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Sheer Boredom

Blog Entry: Sheer Boredom

Blog Entry: Sheer Boredom
Posted by: Chickibo
Posted: January 21, 2010, 2:07:20 PM
Updated: January 21, 2010, 2:16:42 PM
Mood: Blocked
1. What is your name?: Gina
2. Spell your name backwards?: Anig
3. Date of birth: I'm 18, do it yerself!
4. Nicknames: Commie, George of the jungle, George of the Gina, Lady Snooty....
5. Hair color: Brown
6. Eye color: Green/blue
7. Where were you born?: Lolno
8. What does your screen name stand for?: Chickibo=baby chocobo
10. Pets: none?
11. Shoe size: UK 7/8
12. Righty or lefty: Righty
13. Wearing: My work shirt
14. Hearing: Raidio 4
15. Feeling: Tired
16. Eating/drinking: Caffeines
17. Have you ever been in love?: Nah
18. How many people have you told: noone?
19. Your biggest dream: To...I dunno...I'll get back to that one
20. Did some of your family come to America from another country?: Lol NO, I'm English dammit, you Americans came from US!
21.What song do you swear was written about you or your life?: I don't know
22.What's the most embarrasing cd you own?: ultimate disney...
23.What's the best cd you own?: Eh..Florence and the Machine
24.What song do you absolutely hate?: Dance/rave music in general
25.Do you sing in the shower?: No. Just no


26.Color: Green
27.Food: The humble tuna sandwich, sometimes toasted with a bit of melted chese...mmm
28.Song: Rule the World~ Take That
29.Show: BBC News...joking! Hmm...probably The Simpsons
30.School subject: Geography, History, Art and Science!
31.Band/singer: Not fussed
32.Animal: Bats
33.Radio station: BBC Radio Leeeeeeeds
34.Movie: Princess Mononoke (not cuz it's an animuu though)
35.Cartoon: Futurama/Simpsons/Family Guy/American Dad
36.Drink: Mocha
37.Holiday: May Day...dunno why...
38.Perfume/cologne: Flight of Fancy
39.Pizza topping: Cheese
40.Board game: Draughts
41.Website: FAC, Hotmail, Youtube, Nat Geo
42.Book: Eragon
43. Computer game: Elder Scrolls Morrowind/Oblivion
44.Number: Don't have one
45.Dessert: Mmmmm...chocolate cake with cream!
46.Disney character: Mufasa
47.Passtime: Read, draw, wind people up
48.Teacher: My AWESOME geography teachers
49.Childhood toy: My pikachu plush (which I still have!)
50.Carnival game/ride: Rollercoaster
51.Candy bar: It's CHOCOLATE dammit! Just a plain white chocolate bar
52.Magazine: Nat Geo
53.Thing to do on the weekend: Read
54.Hot drink: Mocha (Hot chocolate with a double espresso)
55.Season: Winter
56.Sport to watch: DEATH SPPORTS
57.Person to talk to online: Anyone and everyone?
58.What color are your bedroom walls?: Orange, and the celing is pale yellow
59. Do you have posters on your wall?: Yah
60. If so of what?: One of Bender, two dragon ones, one Garfield and one Simpsons
61. Do you have a tv in your bedroom?: Yeah, and a PS2
62. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed?: Just a NORMAL Bed.
63. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom?: Why would I want one?
64. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep?: No, I can't see how that would work
65. Describe the last nightmare you had: Oooh, I was strapped to a table, and someone was trying to pull my heart out, when I woke up, my chest felt like someone had pushed down on it (apparently a sign of low blood pressure...)
66. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Used to
67. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling?: Nope
68. Do you snore?: I don't think I do...
69. Do you have an alarm clock in your room?: Yes, and it's LOUD
70. What color is the carpet in your room?: Dark red, goes with the orange walls
71. What's under your bed?: Junk

~This or that~

72. beach/mountains: Mountains
73. Donuts/bagels: Bagels
74. Day/night: Day
75. Coffee/tea: Coffee
76. Swiss cheese/american cheese: Neither...ENGLISH CHEESE FTW
77. Silver/gold: Silver
78. Nike/Adidas: Neither, don't wear sports gear
79. McDonalds/Taco Bell: Ergh...McDonalds if I had to choose
80. Sweet/sour: Both
81. Hot/cold: Cold
82. Winter/summer: Winter
83. Spring/fall: Fall
84. Read/watch tv: Read
85. Cd's/tapes: CD
86. Dvd's/vhs: DVD
87. Old/new: Old
88. Shorts/skirts: Shorts
89. Pink/red: Red
90. Colored pictures/black and white photos: Colour
91. Meat/vegetables: Meat
92. Mexican food/chinese food: Erm...Chinese
93. Scary movies/comedies: Comedies
94. Sandals/tennis shoes: I dunno...don't like either
95. Dogs/cats: Dogs
96. Water/land: Land
98. Black/white: White
99. ribbons/bows: Ribbon
100. Chicken/beef: Mmm...beeeef
101. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: White
102. Cars/trucks?: Cars
103. Popcorn/pretzels: Popcorn
104. Picture frames/photo albums: Photo Albums
105. Pens/pencils: Pens

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~

108. Valentine's Day: Seriously overrated, I'ma gonna wear black and laugh at all the soppy couples...
111. Country music: No thanks
113. Gas prices in America: How would I know?

