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TheRealSugarBaby's Profile

TheRealSugarBaby's Profile
TheRealSugarBaby's avatar
Username TheRealSugarBaby Gender Male
Date Joined Location Mobius
Last Updated Occupation assassin
Last visit # Pictures 0
# Comments Given302

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Comments (63)

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KitsuneKing213 on December 29, 2008, 8:39:37 AM

KitsuneKing213 on
KitsuneKing213wow... no one commented here in three years.

FlameTheHedgehog on June 22, 2006, 11:09:24 PM

FlameTheHedgehog on
FlameTheHedgehogy nobody comment here since januarry

BLJblack25 on January 21, 2006, 9:05:22 AM

BLJblack25 on
BLJblack25hi wana be friends?

texas_luver on March 3, 2005, 4:28:25 AM

texas_luver on
texas_luvertexas_luver is sowwy : ( i was looking at some of my old pics and noticed that u ask for a request a couple times and it seems i never responded.....would u still like to make one? i'm not taking requests right now, but i'll make an exeption because of my forgetfulness ^_^

Christina_the_Goldenfox on October 14, 2004, 9:01:46 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxI'm back...again! And I'm only allowed during the weekdays after And I might not be on Mondays. Another boo. And I'll also be using my time typing my stories for mediaminer...that's another boo. So, I still won't be on very much. But don't worry! I'll upload pics and visit when I can!

PuNkPoP on September 12, 2004, 11:21:44 AM

PuNkPoP on
PuNkPoPOMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! HIYA! (hyper) I THINK YOU (turns off caplocks) have some reeeeeely cool art stuff......hi! do u like pie and do ya wann be friends?

IvyOreoCatz on September 3, 2004, 8:44:55 AM

IvyOreoCatz on
IvyOreoCatzHahahaha! Hi!!!!! Uhh!! Imean! Shh!! This little spot of mystery is mine! *plants flag* hahahaha!!! Uh... *forgets to put uddurly stupid thing here* did you know that if you chew a piece of grape bubblegum for too long, it'll turn green? see ya! *IKD flag falls over because it was planted on my computer screen* darn! I shoulda put a suction cup on the end!

Sunshine_Fox on August 9, 2004, 10:25:27 AM

Sunshine_Fox on
Sunshine_FoxCan you draw Sunshine for me and can yuo be my friend?

PuNkPoP on August 8, 2004, 5:28:22 AM

PuNkPoP on
PuNkPoPi have a request. (if ya do 'em)
could ya draw jazzy por favor? )please?)

TheRealSugarBaby on August 7, 2004, 7:14:18 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyyaaay chocolate pudding!!!oh HIIIIIIII CHEEESE PUUFFFFSSS!!! yeah I know it's better free hand but my mouse is jacked up,evil mouse!!!!

Crimson_Feeder on August 7, 2004, 2:43:38 AM

Crimson_Feeder on
Crimson_FeederHEY HOW YA DOIN SPORK!!! Guess whooooooooo well anyways nice pictures *cough* better in free hand *cough*

Christina_the_Goldenfox on August 2, 2004, 12:13:45 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxI'm back! ^0^ Ello again! Can't stay too long though, gotta do stuff and get ready for High School, which stinks. Well, I've been braindead for a while, which is why I haven't been here....well, gotta go now. Buh-bye! Oh, and here's some chocalate pudding! ^-^ To make up for the time I wasn't here!

