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So long!

Blog Entry: So long!

Blog Entry: So long!
Posted by: xxNaminexx
Posted: January 15, 2011, 6:28:34 AM
Mood: Sad
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Currently: Leaving =(
Listening To: Vampire Knight
I'm so sorry, but I'm deleting all my art on here and then the account, I never use it or upload to it, and I never talk to anyone on here. I would LOVE to stay friends with my old friends on here, so please, if you want to keep in contact with me, message me on deviantart, there's a link below. Thank you and goodbye to all of my friends on ehre for encouraging me and being so kind, despite the fact I haven't spoken to most of them since 2007, and ost of them are gone. So, please add me on Deviantart, and if not well...bye bye, thanks for being there ^^