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Displaying 1-25 of 31 results.
While it is technically an unfinished story start, I decided that it was something I liked and so have kept it.
I read it as an open-ended short story although it was not the original intention.
It was something I found on my memory stick from a few months ago, making it a hell of alot more recent than any of my other work. The name was something I thought up just to put it up on here when the thought crossed my mind, it's loosely based on the piece.
In which the Homestuck characters are descendents of the Final Fantasy 7 heroes.
This got good reception on deviantART ( and Archive of Our Own (, so I figured I'd post it up here, too.
Remember, if you have any more questions, just leave a comment and I'll add it right away.

For questions about specific characters, stay tuned. Those FAQ's will be coming out soon.

Here''''s the written version of the picture I submitted. 83 A little preview for a story idea I''''m currently working on.
Charlotte and Zell are in love but the prophecy says that she will kill the one she loves to destroy them all. They decide to find a way to destroy the enemy without having to kill one another. Will they find a way?
I head into space trying to explore a new galaxy, what horrors await me?... (this story was saturday detention work)
Desert adventurer encounters dangerous inhabitants.
Dragon, mountain, village, Story
When four strangers meet, their journey begins.
Thank you Mizy for the inspirational pics:

Check out Mizy's artwork:
Zombie Flan...bbbbrrraaaiiinnnsssssssssss
hunt yayyyyyy
Yuna and a Chocobo...
Victoria Isabella. She is hard to figure out. One word is Neglect. She longs for love, trust, & friendship. Ideas on this 'book' from Twilight's Stephenie Meyer and Speaks Laurie Anderson. If you have not read them I recommend.

Excuse any cheesyness or gramatical errors...I'm a n00b when it comes to writing... ^^;

Nyaaa~ -.-
the cheshire cat has been alone all these years in his tree wondering if there were any others of his kind but now.... please read to continue.
Jake and Spud relize their true fellings for eachother through their dreams
Hay a new place to put all my random song parodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYAYAY my poetry shtuff!!!!

read my sonnets and limeriks, por favor!!!
This is a story of my own creation. All characters are my own-or people I know. Yes, I made up my own language. I know it's a cliche. Meh.
Myess, I know, you're wondering why there isn't a second one. Well, that's because that Advent Children and I wanted to start on my own storyline: Recognition. In this one Sun realizes her past. Tell me if u likey!!!
The main char of this fanfic is a dark brown tabby named Hawkstorm, who has one green eye, one blue eye, and a father named Hawkfrost. She is the daughter of Leopardstar as well.