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Chapter 7 - Respect

[WIP] They had what no force on Earth could divide. Be it up or down, right or wrong, they counted on a childhood vow to see them through. But now time has taken its toll and nothing can ever be the same. [Spud/Trixie – Jake/Trixie – Jake/Rose]

Chapter 7 - Respect

Chapter 7 - Respect
Chapter Seven: Respect

Trixie Carter looked long and hard at the boy holding her in his arms after he had told her that he would claim her child. She couldn''t help but to wonder why a person with so many responsibilities already on his plate would agree to take care of a child that wasn''t his? So she continued to stare into his dark black eyes, hoping that within them she would be able to find an answer to her question. But for all the searching she did, all she found was the love a friend, who was determine not to watch her fall.

Well, Trixie wasn''t a push over, nor some damsel in distress, and though she appreciated the offer to the very core of her, she could only give him one answer. “No,” she whispered as she shook her head as she finally pulled away from Jake and wiped away the remainder of her tears. “I can''t allow you to do that. It''s just wrong,” she told him.

“How is it wrong, that I don''t want to see you raise your child alone?” he asked of her.

Trixie smiled at his persistence. She had truly lucked out with having someone like him in her life. Trixie then blinked a few times in surprise, because although she had been looking at nothing but him, it was only now that she really took in his from. “You know, with your wings, you kind of look like an angel,” she informed him.

Jake didn''t understand at first, that is not until Trixie reached out and her fingers ran across the thin, but durable skin of his wings. It was then that he realized that he had been in so much of a hurry to find her that he actually didn''t completely change back into his human form. He slightly frowned as he allowed his wings to dissolve away. “Trust me. . . I''m nobody''s angel.”

“Look, Jake, your offer is beyond sweet, but us lying to people about this just doesn''t sit well with me,” she voiced her concern. “And it''s not like we could keep it for long. As soon as the baby is born, people will know it''s not yours.”

“So you want to raise this baby alone?” Jake asked.

“You act as if people don''t do it all the time, Jake. It''s nothing new,” she explained. “I can do it on my own.”

“But I''m trying to tell you, you don''t have to, Trixie. I am more than willing to be what this child needs,” he explained.

“I can''t agree to this. I can''t,” she told him. “It would be selfish of me to even consider it. Besides, what would Spud think if he-”

Jake frowned before cutting her off. “Trixie, you heard what Johanna said. The chances of Spud coming back. . . they aren''t good.” Jake''s shoulders slumped over as he finally said the words out loud. “We have to play this as if it''s the worst case scenario.”

“Have you have no faith in him?” she asked.

“I do,” he confirmed. “But I don''t know what he''s up against or what he is even doing or why for that matter. I have faith in him, but it''s hard to have when we''ve been left in the dark.” An idea then popped into Jake''s head. “We have to see Johanna again.”

“She told us not to come back,” Trixie reminded him.

“You''re carrying her niece or nephew. She has to see us. She has to tell us what is going on with Spud or least be able to tell him what''s going on with you,” he hoped.

Trixie nodded her head as she stood up. “It''s worth a shot, I guess.” She sat on her parent''s bed. “When should we try to see her?” she asked.

Jake sat next to her. “As soon as possible. Maybe even today if we can,” he replied.

Later that day Jake and Trixie found themselves outside of Johanna''s front door again. “Well, let me guess,” Johanna began as she looked at Trixie. “You''ve discovered you''re pregnant?”

Trixie looked at her suspiciously. “How did you know?”

“Come inside,” she looked to Jake, “both of you.” The two teenages followed Johanna into the living room where they took a sit while Johanna remained standing. She cleared her throat before she regarded them. “I know why you are here, but I can''t help you. There is no why that I can contact Arthur,” she explained.

“If you can just tell me where he is,” Jake begged. “I can handle the rest.”

“If you find him now, he will be in violation of our laws and lose his right to the throne. He has to do this alone.”

Jake looked at her in confusion. “Throne?”

Johanna closed her eyes and sighed as she realized what she had let slip. “shoot,” she whispered to herself.

“What must he do alone?” Trixie asked.

