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Survey I have to do coz I got tagged.XD

Blog Entry: Survey I have to do coz I got tagged.XD

Blog Entry: Survey I have to do coz I got tagged.XD
Posted by: shadowsofvoltage
Posted: October 22, 2009, 2:10:11 PM
Mood: Humane
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Currently: ???
Listening To: Bodies-Drowning Pool.
Okay, Dingo-chan tagged me, so, let's start.

1.What does your FAC name mean and why did you join this site?
Basically because I am slightly shadowed by mystery and my main character is Voltage. I joined here to show my art and talk to friends.

2. What were you obsessed with when you joined and what are you into now?
Sonic, then Sonic, Naruto, Black Cat, Death Race, the list goes on!XD

3. How many watchers do you have now?

4. Name 4 of your favorite artists on FAC
Do I have to?owo

5. Do you comment, fav, or both?

6. Do you participate in clubs' contests here on FAC?

7. What are your most popular submissions?
My first Shirake pic.

8. What are you favorite non-anime TV shows?

9. What are the things you wish you could draw better?
CURVES! And human and animal anatomy.

10. Summer or winter?

11. Rain or Sun?

12. What's your favorite type of music?
Rock, Heavy metal.

13. PC or Mac?

14. Anime or Manga?

15. Coke or Pepsi?

16. Read or TV?

17. How many hours a day do you spend on FAC?

18. Name a hidden talent
Double jointed in fingers and thumbs, can twitch my ears individually.(No, really.)

19. Flash or traditional cartoons?

20. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
YO! Sushi.

21. What are top 3 favorite books?
Young Samurai Series.

22. Wii or Playstation?

23. Name 4 of your favorite bands
Too many to choose!XD

24. Are you a fast, slow, or medium typer?

25. Do you like Denny's?

26. What is your favorite emoticon?
I'll use any.

27. What is your favorite type of pie?

28. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?
I think so...

29. Do you go on YouTube alot?

30. Are you a member on any other sites besides FAC?
DA, FA, steam... I don't remember anymore...

31. Do you cosplay?
I wish I could.

32. Fruits or sweets?
Don't care.

33. Name 3 artists you admire
Do I have to?

34. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn?
Any but plain!

35. Have you skipped school?
Does being sick count? Does it!?

36. Have you been on a plane?

37. Have you swum in an ocean?

38. Have you been iceskating?
Yes, but my balance sucks.

39. Favorite vacation spot
The Lake District.

40. Ever been on tv?
Yes, but it was when I was about 2 years old.

41. Favorite salad dressing?

42. What do you do to relax?
Draw, listen to music, play games, the usual.

43. What is the last film you saw in the theaters?
I forgot.owo

44. Favorite Sandwich

45. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

46. Favorite time of the day?
Any, as long as I can stay awake.

47. What did you want to be when you were little?

48. What do you want to be now?
Games Designer.

49. If you could eat with one person, who would it be?
Someone, I don't mind.XD

50. What character would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
Mephiles, or The Cursed Tails Doll.

51. When is your birthday?
May 31st 1993

52. Favorite type of ice cream?

53. Last book you read?
Haven't a clue.XD

54. Which store would you max out a credit card at?
I dunno.XD

55. Do you buy / sell / both on ebay?

56. What is the most annoying thing people ask you?
Why are you so loud?XP

57. Favorite all time tv show?
Hard to choose... Uhh, Mock The Week.

58. What was your favorite show as a kid?
Sonic. Still is.

59. What are you listening to right now?
Bodies by Drowning Pool.

60. What is the last thing you ate?
Chicken Pie, homemade chips and baked beans!

61. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Black or blue.

62. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

63. Favorite sport to play?
I don't play sport.XP

64. Favorite Day of the Year?
The day that I get respected.

65. Hugs or Kisses?
Either, I don't mind.=3

66. Chocolate or vanilla?

67. Favorite Board Game?

68. Favorite smells?
Vanilla scenting or Raspberries

69. What inspires you?
Anything I like.

70. Do you have any piercings?

71. How many siblings do you have?

72. Bacon Bits or croutons?

73. Favorite Day of the Week?

74. Favorite phrase
Either "Gentlemen?", "MAGGOTS!", "KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" or "Give 'em hell boys!"

75. Favorite Restaurant?
Frankie & Benny's.=)

76. Favorite animal?

77. Favorite thing to do outside
Get back home as soon as possible.XDDD

78. Favorite thing to do when it's raining?
Look outside, stare, listen to music, ponder.

79. Favorite Disney character
Jack Sparrow.

80. Do you like coffee? If so, what is your favorite brand?
I HATE coffee.XP

81. Tag six people