~Name Game

What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?.
114. Jack: Frost
115. Tiffany: Shop?
116. Ben: Someone at work
117. Maria: My aunt
118. Jennifer: ...
119. Nicole: beeeeeeeeep.......dunno
120. Amy: .....
121. Adam: ...
122. Richard: Dawkins
123. Justin: Time for tea!
124. Arnold: A stupid cartoon
125. Tom: My manager
126. Melissa: no...
127. Charlotte:'s Web
128. Harold: Hardrada, got shot in the eye by an arrow, during the Battle of Hastings, 1066
129. John: Major
130. Joel: Eh?
131. Vanessa: ...
132. Michelle: No Idea
133. Kevin: ...
134. Brent: ...
135. Jake: ???
136. Billy: Hill Billy
137. Sarah: ...
138. Natalie: -_-
139. Christy: Hmmm...
140. Nick: My old head of year
141. Linda: ...
142. Taylour: ...
143. Jordan: That woman with HUGE boobs
144. Jamie: Oliver
145. Adrian: ...

~Have You Ever....~

146. Been to a foreign country?: America
147. Broken a bone?: No
148. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling?: Have perfect teeth
149. Got in a fight?: Nearly
150. Told a secret you swore not to tell? No
151. Been on TV?: Once
152. Been on the radio?: Nope
154. Been to a concert?: No
155. Broken the law?: Not that I can think of
156. Been to a rodeo?: Wha?
157. Been on an airplane?: Yep
158. Got to ride on a firetruck?: I wish!
159. Came close to dying?: No
160. Gave someone a piggy back ride?: YEAH
161. Terrorized a babysitter?: Nope
162. Made a mud pie?: No
163. Had a dream that your falling off a cliff? No
164. Snuck out of the house at night? No
165. Felt like you didn't belong? Hmm...a few times
166. Felt like the 3rd wheel? The third wheel?
167. Had your tonsils removed? Not yet
168. Gone to camp? I've been camping
169. Written a love letter?: LOLNO
170. Written a love poem?: LOLJUSTNO
171. Asked a friend for relationship advice?: Given it
172. Gotten a speeding ticket?: I can't drive!
173. Won a trophy?: Yes.
174. Bowled a perfect game?: Nah
175. Roasted pumpkin seeds?: No

~Childhood Stuff~

176. Did you play with Barbies?: Yes, and MLP's
177. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed?: not really
178. Were you shy?: Yep
179. Were you spoiled?: Not really
180. Did you go to the circus?: Not a fan of the circus
181. Did you go to the zoo?: Yah
182. Were you in a car accident?: No. But I've SEEN one
183. Did you build snowmen?: YEAH
184. Did you cry when you scraped your knee?: Yeah
185. Were your older cousins mean to you?: Nah
186. Did you think slinkies were cool?: Yeah, human slinkies too...
187. Were you afraid of the dark?: No
189. Did you have slumber parties?: A few
190. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy?: Of course


191. Do you believe in aliens?: Yes, the universe is HUGE
192. Name three things that are next to your computer: Mannekin (sp?) Speakers, Tablet
193. Do you have any hidden talents?: I'm really a psychopath
194. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be?: Fantasy
195. What would your movie star name be?: Sir Stabalot
196. Do you play any sports?: No
197. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?: Saw, I couldn't watch the whole thing
198. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently?: I can't remember
199. What is your dream car?: Land Rover Defender
200. Do you think you're good looking?: Apparently so
201. Do others think you are good looking?: Again, apparently so
202. Would you ever sky dive?: YES! and I'd do stupid things as well!
203. Do you believe in Bigfoot?: No
204. How many rooms do you have in your house?: 3 bedrooms, front room, bathroom, kitchen
205. Are you afraid of roller coasters?: No Way
206. Do you believe in God?: NO
207. Do you believe in Satan?: No (contrary to what I draw, I'm not a believer in God or Satan)
208. Do you believe there is a Heaven?: No
209. Do you believe there is a Hell?: No, only if it's how I imagine it..
210. Do you own a pooltable?: Nope
211. Do you have a pool?: In England? It's too damn cold
212. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen?: I wish
213. Do you like chocolate?: Yeah
214. How many U.S. states have you been to?: 3- California, Nevada, Arizona
215. Best Halloween costume you ever wore?: Witch
216. What is your weakness?: Coffee
217. Name something you can't get enough of: Red Bull
218. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: Addict, Artsy, Intelligent
219. How many kids do you want to have?: none, really
220. Future daughters names: Blank and Blank
221. Future sons names: Blank and Blank
222. How do you release stress?: I don't...probably not a good thing
223. Are you an artisitic person?: Yes
224. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off?: Yes
225. Are you a strong person?: Mentally, yes, physically, sort of
226. Are you a strong willed person?: Oh yes
227. Who is the last person to e-mail you?: A friend
228. Who is the last person to IM you?: I don't really use IM
229. Do you hate chain e-mails?: FFS...stupid f*****g chain-mails
230. Are you a deep sleeper?: Yep, like a log
231. Are you a good story teller?: No
232. What do you believe is your best quality?: My sarcasm/cynicism (sp?)
233. What is your greatest accomplishment? Getting a job
234. Do you like your driver? Eh?
235. Do you tan easily?: I BURN
236. How many fillings do you have?: None
237. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit?: None.
238. Worst feeling in the world?: I'VE FORGOTTEN SOMETHING THAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT...
239. Best feeling in the world?: Caffeine highs?
240. Last thing you downloaded?: A song off iTunes
241. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?: No
242. What do you think people think of you?: Nice?
243. Are you a likeable person?: Yah
244. What the best way to be proposed to? I dunno!
245. If FedEx and UPS were mixed what would you call it?: ROYAL MAIL
246. What's your favorite phrase? Bite Me