Johanna stared at them for a moment as she weighed her options. “Alright, if my brother trusted you enough to give you the Jewel of Eskaw. . . I guess, I have no choice but to trust you as well.” She took a sit on the lazy-boy chair. She looked at Jake as she began. “My brothers-”

“Brothers?” Trixie interrupted.

“Please, let me tell my story,” Johanna insisted and Trixie indicated she would remain silent. “My brothers and I are not of this world- no,” she rethought her words. “That makes us sound like aliens,” she smiled at the thought. “I guess the right word would be dimension,” she began again. “My brother Spud is the last male of our father''s line. On his eighteenth birthday, he had to return home to claim his right as the true heir, but to prove that he is worth there is a test he must survive.”

Trixie visibly looked upset as she heard Johanna speak the word, survive. “This test is not easy. Two of three of our older brothers have already done this test and have failed. I am not eligible to claim the throne as I learned on my eighteenth birthday that I was illegitimate and therefore have no rights to it.” Johanna then shook her head. “Spud is talented, but I fear for his life.”

“Wait,” Jake raised an eyebrow, only a little passed the knowledge that one of his best friends was royalty. “What happened to the other older brother? Did he survive?”

“Yes and no. During our eldest brother''s younger days, he did a lot of dimension jumping and while visiting this one fell in love with it.” Johanna smiled. “No, that''s wrong. He fell in love with a girl here, but bringing her to our dimension, though not unheard of, was impossible it seemed for him. So being the eldest with four younger siblings after him, he denounced his chance at the throne and stayed here to raise a family with her,” she explained. “I came to visit him many years ago and ended up adoring this dimension as well. Spud and I have been here ever since.”

“So Spud didn''t have to go, he could have given up his chance?” Trixie asked.

“No, being the last of our father''s line, he had no choice. If he does not survive and claim the throne, it will fall to our eldest brother''s line. Our eldest brother, has not told his family who he is, therefore his children do not have the knowledge to survive such a test. Spud could not denounce the throne in good conscience.”

“And if he survives?” Jake probed.

“Our people are in great hardship at this moment. He must put things in order before he''s allowed by our parliament to jump dimensions. News of if he lived or died, will be years from now.”

Jake suddenly felt a strange tingle. He looked down and noticed Trixie had lightly taken his hand in comfort. “Years?” she looked at Johanna in disbelief. “Can''t you go back to your home dimension to see what''s going on?”

Johanna shook her head as she stood up and walked over to the fireplace. On the mantle rested a picture of her and Spud. “I wish I could, but I am not allowed to return home for reasons I do not care to discuss.”

“How did you know I was pregnant?” Trixie asked, not able to hold her curiosity.

Johanna turned from the mantle back to the guest that sat in her home. “Because I can''t touch you without feeling like my skin is on fire,” she told her. “The protection of the jewel is doubled when the receiver is with child of the giver. At first it was mostly used to ward off any other male suitors from our dimension. But with the changing times of our world, it is used to keep enemies from harming the next generation of our line.”

“Johanna, in your honest option, can Spud do this?” Jake stared at her intensely, longing for the words he wanted to hear.

Johanna couldn''t look at them as she answered, “I don''t know.”

Jake swallowed hard as he stood in his living room looking at the people looking at him. Trixie stood next to him, her hand once again in his as she shook slightly. She seem to be just as nervous about this as he was. And who wouldn''t be as in front of them sat members from both of their families, which include Jake''s dad, Johnathan, his sister, grandfather, and Fu Dog. For Trixie it included her mother and grandmother because her father was on tour somewhere overseas.

Jake had suggested to Mrs. Carter about the three of them coming over to have dinner with him and his family, telling her that he had already confirmed that it was okay with his dad. Mrs. Carter thought it was a nice gesture and politely accepted the invitation. She was now looking at him curiously, her forehead faintly creasing, as Jake had told them that he an announcement, which was shortly followed by Trixie standing next to him.

Jake''s eyes then lingered on his twelve year old sister as Fu Dog rested his head on her lap before she went stretching him behind the ear. Jake wondered how he would react if it were a few years later and she was standing up here with some boy with the news that he had. What would he want for her? He continued to wonder. He then looked to Trixie who was already looking at him and gave her a gentle smile.

