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202 Things About You

Blog Entry: 202 Things About You

Blog Entry: 202 Things About You
Posted by: Chibi_Sorceress
Posted: August 12, 2008, 1:37:04 PM
Mood: Ehh I'm alright
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: I had an Arctic Esspresso an hour ago...
Currently: Whining about my aching stomach
Listening To: Nothing
Your real name: Gyoku Sakata (Real name? Not a flippin' CHANCE! XD)
Age: 14yrs
Height: 5'2" (Short @$$)
Natural hair colour: Black (Then it naturally went blonde, then red, then bleach blonde, dark blonde and it's now a Sandy colour XD)
Eye colour: Brown
Skin color: Fair (I currently have a tan though. XD)
Glasses/contacts?: Glasses (hopefully Contacts by next year! <3)
Piercings: None (I hate needles, you think I would stick one through my body to get a piercing?! XD)
Tattoos: I'd be dead if I had one done.
Braces: Nope (But I reaaly need them)
Mannerisms: Wha?
Other distinctive markings: Scar on my chin and stomach (One stitches other chicken pox)

Colour: Blue, Black, Brown/Green/Earth tones,
Band: I'd need to make another blog to list them down. XD
Video Game: Guitar Hero 3/ Aerosmith (both rock, but Aerosmith is a bit of a pain), Dead or Alive 3, Rock band (I've played it twice, and I'm good, I need it! DX), Sing Star (I may suck at singing but I showed up on my friend on a couple songs! >XD)
Movie: I have alot of them. XD Umm... Mama Mia, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Step Up, Sydney White, Breakfast Club, Pirates of The Carribian (sp?) 1-3
Book: We all Fall Down, Eric Walters
Food: Oh geez.... umm.. Tacos, Sushi (shut up), Yakisoba, Seafood in general (Except some fish), Burgers, Spaghetti,
Game on a cell phone: I have Pac Man and Tetris... that dun work. >__<
CD: Paramore's 'RIOT!' and Skye Sweetnam's 'Sound Solider'
Flower: Oh geez, Magnolias and Cherry Blossoms I guess? o_o
Scent: Vanilla bean
Animal: Tigers, Monkeys *owns an oversized pillow XD*, Turtles, Most dogs, Cats (flippin allergic. DX)
Comic book: Comic books I normally read are Manga.
Cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch <3333
Website: FAC FTW!!!! Oh and Youtube, Fanfiction, Gaiaonline, Tektek
Cartoon: That's hard.... umm... Idk XD

Play an instrument?: Some Piano (old school's music class), Ukelele *sp?* (Gr 5), Flute (first half of Gr 7), Percussion (2nd half of Gr 7-Gr 8 and Band, Just like my dad! :D)
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: Oh god no. XD
Like to sing?: For fun. XD I suck large tho. XD
Have a job?: Sorta
Have a cell phone?: Yes (14th B-day gift <333)
Like to play sports?: God no, I suck! XD
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Have a crush on someone?: Put it in a past tense, then Yes.
Live somewhere NOT in the United States?: :D Canada, eh?
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: We got 5.
Have any special talents/skills?: Umm... Drawing?, Daydreaming, SOME character impressions (My friend thinks I sound like Pikachu O__o)
Like school?: High school, mehbeh.

Sing the alphabet backwards?: Prolly not. XD
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: ... Mebeh?
Speak any other languages?: Semi-Fluent in french, but that's it. XD
Go a day without food?: HELL NO.
Remember your dreams: Ya, and god I have wierd dreams! XD
Read music, not just tabs?: Poorly, but I try. X3;;; ( stressed so bad on Xylophone (sp?) for Music, but some one wrote the notes on the sheet and I love them for it XD)
Roll your tongue?: Nope
Eat a whole pizza?: Almost, with the help of my dad. XD;;

