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Some quiz. xD

Blog Entry: Some quiz. xD

Blog Entry: Some quiz. xD
Posted by: Ollie_is_da_bomb
Posted: December 4, 2008, 3:15:38 PM
Updated: December 10, 2008, 6:18:04 PM
Mood: Good! :D
Eating: Nothing :[
Drinking: Nothing :[
Currently: Typing and texting.
Listening To: Umbrella - All Time Low
Spell your name with songs.
Oh god... uhhh...
Oh, Star (Paramore)
Let Go (Boys Like Girls)
Let It Rock (Kevin Rudolph ft. Lil Wayne)
I Don't Care (Fall Out Boy... also one by Apocalyptica ft. Adam Gontier from Three Days Grace.)
Early Mourning (Alesana)

– Name: Ollie. :D
– Birth Date: January 10th. :D
– Nickname: ... Ollie. :D
– Eye Color: Blueee!
– Hair Color: BLONDEEEE. :P
– Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.

–The shoes you wore today: Brown Uggs.
– Your weaknesses:
– Your fear(s): Crabs, lobsters, and crayfish. </3
– Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni. :D
– Goal you’d like to achieve: I have a lot. :]

– Your best physical feature: I've been told my eyes.
– Your bedtime? Whenever I'm tired
– Most missed memory?

This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke? Coke.
– McDonald’s or Burger King: Either or. XD
– Adidas or Nike: Nike? I guess? Lol.
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
– Chocolate or Vanilla: I just love food. :D I guess Vanilla though. :p
– Cappuccino or coffee: Either<3.

Do You…
– Smoke: Uh, no.
– Curse: Yes.
– Sing: Yeaa. :D
– Dance: In the street!
– Take a shower everyday: Yeaa?
– Have a crush: Mhm. :P
– Do you think you’ve been in love?: ... Possibly...? :o XD
– Want to go to college: Yesss.
– Like(d) high school: <3333
– Want to get married: Someday, not anytime soon. XD
– Get motion sickness: Nope!
– Think you’re attractive: I... don't know.
– Think you’re a health freak: No. XD
– Get along with your parents: My dad.

In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Yesterday! :D
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: God, I wish.
– Eaten Sushi: Nope.
– Been on stage: Yuppz.
– Gone skating: Ice Skating.
– Made homemade cookies: Nope.
– Gone Skinny dipping: Lmfao nope.
– Stolen anything: Noooo.

– Played a game that required removal of clothing: What the hell is up with this quiz...?
– If so, was it mixed company: What?!
- Flashed anyone: I forget... XD
– Been beaten up: In karate. XD
– Shoplifted: Nooo.

– Age you hope to be married: 20's or 30's
– Numbers of Children: o.o 1? 2? XD
– Describe your Dream Wedding: *with a lisp* So I'm on a magical Disney dream cruise in the Caribbean... lmao jkjk. I don't know
– What country would you most like to visit? I wanna go so many different places. =]

In the opposite sex..
– Best eye color?: (1) Brown (2) Blue
– Best hair color?: (1) Brown or darker (2) Blonde
– Short hair or long hair?: Ehh, medium.
– Height: Taller than me, but not too much. XD

– Number of people I could trust with my life: Uhm... not many.
– Number of CDs that I own: Don't buy those anymore. :[
– Number of tattoos: I had a fake tattoo. XD
– Number of piercings: Two!

Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? Jenn
What woke you up this morning? My mom >_>
Where are you? Facebook.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I'm hoping so.
Do you like anybody? I doooo. :]

Ever thrown up in public? Maybe once when I was little
Passed out because of alcohol? ...
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? How good Adam Gontier's voice is. :O Seriously!

What kind of home would you like? A tent. :D
What do you want to be when you grow up? I honestly have no idea.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Uhhh... when I'm 19... in college?

Do you like candy necklaces? I like eating them. :D
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Probably not too long ago.
Do you listen to music every day? YES
Do you still go trick or treating? Yeaa. :D
What was the last thing you ate? Cheeseburger
Are you a fast typer? Mhm!
Whats your favorite type of soda? Diet Coke<3.
Have you ever moved? No
Have you ever won an award? ...I think. XD
Are you listening to music right now? Of course.
How long ’till your birthday? ALMOST A MONTH! :D
When were you the saddest in your whole life? In middle school.
What time is it? 6:06 PM.
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? No
Who makes you mad? I could tell you names. :D
Have you ever heard a song written about you? As a joke lol.
Something you want to happen in 2009? Yes. :]
Honestly, will you miss 2008? Some of it.

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? o_O
2. Honestly, whats on your mind? Someone.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Bobbing my head.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Mehbeh
8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom, she called me because she didn't know where I was. XD
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Yeaa. =\
10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? My mom.
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? Nope
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? No.
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Yeaa.
14. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? I have a few.
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? Why would they be my friend?
17. Honestly, are you in denial? o_O
18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? Yes. XD
19. Honestly, do you like anyone? For like the hundreth time, YES. XD
20. Honestly, does anyone like you? I think...

1. What do you do when you’re mad? Listen to music
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Why would I post that on the internet?
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? I hope not. O_O
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? Yes.

1.When was the last time you actually cried? Like, hardcore broke down and cried? Few weeks ago.
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes
3. Do certain songs make you cry? Used to, none anymore.
4. What usually makes you cry? ... Stuff.

1. Are you usually a happy person? Yeaa =D
2. What makes you the happiest? Friends and music
4. Do you believe in yourself? Sure
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? Sure! =]