Chapter 3 - egos clash
Submitted November 21, 2004 Updated November 21, 2004 Status Incomplete | this is a story about if yuya moved to the school that the adk group is attending and stuff a normal 16year old has to go through but thew the hecktic life theres something more that going on in the school.
Anime/Manga » Samurai Deeper Kyo |
Chapter 3 - egos clash
Chapter 3 - egos clash
Samurai Deeper High SCHooL
By Happster360
DISCLAMER: A yah, I don't own it yah fool.
A.n/ sup dawgs? I've been over using the word really, thought, and staring. I suck at thinking of different words. And I've been over using the word suck. ¬.¬ Also if the page seems really cramped its because I have no clues how to figure out this download manager, cuz when I typed the two last chapters it had 1.5 spacing and indents and all that other stuff to make it look neat. Have a drawing I did that has Yuya and Okine in their school uniforms (don't ask why I have Okine in it, I just did and there noting you can do about it)
~~ Recap ~~
”Cuz I don't wanna listen to some annoying dog blabbering the whole time I'm here.” Kyo said loud but firm, eyes burning red at Yukimura. That's when Yuya's tolerance snapped IT'S hard to break old school habits Yuya thought quickly. “LOOK WHO'S TALKING YOU JACKASS, ALL I DID WAS ASK YOU A QUESTION AND THEN YOU START ACTING LIKE A PMS-ED GUY AND YOU CALL ME A dog IF THAT'S THE CASE .GO frack OFF YOU BASTARD!!! Yuya screamed at the top of her lungs her anger bursting, her green eyes fierce, the whole class staring her.
~~ Going on with story ~~
Yuya's anger was now slowing subsiding, eyes opening to those of his fierce burning red eyes. But in an equal burning fierce-ness did her green eyes glaring back at him. How dare she. Kyo thought in his head. “And who the hell do you think you are, lil girl?” Kyo asked in a belittling tone.” I'm Yuya Shiina and I don't take crap from assholes like you, Who the hell do you think you are?” Yuya asked angrily. He just looked at her with an evil smirk. “ I'm Demon Eye's Kyo …nice to meet you dog.” he added the last part to be sarcastic. She still wasn't backing down. “WOW, you're a real pompous @$$ ya know that.” Yuya remarked. Kyo eyes stared directly into her's. In the background people are whispering “doesn't she know who he is he could easily kick her @$$ or worst.” ”Howin hell can she stand up to him?”
She still not backing down? This is interesting. Kyo thought to himself. Then all of a sudden Kyo thrust his fist right into her face (ah like a punch). The rest of the class closed their eyes besides Yukimura and Hotaru. Slowly the class opened their eyes thinking that they would find the girl with a serious nosebleed crying on the floor but instead they found Kyo's fist nearly millimeters from her face. Yuya was still in the same place she was in before without flinching. Kyo just looked at her with a blank stare. Hmm she didn't flinch. She might be amusing. With a smirk he brought his hand down back to his side, turn around, walk past Yukimura, and out of the classroom. Mr. Yukimura followed him out of the room screaming “Kyo come back here you have detention for doing that!” The whole class sighed.” Yuya what hell where you thinking?” Hotaru asked. (I know he's so outta character, so bite me)”What do you mean?” Yuya turned to him with a pms-ed glare. “Well…It's hard to say something when your giving me that type of glare. Hotaru said nervously thinking that maybe it was that time of the month for yuya.. ”What? Let me guess he's like the “thug” Yuya used her figures to she the quotation marks, of this school, am I right?” Yuya said letting the pissed of look slide alittle. ”Yah that's pretty much what he is around here he's the best on are kendo club too, which is where he got the Demon eyes part of his nick name.” Hotaru said bluntly. “Really, I thought it was from his contact lens.” Yuya remarked bluntly. ”Do those aren't contact lens, but how did you know he wasn't gonna punch you?” asked hotaru. “Actually I didn't know he was going to do that cuz he did it so fast and plus it wouldn't matter because that would just give me a reason to kick his pompous @$$.” Hotaru sweatdrops. Her and Kyo have to big of egos for each other. “For your health reasons you might not want to do that again." ”Fine I won't, but if that jerk says anything again I'm not going take it, I'm not his servant or anything.” Yuya added. “Hey question Hotaru.” “What?” Hotura responded. “ What's kendo?” Yuya asked looking like the anime style cute dumb blonde look that makes weird otaku fans crazy. Hotaru practically falls out of his chair. ”It's basically Japanese sword fighting, but with bamboo swords.” he tried to explain it to her, but the look she gave him “that confused look” where it seems like she's waiting for him to finish what he was saying. “Well I have kendo training tonight if you want to came and see.” Hotaru asked because he couldn't really explain it.” "OH as much as I would like to watch you I already have plans for tonight I'm going to …”Yuya was cut-off by Mr. Yukimura. ” Detention, she going to be in detention tonight.” Yukimura said bluntly. “What? What did I do?” Yuya asked inocently. ”Did you just forget how you and Mr. Kyo interrupted the class just now with filthy language.” Yukimura said. “But that's not fair Kyo started It.” she pouted. “Sorry Pretty LIL Miss. Yuya, but rules are rules I can't just let you go just because you give me that cute lil pouting look.” He said with an odd smile. “Don't worry you can ask Kyo about kendo since he'll be joining you.” He smiled again and walked back to his desk. “OH no this just sucks I can't believe my first day of school and I have detention.” Yuya screamed to herself pulling at some of her hair in doing so .I hate him, I hate him that stupid jerk Kyo And now I bet I look like I'm that dogie girl who thinks she too good for this school and crap. Just as her anger started up again the bell rang. “Huh the bell?” questions Yuya. “Yah homeroom is over. What class do you have next?” asked Hotaru. ”Heatlh room 121 it says.” Yuya looked at her schedule. “Hey that's the class I have next.” Hotaru exclaimed. “That's good now I won't have to be lost for my next class.” Yuya smiled.
Hotaru and Yuya walked out of the room talking like so many other of their peers did.
~What Yuya is thinking~
Oy F-en vay. (a.n. That's a Hebrew word for oh dear god or something, while not the f-en part that's my own touch) I can't believe how I can go from shy to screaming in the class I wonder if the other students think I'm bipolar or have tereats (did I spell that right). Ok Yuya just settle down relax, at lest you just met someone who seems to wanna be your friend don't be all pissed off. Maybe when I'm in detention tonight I can says sorry to Kyo, even though I really don't want to it would make things easier since I have to sit with him every day. At least Hotaru still wants to talk to me and even invited me to watch him do that sword training or whatever it is .Oh crap now I just remembered that Kyoshiro and I had plans. shoot, PISS, and CORUPTION this stanks (and yes I did spell that correctly it's the slang term, hehe or at lest that's what my friend rezo says ^_^) I'm just gonna have to tell him I'm unable to go because this guy in my class called me a dog and I screamed at him so now I have detention. Oh that's sounds just great Yuya. She said to herself sarcastically. Her thoughts were broken when she heard Hotaru say something. "Huh?” Yuya asked. “OH I just said this is the class.” Hotaru repeated. ”Oh sorry I tend to space out some time.” Yuya said with a small blush. “Huh? Did you say something?” Hotaru asked, apparently he was not paying attention either. Woah and I though I was out there. Yuya said to her self before she walked into class.
Sssooo didja like didja not ? Tell me or nothing will happen. And I can't figure out why the hell dose the story look all messed up when I add it in to the fanfiction page. Ahhhh.
^_~ Happster360 peace out dawgs.
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HyogaSwan on May 31, 2006, 9:54:27 AM
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