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202 Things About Yourself

Blog Entry: 202 Things About Yourself

Blog Entry: 202 Things About Yourself
Posted by: Ollie_is_da_bomb
Posted: August 11, 2008, 6:40:06 PM
Updated: August 11, 2008, 6:43:25 PM
Mood: Eh, better. =]
Eating: Nothinggg
Drinking: Diet Root Beer
Currently: Talking to Andrew and Jenn
Listening To: "Crush" - David Archuleta
Your real name: I'm only telling you "Ollie" =p
Age: 14yrs
Height: 5'5"/5'6"
Natural hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue
Skin color: White
Glasses/contacts?: Contacts
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: o__O
Braces: Yes
Mannerisms: Mannawho?
Other distinctive markings: ...I have scars? o_O

Colour: Blue, Purple, and Green
Band: Too many to put. =p
Video Game: Call of Duty 4. XD
Movie: Uhm, idkk? Maybe "Juno" or "Mamma Mia!"?
Book: Twilight
Food: Tacos or chicken? *could never be a vegetarian* Idkk!
Game on a cell phone: All I have is Tetris. XD
CD: (See Band:)
Flower: Ones that are pretty? o__o
Scent: ...Things that don't smell bad? Duh >_>
Animal: Anything without pinchers. >_>
Comic book: -
Cereal: Frosted Cheerios? Idkk
Website: YouTube or FAC I guess?
Cartoon: -

Play an instrument?: Piano
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: No o__O
Like to sing?: LOL Yes, for fun.
Have a job?: Yes
Have a cell phone?: Yes
Like to play sports?: Yes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Have a crush on someone?: I've had the same crush on one of my best friends for almost two years now.
Live somewhere NOT in the United States?: *has never been out of teh US*
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: Nah, 4.
Have any special talents/skills?: Piano, Writing, Surfing?
Like school?: Ehh...

Sing the alphabet backwards?: Used to be able to, idkk if I still can. XD
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: Yes? XD
Speak any other languages?: Kinda :3
Go a day without food?: I've never tried it?
Remember your dreams: Usually, thank god.
Read music, not just tabs?: Yupp
Roll your tongue?: Can't.
Eat a whole pizza?: O_O No

Won something in the lottery?: Not old enough to
Snuck out of the house?: Maybe once...
Lied to get out of trouble?: Oh come on who hasn't?
Had a computer crash?: Yes
Gotten lost in your city?: Probably once or twice X3
Seen a shooting star?: Yes
Been to any other countries?: No .__.
Had a serious surgery?: No
Stolen something important to someone else?: No
Solved a rubiks cube?: Meh friend has, but meh? No
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Who hasn't?
Cried over a girl?: After a fight with one of meh best friends, yes.
Cried over a boy?: A LOT.
Kissed a random stranger?: No
Hugged a random stranger?: Yes
Been in a fist fight?: Yes (Karate, don't worry. XD)
Been arrested?: No
Done drugs?: No
Had alcohol?: ...At a wedding >.>
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: No, soda. XD
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Yes. XD
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: On accident, yes. XD
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: No
Swore at your parents?: Yes, bad habbit
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: I think so. XD
Been to a casino?: No
Ran over an animal and killed it?: O_O NO!
Broken a bone?: Surprisingly, no
Gotten stitches?: No
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: No
Made homemade muffins?: Yes
Bitten someone?: No BUT I HAVE GOTTEN BITTEN. >_>
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Yes
Burped in someone’s face?: No o_o

Brushed your teeth: This morning?
Cried: ...This morning.
Went to the bathroom: o__O
Saw a movie in a theatre: Last week or the week before maybe?
Read a book: Over the weekend
Had a snow day: *not in school* While ago? XD
Had a party: Dunno, one coming up though?
Went to a doctor: While ago
Tripped in front of someone: A few minutes ago? XD
Went to the grocery store: Sunday
Got sick: Eh, no clue.
Got cursed: What?
Called someone: Someone called meh like a half hour ago

Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: Lights... wait for what? >_>
TV/movie: TV
Body spray/lotion: Lotion
Cash/cheque: Cash
Pillows/blankets: Both? XD
Headache/stomach ache: Headache, deff.
Paint/charcoal: Paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: Chinese
Summer/winter: Summer (Surfing<3)
Snow/rain: Rain
Fog/misty: Fog (It looks cool. :O)
Rock/rap: Rock
Meat/vegetarian: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Vanilla
Sprinkles/icing: Icing
Cake/pie: CAKE AHAHA
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/muffins: Cookies
Wallet/pocket: *always loses her wallet* Pockets? XD
Window/door: Window
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: Idkk the last one so Chaplin? XD
Pink/purple: Purple
Cat/dog: Cat? I guess only cuz I have three...
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Short sleeve
Pants/shorts: Shorts
Winter break/spring break: Spring
Spring/autumn: Spring
Clouds/clear sky: Clear sky
Moon/mars: Moon
Questions/Answers: Answers? o_O
War/Peace: Peace

Do you believe in love?: Yes
What's the most important kind of love for you?:
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Been close to love?: Yes
If you have, with who?: Uhm, meh friend. I liked him, he liked meh. Didn't go too far than that.
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: I'd love to right now, but no.
Have you loved someone really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: ...Yes
Are you in a relationship?: No
If so, for how long?: -
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: Yes
What is your idea of the best date?: At the beach. =] Or maybe hanging out, it doesn't matter. ^^
What was your first kiss like?: Uhmm, it wasn't exactly meh first one.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: 13yrs
Do you think love is worth nothing?: No
Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex: Hug? And I've kissed meh friend on the cheek
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: Yes
Have you ever been dumped?: No
Have you ever dumped someone?: Yes XD

Am: Spazzy
Want: For meh mom to stop walking in and out of teh room. -__-
Need: To talk to someone
Love: Uhmm, _______
Hate: Racists
Feel: Missing someone and sick of crying *not crying now, don't worry*
Did: Just came back from Bethann's house?
Miss: _______
Am annoyed by: People when they think they have it really bad when they don't
Would rather:
Am tired of: Friend drama
Will always: Love _______... and be spazztic.

What is your favourite genre of music?: Rock maybe? I love it all.
What time is it now?: 9:40 PM
How much money do you have right now?: Uhm, $50?
Are you hungry right now?: No
What are you doing right now?: Typing...
Do you like parades?: I guess?
Do you like the moon?: Yes
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Talk to Andrew
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: To fly? Or to see what other people are thinking. How sick would that be? XD

Funny?: Sure
Cool?: Sure?
Pretty?: You could say that?
Sarcastic?: Can be
Lazy?: Can be
Hyper?: Atm, No. But I can be~
Friendly?: Yes
Evil?: o__o I don't think so...
Unforgettable?: I hope so?
Smart?: School smart? Yes. Common sense smart? Hell no. XD
Strong?: Kinda
Talented?: Depends with what
Dorky?: Sure :3

High: Drugs o.o
Lonely: Quiet
Pen: Ink :O
Flower: Bees XD
Window: Daydream
Psycho: *pictures meh hyper*
Brain freeze: Rawr
Strange: Moose
Sassy: Peanut Butter
Suffering: Pain? o__o

Sky dive?: Yes
Run away?: Possibly
Curse at a teacher?: No
Not take a shower for a week?: EW NO O_O
Ask someone out?: ...Depends who, maybe.
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: Maybe XD
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: Maybe
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Yes
Go scuba diving?: Yes
Write a book?: Yes
Assemble a computer?: ...I'd hurt myself.
Become a rock star?: WOO SURE :D
Have a long-distance relationship?: If I really did love him, then yes.
Marry someone you don't know?: Of course not.

What kind of computer do you have?: Dell? o__O
What grade/level of studies are you in? (if applicable): Freshman for High School, so 9th.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: I have. XD
How many posters do you have in your room?: Eh, took them down
Who else should take this quiz?: Whoever wants to?