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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-7 of 7 results.
There are many days... but the reality is that each day comes only once a year. Some of those days are so important, that people throw away their routines just to relish those few short hours. Such a day was coming for Zelda... [oneshot] [LxZ]
Zelda almost lifted Link’s hand to kiss it, but restrained herself from doing so. Their relationship wasn’t so deep as to fill the hole with a million scarlet roses. Instead, she offered him her sweetest smile and wished him well. [One shot]
A call from the abyss, the awakening of the forbidden… The chasm of darkness grows as he learns to love her, who is cursed by a demon… and the wings of shadow envelop him like a shroud. It is the beckoning of Winged Darknes… [LxZ] R&R! :D
One man loves her... and so does another... One man is fortunate... and the other is saddened... The young princess finds the broken man and tries to heal his heart, and the other is consumed with the emotion of envy... (LinkxZelda)(PG-13)
Link and Zelda sittin' in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love... then comes marriage... then comes a baby in a baby carriage! ... *Cough* sorry... several babies... That REALLY stress out Link! (PG)
A cloaked man finds a young maiden along the shores of Hyrule ocean crying all for her absent lover. He goes to her and finds out more than what he expected. [one-shot]
It's a list of poems I came up with. Some don't rhyme, but who ever said poems had to?