Trixie smiled back, but it was one that did not reach her eyes. Reading her expression Jake knew she was letting him know that if he wanted to back out that this was the time to do so, because after this there was no turning back. Jake simply nodded his head in understanding before seeing her give a small sigh of relief as she finally looked to her own mother. “Mom,” she began slowly. “Jake and I are-”

“-Getting married,” Jake blurred out as he cut Trixie cut.

“What?” was the word Jake simultaneously heard from several people, one which included Trixie herself.

“Jake, what the hell?” Trixie whispered to him. “This isn''t what we talked about.”

Before Jake could respond another voice cut in. “You two can not be serious,” Mrs. Carter stood up to express her concerns. “You''re just kids. You''re not even done with hight school yet. Besides, you''re not even old enough to get married without our consent.”

“I''ll be eighteen in several mouths,” Jake informed her. “I''ll be old enough then.”

“But she won''t be,” Mrs. Carter grabbed her daughter''s arms. “And I won''t give consent. We''re going home,” she told Trixie. “I can''t believe you brought me here to hear such nonsense.”

“Why don''t you just let the babies speak?” Mrs. Carter turned to see that her mother-in-law hadn''t gotten up from her seat.

“Yes, please, let us speak,” Jake pleaded with Trixie''s mom.

Mrs. Carter looked a little taken back before turning to Johnathan and Lao Shi. “Mr. Long. . . and Mr. Loung, certainly you two must agree with me.”

Jake looked to his grandfather, for support, but Lao Shi seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him.

Johnathan then nodded his head as he took off his glass and cleaned them with the bottom of his shirt. “I do. The two of them are much too young to even be considering marriage.” He replaced his glasses before looking at his son. “Maybe in a few years, after college, when you''ve both have had a little more life experience,” he reasoned. “Maybe then you two can discuss marriage and who knows maybe by that time you''ll see how silly this is now.”

“Life experience?” Jake looked to his father incredulously. “Are you kidding me? Can you really say that to my face after-”

“Jake!” Lao Shi yelled out before Jake''s anger allowed him to say more than he should.

“I''ve heard enough,” Mrs. Carter stated. “We''re going home,” she told her daughter again. “So you can explain to me why-”

“I''m pregnant,” Trixie finally announced.

Mrs. Carter''s mouth fell open at the words. She then shook her head. “No you''re not,” was all she could say.

“Yeah,” Jake spoke up stepping behind Trixie as he took hold of her arms. “She is. . . and we''re getting married with or without your consent.”

“Oh, Jake,” Jake heard Lao Shi softly say.

Johnathan sighed. “I''m very disappointed in you, son. I don''t even know what your mother is going to think when she returns.”

Mrs. Carter looked confused. “Wait, I thought his mother had-”

“Mom,” Trixie quickly cut her off. She then closed her eyes as she slightly shook her head, telling her it wasn''t a question she should be asking.

Johnathan Long learned years ago about his wife''s side of the family and their dragon bloodline. It had been difficult for him to adjust at first, but once he did, the tension that had built up in the house for years of having to hide it from him slowly faded away almost as if it had never been there. It was new for Jake and Haley be able to use their abilities without fear of being caught by their father. It had made life at home so much easier.

But when the events of last year took place and their mother, Susan was killed, it was hard for Johnathan to digest the story as Haley retold it in tears. She cried harder as Jake refused to look at her as she did so. He blamed her, she knew, no matter how many times he told her he didn''t, and feared her father would blame her as well.

Johnathan than entered into a state of denial as he refused to believe his wife was killed and the part his family took in it. Instead, he was in the mind frame that she was on a very long trip and would return any day. Jake, Haley, and Lao Shi could do nothing but play along with his false belief as people dealt with grief in different ways.

Eventually, the night came to an end and the Carters made their way home, but as soon Trixie arrived she called up Jake. “Are you out of your mind!” was her first question as soon as he picked up the phone. “Telling them about the baby would have been hard, but what you did was uncalled for.”

