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Character quizz: Selina

Blog Entry: Character quizz: Selina

Blog Entry: Character quizz: Selina
Posted by: ladychaos
Posted: April 3, 2009, 1:52:06 AM
Mood: apethetic
Currently: typing
Listening To: Higurashi opening
1. Name: Selina of the Black fire (Rukia Akumuhyo)

2. Age: 13

3. Gender: Female

4. How tall is s/he? 5'5"

5. Describe their eyes: Yellow with feline pupils

6. Sexuality: Straight.

7. Race/Species: Hanyuu/ half demon and half human

8. Siblings? Deidara, she wasin awayadopted in to his familywhenshe was abandoned on their door step, when the parents split and she was forced to move to Konoha,she was devistated she'd never see him again.

9. Lover(s)? Sasuke Uchiha, they started out as close friends which developed in to something more, it took her a while to admit to herself that she had fallen for him.

10. Any talents or abilities, even if these are included in your canon (i.e. they can fly, but they live with angels, so everyone can fly)? Her unusual gekki genkai turns any typical fire jutsu into black fire without any trigger. She alsohas really good sences but is hasparticularly good nucternal vision.

11. Any talents and abilities that are unusual in their canon (i.e. a psychic human in real life)? She has 3 forms.Her Hanyuu form that everyone sees. Her full demon form (that untill she learns to doit willingly isonly triggered during a full moon when her demon nature bubbles to the surface, this is known as her dark demon form as it's fur is entirely black) and a human form which turns her human for one night under a new moon.

12. What’s their religion/belief system? Shinto.

13. Have you ever renamed, redesigned, or reworked this person? Yes, originally she was going tobe a one piece character that ate the 'sphinx sphinx fruit'that alowed her to take the form of a sphinx, icalledherSelina to tie in with theift(Selina Kyle, catwoman) but i got fed up with the idea and altered her for Naruto.

14. Do they have an alternate form? Nope. =3 Besides the lunar cycle forms she changes a bit during the time skips.

15. Are they based on a real person? No.

16. Or another character? Yes, I got the hanyuu concept from Inuyasha.

17. Do they go to school? yes,she went to the ninja academy before becoming a genin.

18. How often do they spend in front of a mirror? I would say about 4 minutes to brush their hair. Emi cares about how she looks, but that much. She's a tom boy through and through.

19. If given a gun, what would they do? Probably shoot all of Sasuke's annoying fangirls, they really annoy her.

20. What do they like wearing? She prefers wearing dark colours, particularly black as bright colours are useless to a ninja..

21. Describe their hair: She has long purple hair that she lets flow down her back (to the small of her back). She keeps it rather messy in style as keeping it neet and tidy while on the move would prove to be useless. Iteventuallygets cut.

22. Where does this character live? She lives in a small house with her foster mother, Sakiko.

23. Can they cook? She tries to. Sakiko is a terrible cook so the only way to survivewould learn to cook for herself, unfortinatly She tends to burn things often.

24. Would they enjoy a surprise party thrown for them? Shewouldbea bit annoyed by it at first but try to enjoy herself anyway, if not she would go somewhere tobe alone for a while untill the party winds down.

25. Have they ever killed someone? Who? Why? Yes. The first person she killed was an ex-team matewhile under the infulence of the full moon. After the time skip she ends u killing alot of people.

26. Do they feel guilty about that killing/multiple killings? No, she grew to accept killing others as a way of shinobi life and nature after her first kill.

27. Any secrets? She doesn't want to harm her real father despite all that happened to her, she just wants to meet him and be a real family. She needs Sakiko to sing her to sleep every night.

28. Do they have a tattoo? Do they want one? No.

29. What about piercings? Yes, she has a few peircings on her ears, after time skip she has her eyebrow pierced as well..

30. Medical conditions? None that I know of.

31. Are they generally violent? Yes. When she looses her temper she'll attack without warning and try to sevearly harm someone.

32. Are they shy or outgoing? She is withdrawn. She rarely opens up to anyone as she finds it hard to do.

33. Honest or deceitful? She is deceitful. She tries to hide away her true feelings.

34. Optimistic or Pessimistic? She isquite synical due to the way she gets treated, particularly with the humans at times.

