That

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi.
McDonalds or BUrger King: Micky-D's.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Depends.
Black or White: Black.
Burgers or Hot dogs: Burgers.
Boxers or breifs: Boxers!
Book or magazine: Books.
TV or radio: TV.
is the glass half empty or half full: Depends.
sun or moon: The moon.
hot or cold: Depends.
romantic comedy or thriller: Thriller.
waffles or pancakes: Waffles.
Florida or california: I've never been to Cali.
Black and white or color photos: Colored.
The city, the beach, OR the country: A tie between beach and country.
Tennis shoes or sandals: Sandals.
Sweet or sour: Both.
Private or publie school: I wish I did online.
Cappuccino or coffee: Both.
English or history: English.
Science or math: Science definitly.

Do you believe ...?

in miracles?: Sometimes.
in magic?: a young girls heeaaarrt.
in God?: Nope. i don't care.
in Satan?: Same as above.
in ghosts?: Yes.
in luck?: Yes.
in love at first sight?: I don't know.
in Santa?: I think Santa is a metaphor for that happy feeling you get around yes haha.
in the Easter Bunny?: Nope.
in witches?: Yes.
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I guess if you tried.
in wishing on shooting stars?: Yes.
that cussing is a necessity in life?: No, but i do it a lot anyways.
yourself?: Yes, if i try hard enough.

Love and all that

Do you consider love a mistake?: I don't know, i've never fallen in love before.
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: Turn them down politly.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Well of course.
What is worst about the opposite sex?: I don't know.
Who and when was your first crush?: I've never really had a 'crush' before, but I though my first boyfriend was cute so I dated him.
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Depeds, their looks and attitude.
What are you wearing?: Jammies.
What are you worried about?: School since we've been out for so long.
What book are you reading?: I'm about to start 'Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix."
What time is it?: 3:52 pm.
Are you bored?: Yes, very. I should do something productive but i'm lazy. T.T
Are you tired?: Kinda sorta.
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: Nope.
Are you lonely or content?: Lonely.. I havn't seen my friends in a while because of this storm.
Are you listening to music?: I'm watching video's on Youtube, so nothing in particular.

The Last...

Dream you had: I lived in some weird western world haha.
Nightmare: That's personal.
Time you cried: I don't remember.
Movie you watched: It was either 'Death Trance', or ' The Good, The Bad, and The Weird', though I don't think i finished it.
Movie you rented: 'The Great Yokai War' or something like that.
Book you read: I finished 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' yesterday.
Word you said: I don't remember haha.
Time you laughed: I don't remember.
Person to call you: Telemarketer.
CD you played: I havn't played CD's in so long.
Song you listened to: I think either "Versailles - Princess' or 'Avril Lavign - WTH'.
annoyance: My back hurts and it won't stop snowing! And i'm really bored.
IM sent or recieved: I don't use IM.
Time you yelled: I don't remember.
Person you yelled at: Probably my dad ha.
time you were a skirt: years ago.
time you fought with your parents: We bicker all the time, but it's all fun and games.
Time you wished on a shooting star: I don't remember.
Thing you ate: I don't remember.
Time you showered: Last night.
Nail polish color worn: Neon pink.

Your favorite:

Type of gum: That minty flouresant yellow kind haha.
Restaurant: Anything chinese.
Season: Summer/Autumn.
Type of weather: Really Warm or just right with a breeze.
Emotion: Anything that's considered a happy feeling is nice.
Color: Purples, blues, peachy-pink's, black, red, teal.
Perfume: Cotton Breeze and P.S. I love you.
Candy: Depends.
Pizza topping: Cheese, Mushrooms, and black olives.
Fruit: Depends.
Veggie: Depends.
Type of cake: soufle' or upside pineapple.
Magazine: I don't really read them.
TV Show: Any thing that's supernatural, Strange Addiction, Walking Dead, animal planet, tlc, etc.
Day of the week: Friday or Saturday.
Month: The summer ones, and the last three.
Holiday: Halloween.
Number: 13. or 3.
Sport to watch: I don't like watching them.
Flower: Depends, I don't really have a preferance.