TheRealSugarBaby on July 12, 2004, 11:48:31 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyyaaaayyy ooo a request!

muggy_9 on July 9, 2004, 4:37:26 AM

muggy_9 on
muggy_9i wuv your art! i wuv you (as a friend. :P) and you are a supah Great artist *hugs and gives kookies!*

thunderhead on July 2, 2004, 7:23:01 AM

thunderhead on
thunderheadI wish I could do animation but I don't know how and I don't think I have anything good enough to do it on.

thunderhead on July 2, 2004, 7:21:08 AM

thunderhead on
thunderheadI'm happy You like my artwork also I love yours..! Ooo my brother's friend said he was trying to burn me a an Adobe Photoshop sweet cause it about $700 0_<

Christina_the_Goldenfox on July 2, 2004, 2:46:54 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxI'm back! Wanted to let ya know I'm makin' a movie! It's called "When Fangirls Attack!" I'll give ya a copy when I'm done! And great work with the avatar thing!

unknown262 on June 30, 2004, 3:41:58 AM

unknown262 on
unknown262Yay! I'm on a person's fave list! You're the only one! I'll do a request for you! What do you want?!

RT_rulz on June 27, 2004, 10:15:13 AM

RT_rulz on
RT_rulzDamn!!! You... are... amazing... You already have fifty-four pics, and you're already on the faves list of twenty-two users!!! Wow!!!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 20, 2004, 2:36:18 PM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyack!aaaah i give up,heh thanks

ZeroExillerius on June 20, 2004, 12:37:17 PM

ZeroExillerius on
ZeroExilleriusHeh, looks like I found you on here after all. Nice pics.

TheRealSugarBaby on June 19, 2004, 3:15:20 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabylol yourwelcome ^^

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 18, 2004, 5:47:33 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxI'm glad you like it! Makes me very happy!^0^

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 17, 2004, 1:20:58 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxHi! You no longer need to guess! I just uploaded the pic of your gift! Hope you like it!^0^

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 16, 2004, 12:18:33 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxOops! I forgot to say it also has adowable widdle eyes!^O^

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 14, 2004, 1:40:25 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxHere's another clue! IT has cute widdle paws, cute widdle ears, and a cute widdle tail!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 11, 2004, 4:28:52 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh...*still clueless*

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 10, 2004, 11:03:58 PM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxHere's a hint! IT's furry and cute! Really soft and adorable!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 10, 2004, 8:26:22 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyoooooooooooo i wonder what it is...

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 10, 2004, 1:10:55 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxWanted to give you something for drawing my character!*gives you a present*I hope you like it!*you hear something moving amd making sounds inside*^__________^

TheRealSugarBaby on June 6, 2004, 9:09:50 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabylol thanx

miles11 on June 6, 2004, 7:13:48 AM

miles11 on
miles11you drew that idea i got! funny!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 6, 2004, 3:02:24 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyo.O;!yesh cardboard ish chewy!is there cow around here!? *looks*

IvyOreoCatz on June 5, 2004, 1:08:11 PM

IvyOreoCatz on
IvyOreoCatzShh... The IKD is talking now... moo... This has been a messege from the IKD...

Cardboard is chewy...

Jenniberry on June 5, 2004, 2:56:46 AM

Jenniberry on
JenniberryI'm sorryZ! a picture of yours was rejeceted today with the wrong reason, I had a piece of another member's post copie donto my comp. to and it accidentally copied into yor rejection notice ^^;; your picture was rejected because it is too big - please make sure all posts are 600 pixels in width and no larger, okay? thank you, and sorry bout that!!!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 4, 2004, 2:06:42 PM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabylol thanx T.

sweetdragonkeeper on June 4, 2004, 2:00:15 PM

sweetdragonkeeper on
sweetdragonkeeperi love your drawings!!! ...even though i live right next to u ...- -; oh well!!! funny profile!!!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 4, 2004, 6:13:49 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyI GOT A PURPLE SWEATER COOOL!!!xD lol!wait a minute?on the moon!? lol thankyou dude!

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 4, 2004, 3:40:21 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxI'm back! Here's your cookies! Your double dutch chocalitechip cookies!*smells air* Smells delicious! Hope you enjoy them!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 4, 2004, 3:02:38 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyyay i get to draw slash and dash!i shall post it up soon!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 4, 2004, 3:02:06 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyoooh!i want a double dutch chunky chocolate chip cookie!!!!xD

TheRealSugarBaby on June 4, 2004, 2:50:08 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabysure i'd love to!