Won something in the lottery?: In a draw, yes. Lottery? No. XD
Snuck out of the house?: Most likely not.
Lied to get out of trouble?: Oh ya, and someone lied that got me into deep s#!t too. (You know who you are!)
Had a computer crash?: Yeah, lots
Gotten lost in your city?: Mehbeh
Seen a shooting star?: Yes
Been to any other countries?: Sadly, no.
Had a serious surgery?: I split my chin open when I was 3, does that count?
Stolen something important to someone else?: Nope.
Solved a rubiks cube?: Nope
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yeah, school. XD (We had spirit week and one time was Pajama day. xD)
Cried over a girl?: About a friend? Yeah, she got pissed at me for a stupid reason and was a b!tch for the rest of the night, but it's all good.
Cried over a boy?: No, not really.
Kissed a random stranger?: No
Hugged a random stranger?: Maybe.
Been in a fist fight?: I know someone that has, but me? No.
Been arrested?: No
Done drugs?: Nope, but people do drugs close to meh house, and that's why I know what pot smells like. XD;;
Had alcohol?: A sip.... Waaaaaay back when.
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: Water. XD
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Yeah.
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: I was with my dad a long time ago, and I was too young to go to the women's alone. X3;;
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: No
Swore at your parents?: As a kid accidentally. XD I'd be in trouble if I did now. XD I've accidently slipped out '@ss' in front of my cousin once, tho. XD;;
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: *nods*
Been to a casino?: No
Ran over an animal and killed it?: God no!
Broken a bone?: Nope
Gotten stitches?: Ya
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: No. XD
Made homemade muffins?: I've made home made brownies. xD
Bitten someone?: Yes, X3;; and I've gotten bitten by my little sister. >___>
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: No
Burped in someone’s face?: O___o No!

Brushed your teeth: This morning or last night?
Cried: A few days ago
Went to the bathroom: What's your buisness about it?
Saw a movie in a theatre: My birthday (July 25)
Read a book: Ummmm..... get back to me on that one. xD
Had a snow day: April (I know, Canada's weather is F*cked up this year, It's been STORMING all summer!)
Had a party: Not really
Went to a doctor: ..... Last year?
Tripped in front of someone: A couple hours ago. XD
Went to the grocery store: Today
Got sick: RIGHT NOW. (Achy stomach DX)
Got cursed: O___o Not that I know of...
Called someone: Yesterday

Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: Off
TV/movie: Both. xD
Body spray/lotion: Dunno
Cash/cheque: Cash
Pillows/blankets: Both?
Headache/stomach ache: Nither. XD
Paint/charcoal: Paint ( suck at paint, the the screech of charcol hurts my ears!)
Chinese food/Mexican food: Chinese ftw
Summer/winter: Summer (B-day. X3 <3)
Snow/rain: Rain
Fog/misty: Fog
Rock/rap: Both
Meat/vegetarian: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Vanilla
Sprinkles/icing: Icing
Cake/pie: That's hard..... I'd go with pie, some cake makes me blehh
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/muffins: Cookies
Wallet/pocket: Both (Wallets for organization, but pockets for easyness! XD)
Window/door: I can see a door with out walking into it. XD
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: Who?
Pink/purple: Purple
Cat/dog: Dog, I'm allergic to cats.
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Short sleeve
Pants/shorts: Dunno
Winter break/spring break: Winter because it's longer
Spring/autumn: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Clear sky
Moon/mars: Moon
Questions/Answers: Answers!!! I hate it when people hid stuff from me..... like someone who won't tell me something... >___> (You know who you are!)
War/Peace: Peace

Do you believe in love?: Sorta Yeah
What's the most important kind of love for you?: Dunno
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Been close to love?: Yes
If you have, with who?: A guy I've known since kindergarten. I've liked him from PreK-gr6. And he liked me back. But I'm not crushing on anyone now, but I think he still cares about me. And another that was Temporary, but he's one of my best guy friends, nothing more than that.
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: Nope.
Have you loved someone really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: No
Are you in a relationship?: No
If so, for how long?: -
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: Yes
What is your idea of the best date?: Hanging out maybe. ^^
What was your first kiss like?: Real? Ehh... I was 10, and he kissed meh on my B-day.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: the one that didn't count? 6 (XD;;) The one that counted? 10
Do you think love is worth nothing?: No
Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex: Recently, I was picked on by some kids @ VBS (Vacation Bibel school). I ignored it, but they said one thing that opened up some painful memories and I cracked. My friend, the guy I've known, since forever, comforted me and gave me a hug. It was the first time for a long time he actually acted like he cared. He had a lot going on recently, so.. it was special.
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: I've been asked out plenty times, most were jokes and two of them were serious, but I said no. I don't think I'm ready for a boyfriend yet. I'm good single! XD
Have you ever been dumped?: No
Have you ever dumped someone?: No. XD;;

