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Meadows of Heaven (Farewell to L)

Blog Entry: Meadows of Heaven (Farewell to L)

Blog Entry: Meadows of Heaven (Farewell to L)
Posted by: SweetxinsanityxSarah
Posted: April 13, 2008, 12:34:50 PM
Mood: chillin xP
Eating: nathing
Drinking: nathing
Currently: Does breathing count?
Listening To: "Miss Murder" by AFI
Gotta say, the number 13 as in today came to be a veryyyy unlucky day for four unfortunate souls earlier today on Toonami and Adult swim xP

First, after being a total spazz (and getting his @$$ OWNED by a drunken fist Rock Lee xD) Raiga the dude who cries all the time when he buries people ALIVE; commits suicide by zapping himself into oblivion after Renmaru learned what he was doing was wrong. Though the upside to this Naruto Episode was the endless amount of funny faces and of course Lee being drunk xD Also the fact that Lil Renmaru was cured after eating the Curry of Life and can walk on his own now. =D
It was an ok filler episode, but I liked the one with Sasame in it much better (KABUTO WITH HIS HAIR OUT AND LACKING GLASSES WEEEEE! <33333)

Then on Death Note; we take a lookie at a small portion of L's past to start off the episode "Silence" where we see a young L looking up at a church next to Watari; my guess is that his parents passed away early or something like that. Then we continue the epi with L being rather depressed, no doubt cause he was ashamed with himself for being unable to solve the case (He doesnt know how right he was with Light being Kira xD poor guy) And also Misa singing dressed up as a french maid was pretty neat, cool shes a model AND a good singer! -shot-

Then we figure out how Light intends on kiling L, by tricking Rem into doing it for him! (Gotta agree with Rem on her opinion of Light; hell Rem was awsome! Dx)
After a small chat in the rain and L apologizing to Light for his 'wrongful' accusion, they return to speak with Watari and plan on making a prisoner test out the 13 day rule of the Death Note. Just when we think Light has run out of luck, Rem comes to the rescue, killing Watari off first before then finishing off L whom falls to the ground in slow mo and just before he closes his eyes, takes a gander at the sinister smirk Light has on his face. I gotta say this ish probly the saddest\most awsome epi I have seen so far; not only were there pleasing shots of Light's wicked smirk and red eyes, but there was also edge of your seat action scenes, specially when Rem readies to finish off L. (who's name we never find out! -whine- Dx)

I was both thrilled and sad when L died, and it shows just how ruthless Light ish, you'd think he would be guilty after killing both L and Rem but nope, he is happier then ever and thinks he is in the clear for making his new world. xD
Man I thought Oro was heartless!
So yeah after this epi for sho imma take a crack at drawing L in his memory cause he deserves eet xP

And I bet ten bucks there are L fangirls mourning all over the world right now -SHOT!- ow X.x