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Displaying 1-20 of 20 results.
This story depicts the epic tale of "Kingdom Hearts: Final Confrontation," from the perspective of Cunla after his departure from Sora and Riku. See what he endures to become stronger, gaining new companions and eventually mastering the Rage.
After the Battle of Long Valley, the KH team reached the waning stage of their adventure.
I merely wrote the first sentence of this story. Write comments to continue the story yourself as you please. All comments will be accepted and added to the story. This is just to get fun. Collaboration is really appreciated.
this is my first fic and I am very sorry because I wrote it in Spanish. However I'm working hard to translate it into English some day. At least the translation of the title would be "Nights of Bleeding Moon" To those who can read it, I hope you lik
Just suppose...just suppose that there was a final intervention that may have changed the destinies of the key bearers.
This is linked to the The Third Epic. After the battle with Kahn, Kenshin and his friends experience a new peace. That is until...
The Dark Empire begins to assemble their forces in great numbers. Their goal, to conquer the entire Anime Universe.
A military commander James Sinclair, admist a world slowly spiralling out of control. PG-13.
A story involving a world of various furry races, such as moogles, foxes, and so on. Unfinished; any ideas would be most appreciated. PG, some violence.
how to tell when you are too obsessed with Inuyasha *** READ*** Important INfo here!
this kinda the jist of whats stiring up in me, cant explain it though. oh well, hope ya'll like it.
every thing here is all true, cuse of my son-of-a-dog cousin, Sean >_< DRAGONS I HATE HIM! and i heard that his life aint going so well X) as it says though, I'm broken...
heh i was bored (what else is new) but i like it >^-^< its 'sposed ta be
some-what up lifting. comment if u please.
dedicated to the San Diego fires...that are destroying my home town
again, dont ask.
...dont ask...
i thought of this during Spanish class...THATS probly why im failing ^-^"
but i like it, it turned out a lot better than i thought it would. im kinda trying to make it into a song ^-^"
i was bored in math class (u cant learn any thing in the class i was in anyways)
if i messed up my wording, sry, but im not that good at English
its kind like whats going on in side me