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Even goths cry

Even goths cry

Even goths cry by Fatal_dreamer
Even goths cry by Fatal_dreamer


Umm i drew this because i am not a goth but a friend of mine is and He got upset because his father died and all these guys came up and started to tease him..for a unfair reason(the lose of his father)anyway this is how he looks and what he was wearing at the time(but of course not as good)So i guess this is going out to him..May your father rest in peace...:'(

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Date Submitted
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Vote Score 2
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Comments (32)

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EmoTOYGIRL on December 13, 2007, 1:47:56 AM

EmoTOYGIRLDeep story behind it Love it

dddarkdragon on July 16, 2007, 2:37:14 AM

dddarkdragon on
dddarkdragonawesome picture really well done

Klink on January 24, 2007, 2:11:25 PM

Klink on
KlinkPeople who do that pis me off. I really REALLY like this picture. :-)

DeathNinja919 on October 13, 2006, 11:59:21 AM

DeathNinja919 on
DeathNinja919that sad... I'm goth and i know, THEY DO CRY PEOPLE!!! WE HAVE FEELINGS!!!

Rikku_Mogonei on May 26, 2006, 1:00:35 PM

Rikku_Mogonei on
Rikku_Mogoneino,you`re mistaken for an emo, they LOOK like goths but they AREN`T goths...

i feel bad for him,me being goth i understand.........

not to mention, two of my friends died recently, i was crying, i kicked some arse....... they really shouldn`t have made fun of me! so i understand...... a LOT.

Chibi__Overlord on April 23, 2006, 7:10:02 AM

Chibi__Overlord on
Chibi__OverlordThe only thing I here from Goths is crying -_-

Lamia on April 14, 2006, 11:59:23 AM

Lamia on
LamiaArt-Queen's sis:

Tell your friend to not worry about those guys who are messing him, all he has to remember is that what they do to him, it will come to them 10 fold. He has all the right to cry.


emereldstone on April 10, 2006, 10:28:03 AM

emereldstone on
emereldstoneI hate people who do that. It makes me sick. I'm a proud non-conformist and I get that shoot everyday. Tell your friend I'm sorry about his dad. Death sucks. I love the pic BTW in my ranting I forgot.

wickedsoul5 on March 27, 2006, 12:10:39 PM

wickedsoul5 on
wickedsoul5my friends r goth and so am i

screw those conformist b****** the deserve to rot in hell!

bluemoon_alchemist on March 27, 2006, 11:29:20 AM

bluemoon_alchemist on
bluemoon_alchemist;_; *gasp!*

I-read-poetry-to-trees on March 26, 2006, 6:49:28 AM

I-read-poetry-to-trees on
I-read-poetry-to-treesThis picture is really good!

Those dudes must have serious mental issues to be picking on a guy for crying over his fathers death.

may his father rest in peace.

Renae on March 25, 2006, 11:49:10 PM

Renae on
RenaeThat was so nice of you to dedicate your picture to him, I am so sorry he had to go through that! Those jerks that laughed at him are immature and so heartless, I feel for him though, tell your friend that Cari said "Hi"!

Arisa-Aya on March 24, 2006, 11:50:32 AM

Arisa-Aya on
Arisa-AyaI swaer pepole are dumb!Your poor friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!No one deseves to be mad e fun for crying because they lost a love one!It was very sweet of you to draw this picture.You must be an awsome friend.

Admired_From_Afar on March 24, 2006, 9:54:32 AM

Admired_From_Afar on
Admired_From_AfarThose @$$ wipes! That's so heartless! I'm sorry about your frineds father. I have people like that at my school. They're mean to me because I'm goth.
Greath picuture. Keep up the good work.

lil_cheez on March 23, 2006, 3:49:58 PM

lil_cheez on
lil_cheezI feel sorry for the guy… if I were in a situation like that I don’t think I could have controlled myself. they probably would’ve had my shoe mark on their face 4 the rest of there miserable friggin life. Shatsu holes…

Great pic. It looks really cool

silenttearsofagony on March 22, 2006, 10:37:11 AM

silenttearsofagony on
silenttearsofagonyI feel sorry for him I mean its realy uncool to make fun of some body whos faher dies oh and awsome pic.

purplegirl1919 on March 22, 2006, 9:47:15 AM

purplegirl1919 on
purplegirl19191.I like your pic, and wish i could see the handwriting because it looks waaaaayyyyy better then mine. The hair and shirt look awsome too!
2.Idiots like that deserve nothing except a kick in their asses!! Tell your friend that he is brave and shouldnt put up with bastards like that. I also hope that you are not in grade school, kuz i almost never cuss!

