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Really Bored

Blog Entry: Really Bored

Blog Entry: Really Bored
Posted by: blackbird1331
Posted: January 22, 2008, 3:12:27 PM
Mood: Bored and tired
Eating: what ever I want
Drinking: Donno, what ever is in my cup
Currently: Computer
Listening To: Mucis on profile on myspace
The past few days were kinda, well how do you put it, BORING, except 2 days ago, I got hurt real bad and now my Right ankle is sprianed because I'm a clusts, Its all because I was chasing my friend around with rubber bands!!!! Damn him, I'll make him pay!!! but yeah I got into this really cool Site called and I have fanart on that now too and wallpapers aswell for forums or myspace, and come cosplay too but I don't have any pics up yet, now I'm in 3 different art sites and I have photobucket too, I"M TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! hahahahahahahaha, I'm kiding but yeah