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LOL still bored

Blog Entry: LOL still bored

Blog Entry: LOL still bored
Posted by: Chickibo
Posted: January 14, 2010, 1:06:41 PM
Updated: January 15, 2010, 2:11:05 PM
Mood: Cynical

1. Name: Alistair/Aja

2. Age: 120

3. Gender: Male

4. How tall is s/he?: 5'11

5. Describe their eyes: Orange, with cat-like pupils

6. Sexuality: In denial...

7. Race/Species: Demon

8. Siblings?: None

9. Lover(s)?: Somann, he is relentless!

10. Any talents or abilities, even if these are included in your canon: Eh, nothing unusual for a demon, can fly, dark magic, silver tounge!

11. Any talents and abilities that are unusual in their canon (i.e. a psychic human in real life)?: Total authority? (not really an ability, but it's restricted to him)

12. What’s their religion/belief system?: THE ANTICHRIST...

13. Have you ever renamed, redesigned, or reworked this person?: I changed his glasses, and made his hair longer

14. Do they have an alternate form?: A more beast-like appearence

15. Are they based on a real person?: No

16. Or another character?: No

17. Do they go to school?: No

18. How often do they spend in front of a mirror?: Not long

19. If given a gun, what would they do?: Fire it

20. What do they like wearing?: Casual/scruffy clothes, he's not too bothered about appearence!

21. Describe their hair: Long-ish, scruffy, brown

22. Where does this character live?: Hell

23. Can they cook?: Not really

24. Would they enjoy a surprise party thrown for them?: No, he likes routine

25. Have they ever killed someone?: Nicked their soul, yes. Killed, yes

26. Do they feel guilty about that killing/multiple killings?: No

27. Any secrets?: He's behind you RIGHT NOW

28. Do they have a tattoo? Do they want one?: One of those Devil stars on his hands

29. What about piercings? A ring in both ears

30. Medical conditions?: Extreme arrogance!

31. Are they generally violent?: He likes to cut people up with words

32. Are they shy or outgoing? It depends

33. Honest or deceitful?: VERY DECEITFUL (he is 'the devil' after all!)

34. Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optomistic, not always a good thing!

35. Loving or distant? A bit of both

36. Young or old?: Looks young, but isn't!

37. Bad or good? VERY VERY BAD (if you are religious!)

38. Are they good at winning an argument? Oh Yes

39. Name something unusual about them: He's the devil?

40. Are they a virgin? For now (bahahahahaaaa)

41. Have they ever had sex with their own gender?: Not yet! (bahahahahaaaa)

42. Name some prejudices s/he has: Religion gets you nowhere...general religion stuff

43. Give me something random about them: He stays up late reading...

44. Do they drink?: A little

45. Smoke? No

46. Do drugs? No

47. Are they addicted to anything? DECEIT

48. What’s their impression on people at first glance? "Oooh, he looks nice" (If only they knew!)

49. Is this true once they’re more well known to someone? Yep

50. Name something that’s different about them now than when you first came up with them: He has different glasses...

51. Is there anything about this character that’s surprising to you? Not really, I made him didn't I?

52. How was their childhood? Normal, considering the time period (Victorian England)

53. What’s one of their weaknesses? Somann's 'cute face'

54. Their greatest strength? His word-power! (and intelligence)

55. Something they hate: 'Good' people (so many souls he can't have!)

56. Something they love: Knowledge

57. How’s their self esteem? Very good

58. One thing they hate about themselves: People hate him...

59. One thing they love about themselves: He's immortal

60. How’s their ego? Can be big, but often normal

61. Describe their past: Lived a rather sinful life. Got turned into a demon, ended up replacing the old 'satan' due to...stuff...

62. How was their family life? Normal

63. Are they happy now? Of course, he has everything he wants!

64. Do you like them? Yep

65. Would you get along with them if you met them in real life? Probably

66. Would they like you? If I were a demon, maybe, but no, I'm only human!

67. Are they smart? Very

68. Are they tricky? Yep.

69. Do you know how they are going to die? He won't, I wouldn't be that cruel!

70. Do you plan on killing them off? Nope

71. Do they like to read? Yes.

72. What’s their favorite… book? I don't know yet.

73. Movie? Not a movie fan

74. Person? Himself.

75. Time of day? Night

76. Animal? Snake

77. Thing to do? Do what he does?

78. Are you tired of this meme yet? Nope

79. Has it helped you? How? Yes, it's a nice bio of him

80. Will you do it for another character? Yep, 2 more

81. Go tag someone. NEVER