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 3, 2004, 11:30:49 PM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_Goldenfox^0^Yay! THank you! And if you want me to draw somethin' just ask! Thanks again! I'm gonna make you dookies now! Come on Cream and Amy! Let's make her cookies. But first, what's your favorite cookie?

Goka on June 3, 2004, 6:11:53 PM

Goka on
GokaSure go ahead and draw Slash and Dash, just as lomg as u post it up here he he

TheRealSugarBaby on June 3, 2004, 11:15:54 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyok sure!of course^^

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 3, 2004, 6:54:40 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxEllo! Me here! Me very bored and looking around. I wanted to ask ya somethin'. Can ya draw my character Christina? I usually don't ask people, but can ya? It would make me very happy!*does same eyes I use to M"T"P*PLEASE!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 3, 2004, 6:39:11 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyyour welcome lol *hugz also*

RogueClawdite on June 3, 2004, 5:49:05 AM

RogueClawdite on
RogueClawditeYayz! I'm on your favs!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 3, 2004, 4:21:04 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on

Christina_the_Goldenfox on June 3, 2004, 3:08:45 AM

Christina_the_Goldenfox on
Christina_the_GoldenfoxHi! Thanks for commenting on my picture! Hmm...hooray! I'm one of your favorites! You're the 3rd person I've discovered that I'm a favorite of! I'm gonna look at some more of your pics now!^___^ See ya later!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 2, 2004, 2:26:00 PM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyxD sure!i would love to lol!

RT_rulz on June 2, 2004, 12:23:36 PM

RT_rulz on
RT_rulzUm... Hi... Ivan told me about you... (And I looked over his shoulder and saw that he was writing to you) And um... Could you check out my pictures? Um... Yeah... Um... Your turn

--That crazy girl, Becca

TheRealSugarBaby on June 2, 2004, 10:00:40 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyyour welcome ivan dude!!!*peace sign*

IvyOreoCatz on June 2, 2004, 9:37:35 AM

IvyOreoCatz on
IvyOreoCatzHeh, I didn't even know you existed until you commented on meh picture!!! ^^ thanx for the comment!!! ^^ BTW, who are you? I prob won't be back here for a while, so could you comment in meh profile? Thanx in retrospect!

TheRealSugarBaby on June 2, 2004, 2:02:17 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBaby*pokes back* yay i got a hug! *dances*

RogueClawdite on June 1, 2004, 6:22:08 AM

RogueClawdite on
RogueClawdite*poke* heehee! *hugs*

TheRealSugarBaby on June 1, 2004, 3:53:02 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyrandom bunny!? xD! yay thankyou!no don't say i draw better!?everybody ish even!!!!we alll draw good!!!^^ *poke poke*

RogueClawdite on May 31, 2004, 10:11:29 AM

RogueClawdite on
RogueClawditeHey! I love your art! Tis so much better than my own!

Lara_Fox on May 31, 2004, 10:00:36 AM

Lara_Fox on
Lara_Fox-pokes random bunny- um. O.O;;

TheRealSugarBaby on May 31, 2004, 4:11:58 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabywoah careful don't wana lose another body part ^^; hello lara!hello Revenge person!xD

TheRealSugarBaby on May 31, 2004, 4:10:41 AM

TheRealSugarBaby on
TheRealSugarBabyhello!!! *pokes back*

Lara_Fox on May 31, 2004, 2:49:20 AM

Lara_Fox on
Lara_FoxHI!! -poke-

Revenge_The_Hedgehog on May 31, 2004, 2:08:49 AM

Revenge_The_Hedgehog on
Revenge_The_Hedgehog:O no one commented on your profile...mean people >< hi!! *waves arm until it falls off* me loves your art ^^ i need to get a better paint program X.X

Fans (33)