Wifeofnaraku on March 22, 2006, 7:48:50 AM

Wifeofnaraku on
WifeofnarakuThat's mean of them to make fun of someone like that. I know how you feel man! I lost my father too. :'( sob sob. I hope he feels better.Oh yeah and nice pic.

TornLover on March 22, 2006, 7:24:40 AM

TornLover on
TornLoverBastards... I know how he feels. Tell him for me that he's not alone, and that he'll get through this.

Amazing job. really.

Neko_Aoki on March 22, 2006, 1:30:39 AM

Neko_Aoki on
Neko_AokiWell I know that he is really sad and i wish i could help him but since i can't i want to show support by doing the only thing i can do and leave a comment. I wish i could go give him a hug and tell him everything will be all right even if it doesn't seem like it. And to those people that made fun of him frack YOU! They deserve to be the ones whose father died not him. I hope he feels better and give him a nice big hug.

sexy_yuki95259 on March 21, 2006, 10:17:04 AM

sexy_yuki95259 on
sexy_yuki95259AWWWWWWWWW sad/cute I love it nya *faves*

RockStar2005 on March 21, 2006, 7:39:30 AM

RockStar2005 on
RockStar2005that really got me there. everyone cries. everyone on the face of the earth. its retarded that those dumbass kids would tease him for thatm that kind of thing really hurts. if something like that happened to me, id cry. well good job on the picture too. that really got me.

Art-Queen on March 20, 2006, 1:51:06 PM

Art-Queen on
Art-Queenfrack those fracking frackers.

On a high note. Ive never lost a parent, divorce kinda made me feel that way though. Tell your friend that he's not alone and that he had all the right to cry.

ElAhrairah on March 20, 2006, 1:18:14 PM

ElAhrairah on
ElAhrairahI would.

Turteyz on March 20, 2006, 12:12:11 PM

Turteyz on
TurteyzI feel bad for the kid...but exact same thing happen to me My father passed away a few months ago. Kids still made fun of me. i go pretty mad but i never fight back.

wickedobsessed on March 20, 2006, 10:10:20 AM

wickedobsessed on
wickedobsessedTell him Yero said sorry and that people who mess with people after a loved one dies should go to hell. Tell him that he's hot too. XDD Just kiddin'. (Sorta.) Oh and also I like his shirt. The drawing's awesome. You draw tears really well and I love the hair and shirt and background and EVERYTHING. Tell him what I told you to tell him. Does he have a FAC account?


Captain-Kuri on March 20, 2006, 9:59:52 AM

Captain-Kuri on

Nice picture.

Ruroni_Otaku on February 13, 2006, 9:45:21 AM

Ruroni_Otaku on
Ruroni_OtakuThat is awesome. Like, way awesome.

Enigma_Girl on February 10, 2006, 2:51:12 AM

Enigma_Girl on
Enigma_Girlaw man, that's just frackin' tight...spigin fuftas! awesome pic ^^

Broken-Heart on January 29, 2006, 8:53:40 AM

Broken-Heart on
Broken-Hearti feel bad 4 him... and AWSOME PIC!!!!!!!

Ichidou_Daisuke on January 14, 2006, 3:12:51 AM

Ichidou_Daisuke on
Ichidou_Daisukefrackin' frackers. Who the frack would mess with a guy after his father dies?! Gods, I hate assholes like that. I'm sorry about your friend. I hope he won't let those assholes effect him.

bluefairy421 on January 10, 2006, 8:23:07 AM

bluefairy421 on
bluefairy421That's awesome! Oh, and I like your name!

Blue Fairy