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My Best Friends (Not in any order at all):

Blog Entry: My Best Friends (Not in any order at all):

Blog Entry: My Best Friends (Not in any order at all):
Posted by: Doomlord1234
Posted: May 28, 2009, 4:14:34 AM
1)Axle: For his God-Like Naruto Art.

2)AtomicMoat and PhantomDoll13: For being the two Most Friendly...and looking so kawaii (cute) together...Awwwwwwwwz!

3)SnowiexChan: For being another Narutard Like me. She's into Rock Lee.

4)LumBeeLove: For being my Best friend ever...and being a good Roleplayer!

5)Andr28a: For being a good friend and making God-Like Stories!

6)Boo810: For getting me into BunnyKill! and Helping me with my own BunnyKill Oc's!!!

7)LadyMarmalade: For Chasing their Dreams, being caring, and always never getting tired of me!

8)Vhee: For just being a nice girl...

9)LittleNinja: For being the first person with my common liking: Mario, Sonic, and Naruto!!!

10)Meray: For being another caring individual! She helped me with my biggest problem!

11)ChibiVampire: For liking What i like: Mario, Sonic, Dragons, and Poke'mon!

12) Ariijo: For being a Deidara Fan...and being an awesome Roleplayer!

13) Purplemoonlight006: For being really crazy, being able to kick anyone's @$$ (except mine!), being a Princess, and being bratty!

14) ShadowMoonDancer: For being a cool Sonic Series fan! Her Sonic oc, Fury, is awesome!

15) BlueBomberMan: For bein' such a Nice guy, bein' into Anime Such as Naruto, Gundam, etc. and just bein' cool at art!

16: WinterRose19: For being a cool friend, Lovin' Anime, and For bein' a Cowgirl! YEHAW!

17) ShadowsofVoltage: for bein' a Sonic fan, having AWESOME SONIC OC's, and helping me out of a Jam! (I won't explain it here, so you gotta ask!)

18) NaotaNoir: for being a awesome artist, and liking what I like!

19) ChewyMonstahh027: She's just SOOO CUTE!!!!