35. Loving or distant? both really. She is distant to other people and rarely opens up but to people like her foster mother and older brother she can act like a proper child..

36. Young or old? She tries to be the mature one.

37. Bad or good? Despite her occasional rash actions she means well...sort of.

38. Are they good at winning an argument? it willdepend who sheis arguing with. If it's one of her friends like Naruto, yes. If it;'s her foster mpother, Sakiko, no.

39. Name something unusual about them: She has a strange relationship with her brother. She loves him very much and will believe whatever he says as well as depending on him too much and will be a little clingy. Her love for himcan sometimes border incest..

40. Are they a virgin? yes..

41. Have they ever had sex with their own gender? No.

42. Name some prejudices s/he has: She is synical abouthumans sometimes but wouldn't predjudice. She's been on the recieving end of it before and it would be unfair to do it to someone else....however if it was someone like Orochimaru well thats another story.

43. Give me something random about them: Catnip makes turns her overly affectionate, she will hug anyone and act a little girly much to the horrow of people who know her. She doesn't understand why she is afraid of water.

44. Do they drink? yes. She has had Sake before.

45. Smoke? no.

46. Do drugs? Yes. Catnip, even sniffing a catnip mouse gets her loopy.

47. Are they addicted to anything? Porn? She loves fish and milk but she truely adores cream.

48. What’s their impression on people at first glance? The first meeting is very important. She can automatically tell if she likes someone from the first meeting, fail at that and your screwed. The only acception for that is Naruto.

49. Is this true once they’re more well known to someone? If they can get to talk to her agian she might change her opinion.

50. Name something that’s different about them now than when you first came up with them: Phisically, her hair is longer and her outfit is diferent. I gave her more personality and a better background. Because I've RPed with her in Naruto more often she became more developed.

51. Is there anything about this character that’s surprising to you? I think it has to be when i ended up possibly making her have a crush on her brother due to hoe close they are.

52. How was their childhood? It was depressing. Whenever she wasreally happy something horrible happened to change that. When she met Sakiko things seemed to get a bit better for her.

53. What’s one of their weaknesses? Her dependence of having other people around to help her.

54. Their greatest strength? Her determination to she her brother how strong she has gotten and prove she can stand on her own two feet.

55. Something they hate: Water. She is hydrophobic.

56. Something they love: Sending time with Sasuke.

57. How’s their self esteem? In Between i guess.

58. One thing they hate about themselves: She hates being a half. She wants to be just like everyone else. She also hates why she is afraid of water. She doesn't even understand why.

59. One thing they love about themselves: Her excelent night vision.

60. How’s their ego? She thinks she could kill everyone if she wanted to.

61. Describe their past: Didn't I already do this? Ok one more time then. Abandoned on Deidara's family doorstep and adopted by them. Became close to Deidara. Parents faught for a long time then split up and forced to move to Konoha with mother. Joins academy and meets Sasuke. Mother hangs herself, can't take being looked at as the mother of a monster. Meets Sakiko and lives with her. Becomes Genin and gets moved to fisr team. Kills team mate and becomes even more hated. Moves to another team. Makes more friends eventually. Becomes more awair of Lunar cycle.

62. How was their family life? She is really close to Sakiko and looks to her as her real mother.

63. Are they happy now? Why? Yes. Happier than she used to be.

64. Do you like them? Emi? Yeah. She was my first proper OC.

65. Would you get along with them if you met them in real life? I don't Know.

66. Would they like you? Not a chance..

67. Are they smart? moderatly.

68. Are they tricky? Yes. With the Aidof her ferret whom she trained to sabotage traps it is hard to catch her off guard.

69. Do you know how they are going to die? Yes.

70. Do you plan on killing them off? Eventually.

71. Do they like to read? She doesn't care for recreational reading unless it is to help her become stronger.

72. What’s their favorite… book? Probably a book about demons of something, i'm not sure.

73. Movie? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

74. Person? Sakiko

75. Time of day? Early morning so she can get in some training.

76. Animal? Ferret

77. Thing to do? Walk in the forest.

78. Are you tired of this meme yet? yes

79. Has it helped you? How? It helped me to review Selina and how much she has developed since i first created her.

80. Will you do it for another character? possibly

81. Go tag someone. no =3