Am: Lazy, Shortempered, but Loyal and caring.
Want: To get better at math and my art.
Need: Better glasses that don't break (Next year baby! Whoo)
Love: Noooooooobodeh! XD
Hate: Racists, Dentists, Mushrooms, Allergies, Bees, getting pictures taken of me. XD;; (I usually end up looking bad in them, except for one in my phone that I like of me goofing off. XD)
Feel: like crap, and praying to god for no babysitting gig.
Did: Came back from getting tickets for the CNE.
Miss: Mst of meh friends who are either trekking the US or at their trailers. ;_;
Am annoyed by: People who initiate the 'My life Sucks More' game (If I complain, then they say they are going through worse when It's not a big deal) my sister after a bowl of ice cream (Oh GOD DX), My mom's rants, People partying bhind our house overnight (That happens alot)
Would rather: Be traveling the world
Am tired of: Friend problems, bullying, family troubles and all that crap
Will always: Be an idiot, draw anime/manga, suck at math, be spazzy, stress too much. XD;;

What is your favourite genre of music?: Rock, Rap/Hip hop, some pop, and other stuffs
What time is it now?: 4:27 PM (I started the damn quiz almost 2 hours ago! O__o)
How much money do you have right now?: $130+?
Are you hungry right now?: No
What are you doing right now?: Typing... and trying to get a straight answer aout something from my good ol' friend, Hayden. xD
Do you like parades?: Yeah, if they're not as wild as Caribana. XD
Do you like the moon?: Yes
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Mehbeh try to finish my pic or listen to music
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: Mind reading would rock. XD I would also like time travel too.

Funny?: Depends on what's funny.
Cool?: I dun think as much, but My friends think I am. X3
Pretty?: I've been told that.
Sarcastic?: I can be, ya
Hyper?: Can be, mostly with my friends
Friendly?: Yes
Evil?: To my friends? Some times. To fictional Charaters? HELL YES! XD
Unforgettable?: Hopefully.
Smart?: School smart? Sorta. Common sense smart? God no. XD
Strong?: Dunno
Talented?: Mehbeh
Dorky?: HELL YES. XD I'm a rolemodel to dorks everywhere! XD

High: CN Tower XD
Lonely: Meh. :(
Pen: The evil S.O.B that dies on me when I'm drawing.
Flower: Aaa-choo! XD (Pollen= Allergies XD;;)
Window: Crash, boom, bang (Me walking into it. XD)
Psycho: My friend Tammara and the topic cows. And it's a good thing dun worry.
Brain freeze: Evil
Strange: Canpar
Sassy: Girlie? (O__O Dunno)
Suffering: Pain
Art: Picasso!!! XD (I had to recreate one of his paintings, it turned out horrible! XD I suck at painting.)

Sky dive?: WTF NO! XD
Run away?: Mehbeh, I've thought about it, but meh friends and other family live too far.
Curse at a teacher?: Nope (I had a friend who said 'F*ck you' to a teacher, and got suspended)
Not take a shower for a week?: Nope.
Ask someone out?: I've BEEN asked out, lots. Most were jokes (A$$holes >_>) but only two were serious. xD
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: No
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: ... I dunno
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: HELL YES!
Go scuba diving?: Sure
Write a book?: If I can get it on paper, yes. XD
Assemble a computer?: Too complicated for me. XD
Become a rock star?: Sure! XD
Have a long-distance relationship?: Hmmm.... mehbeh
Marry someone you don't know?: What the- No!

What kind of computer do you have?: Ummmm..... *looks at it* LG? O_o?
What grade/level of studies are you in? (if applicable): Grade 9/Freshmen
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: I'd love to. xD
How many posters do you have in your room?: umm....10 I think, most of them Anime.
Who else should take this quiz?: Whoever wants to, go right ahead.