“I know,” Jake agreed as he settled in his room. “It just seemed like the right thing to do.”

“Dammit, Jake,” she sighed. “This has gotten way too complicated for me.”

“I told you, Trixie, I got your back on this,” he tired to reassure her.

“This isn''t real, Jake. You can''t be serious. You don''t really want to marry me.”

Jake shrugged. “I could do worst,” he joked.

“This isn''t funny,” she stated seriously. “I mean, what about Rose?” she asked softly.

Jake frowned. “I don''t want to talk about Rose,” he made clear.

“You never want to talk about anything,” she complained. “I know for a fact that you still love her. You know I never liked her, but marrying me. . . you would lose any chance you would have to be with her,” she told him.

“I lost my chance along time ago with Rose,” he told her sadly.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You were right about her, okay? I should have never trusted her. She ratted me out to the Huntsclan, Trixie. About a year ago,” he explained.

“A year ago?” she questioned. “You mean. . . your mom?”

“When they realized who I was, they took her as bait, figuring they could lure not only me, but my grandfather as well. We knew it was a trap, but we had no other choice. We didn''t even know Haley had followed us to the rendezvous spot. But I was glad she was there. Me and gramps had gotten ourselves into a pinch and Haley bailed us out. I was so proud of her.” He smiled. “I mean, baby girl, was kicking butt and taking names. But when we had to separate to cover more ground, I was still worried about her, but she told me she could handle herself and I believed her, but then. . .” Jake softly trailed off not able to finish the story. “I''m sorry. I can''t.”

“It''s okay,” she comforted him.

“You know what? I think I''m going to call it a night, okay?” he told her suddenly feeling very tired. Trixie told him goodnight before they both hung up the phone. Jake then found himself staring at the phone when we heard a soft knock at the door. He looked up to see his grandfather enter the room. He offered him a forced smile. “Whaddup, G?” he greeted the older man.

“I have a very important matter to discuss with you, young one,” he spoke as he approached his grandson. “This marriage can not take place,” he told him.

Jake''s shoulders slumped. “Not you too, grandpa.”

“I am sorry, but I can not stand by and allow you to make the same mistake as Susan,” he told him.

“Mistake?” Jake sighed, knowing that his parents had had a child before him that didn''t survive childbirth. “Alright, the baby wasn''t plan, but please, don''t call-”

“I am not referring to the child,” he said, which confused Jake. “You can not marry a human, the Loung bloodline has been tainted enough.”

Jake only blinked at Lao Shi for a moment before the word ''tainted'' actually registered. “Are you talking about me and Haley?” he asked confused and a bit angry. “You -you think because we are part human that our blood is tainted?” he had a hard time asking. “Is this why whenever we went to Draco Island for the Summits you seemed so ashamed of me?”

“No!” Lao Shi answered loudly. “I have never been ashamed of you or your sister. I could not ask for finer, more honorable grandchildren,” he reassured him.

“Then tell me gramps, how is it honorable to ignore the responsibilities I have to this child?” he demanded to know.

Lao Shi took a deep breath as he composed himself. “Jake, I know you, you have been raised right and as your Dragon Master and your grandfather, I would like to think I had a hand in that. I do not believe you would allowed such a situation to occur.”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked.

“The child, it is not yours, is it?” Lao Shi asked.

Jake''s brow furrowed. “Do you know what you suggest about Trixie when you say that?”

Lao Shi slightly nodded. “I do. I believe she is trapping you.”

Jake stood before side stepping his grandfather and holding his door wide open. “It''s late gramps, I think it''s time for you to go home.” Jake refused to look at his grandfather as he left and closed the bedroom door behind the older man. Jake then leaned against the closed door as he realized that he had slightly lost something for his grandfather he thought he never would. . . respect.

To Be Continued. . .


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WishingIWasDifferent on July 18, 2006, 10:10:39 AM

WishingIWasDifferent on
WishingIWasDifferentYour story is very good, I hope you write more. It's very interesting! ^__^!!

Evilevergreen on August 19, 2006, 1:36:13 AM

Evilevergreen on
EvilevergreenThank you, I'm glad you are enjoying it. I've put a lot of work into it. =D