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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-24 of 24 results.
Bio''s of some of my charaters.
the simpsons
family guy
king of the hill
sonic x
total drama
the mr. men show
the land before time
star wars: the clone wars
i should have used tmnt, though, but no room left
This is a kinda "Meet The Crew" Thing -_-

Bio Template courtesy of Chaoscontroler1992
A poem I made which is kinda like a story ^^. its about a nightly creature kinda like a vampire who experiences their first kill. What happens? Read to find out! XD
Er..I'm going to post all of my poems here.. some aren't as good as others.. ^^;
I am justing doing a yaoi/shounen-ai story,becuz they are the best,and i have been wanting to make one for a while now XD lol,so,yah....this is gonna be my test/expreiment story,lol,but its still gonna be a story :3
25 ways to be a jerk for the holiday season
Once this story gets started, I'll put up a better description.

[just a warning: the prologue won't make much sense right now]
[another warning: this will be a long story]
This is the Story of Ryu Kozaku, a Boy who has A monster, Onaga the Dragon Emperor, inside of him.What is This Beast? And Why has it fallen to darkness? Read and Learn the Story that started it all...
you can tell i was board XD so i made this
I get the most random e-mails, and I thought you might find these as random/funny/hilarious/stupid/pointless as I did!

Comment with your results, but only if you haven't cheated.

I did not make these.
I got these in some e-mails, and I thought they were some of the best stories I've ever heard/read.

I did not make them. (though I wish I had)
The Ultimate Guide to the longest Fanart Central series!
This sequel involves everyone being turned into babies, the return to the land before time and a surprise new enemy!
This is basically a list of the members in my band, and their parts. I'll consider letting people join in but u have to consult ME First. Oh and MAYBE what they wear too^^
ok here is a spyro story im writing partly made from imagination partly made from dreams i keep having this was inspired by a dream i had also so yea enjoy  :D
Well Christmas is comming but 4 those who dont celebrate it i wanted to do a haiku poem about Winter!!!!
plz coment!!!
ok a story on jordan's life ok it will be bad i know so wat
um........this is kinda random but this was one of my fave T.V shows as a kids so umm i dunno why im writin about it so um any way if 8u wanna be mentioned in it just say(even tho no-one will) and dont comment if u dont like it
ok everyone sems to have a story of there digimon so i made one too
a digimon story about digimon and tamers about there friendship honour and bravery
this is a role pla that so far use jordan and sutaru
my second stoy the gang have now moved into a mansion
mi first story hope you like it if u want to be in the story let me know on mi profile page