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Acceptance- repost

Acceptance- repost

Acceptance- repost by avi17
Acceptance- repost by avi17


Ike and Senerio (or Soren...*sighs at translated names*) from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Yes, Avi-chan is bad, drawing shounen-ai for a game that's not out in America yet. But I've read the supports,'s just so perfect! *tears of joy*

Warning- next part contains spoilers!

Anyways, this actually has significance other than it being shounen-ai. It's kinda hard to see in this picture, but Senerio has that odd mark on his forehead. It apparently signifies that he's half Beorc (human) and half Laguz (those animal-transformy-people), and because of this, basically his very living is considered heresy, and everyone shuns him. Ike is the only one who has ever accepted him and wanted to be around him even when he found out. And apparently (I'm honestly not making this up), that's why Senerio loves him. God only knows what they'll do to this support in the translation, but that's what it's supposed to be. Which is why the title of this is significant, as is the fact that Ike is kissing Senerio on the forehead. In addition to being a gesture of love, it's a gesture of acceptance.

*end of spoilers*

Anyways... *jumps for joy* Only nine days left to wait!! Yaay!!


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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Fire Emblem series
Date Submitted
Views 4054
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Comments 15
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Comments (15)

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shigurefangirl112233 on January 26, 2007, 12:41:21 PM

shigurefangirl112233 on
shigurefangirl112233Heh.Soren rocks!He's one of the reasons I am an artist today.Very nice.And I shall now be murdered by Quillum.

Riyu21 on July 8, 2006, 7:56:52 AM

Riyu21 on
Riyu21aww! I only have C support, but I read their supports, and it's so sweet! That's when I thought 'aww... and I used to think IkeSoren was weird... T.T' hehe tis a very beautiful picture w/ Ike and Soren's feathery-ish hair.

Riyu21 =^-^=

Blazing_SheFool on February 25, 2006, 5:09:10 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolFave fave fave fave fave fribbling FAVED!

Nintendo_Nut on February 13, 2006, 2:06:35 AM

Nintendo_Nut on
Nintendo_NutOkay, I gotta comment on this again after actually SEEING the Support Convos (which took FOREVER to get ._.). I was close to tears when reading the A convo, even if the meaning of love was lost in the translation because SOMEONE was going to freak out if there was a gay pairing in the game itself because people won't open their FRICKEN EYES to see the most OBVIOUS pairing in the world.
...I'll bet they did that for Eliwood and Hector too... XP
*done ranting* No, but when I was reading it, this pic popped into my mind automatically... it was a good feeling. ^-^
IKE/SOREN 4EVEH! 8D Dis piccy's still awesome!

Dark_Assassin92 on February 12, 2006, 12:39:57 AM

Dark_Assassin92 on
Dark_Assassin92aaah this is awesome ^^ *sigh* i've been trying for a while to get those supports but it's proving to be very difficult -_- oh well, beautiful pic! *faves*

Chosen on January 30, 2006, 10:38:57 PM

Chosen on
ChosenVery nice... Ike looks good. I always loved his cute little headband ^______^
This made me giggle. CUTE XD

ArabianFox on January 26, 2006, 11:43:07 AM

ArabianFox on
ArabianFoxA shounen-ai pic...with meaning? (marvels) I have no idea who these people are, but this is an absolutely wonderful pic. So many lines...did it take you long to do? The proportioning is wonderful, and I like the tall one's outfit in particular.

Dragonman343 on December 30, 2005, 1:52:54 AM

Dragonman343 on
Dragonman343Great pic but there is no marth in fire emblem path of radia I know this because I own it.nce

Mewlon on December 11, 2005, 1:02:08 PM

Mewlon on
MewlonAwww...this is just so cute! I need to see that support! I knew that Soren loves Ike! They so belong to each other!

Lord_Ma-koto_Chaoying on November 22, 2005, 4:27:16 PM

Lord_Ma-koto_Chaoying on
Lord_Ma-koto_ChaoyingHello, Avi !

My, my... talented as ever. I love how you draw them, your artwork reflecting such a trust, this sort of relationship between friendship and... love. Sereno may look more masculine than usual, but... Ike is perfect and I love the entire drawing ! The hair is very pretty too. But the best ever is their expression. *shed a tear* Such a trust !

I just got the game and I haven't the support A yet, only B and C. Does the support A really stating that... Soren loves Ike ? @_@ Anyway, they do get on well together.

Great job, you're always improving !

Lord Ma-koto

Nintendo_Nut on November 8, 2005, 7:23:11 AM

Nintendo_Nut on
Nintendo_NutIke.... *drool*

sis on October 27, 2005, 7:05:33 AM

sis on
sisthat rocks i love it dude!*fave*

zword_of_zeal on October 13, 2005, 1:10:26 AM

zword_of_zeal on
zword_of_zealAlright! Great job! Love the pairing, and absolutely love the details x3

Hawk-of-Heart on October 10, 2005, 10:47:51 PM

Hawk-of-Heart on
Hawk-of-Heartoh it is so nice! thats a great job u did!


Song_of_a_Phoenix on October 8, 2005, 10:00:35 AM

Song_of_a_Phoenix on
Song_of_a_PhoenixYAY I can see it now! It looks really good! I can't wait for the game to come out!