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Chapter 30 - Graduation Day

In 2005 Angel Grove and the Power Coins are out there, broken, awaiting their other halves. When Roki and Zita Repulsa take residence in the Palace on the Moon six ordinary young people find themselves in the middle of a Z Putty attack. They become Power Rangers. It is then up to them to complete the other halves of their coins and defend the world against Evil.

Chapter 30 - Graduation Day

Chapter 30 - Graduation Day
Cavern beneath the Command Center

Taran, due to the connection with the Staff, could see everything that was happening. The Power Rangers had been given access to power suits from the past and near and not too distant future. The Turbo suits for Winter, Wood, Nathan, Tori and Chloe. Not long from now, there would be Overdrive Rangers and Lani, Danny, Melody, Tori and Zara were borrowing their power. Among the Morphin' Legacy of the future there would be RPM Rangers and Tai, Billie, Holly, Autumn, Fox were borrowing from that time. As for the three suits that Sora wore, he had no idea the Legacy behind them, but Taran did.

He also understood that these things eventually fade and he'd no more of what would happen than anyone else, but for now he seemed to know everything.

Power was spinning through the cavern like a tempest. He could almost feel the barrier between the universe and the Morphing Grid. He just needed something to direct the power. Three somethings. The triplets would be his conduit. He smiled and prepared to release the power to them when the time was right.


Kordec was nothing more than a black blur. "I don't need my computer to know that this one is going to be bad," Blue commented.

"Indeed not," Yellow agreed.

"Let's not just stand around talking about it," Black urged.

"He's vibrating faster now!" Green shouted.

"All right, let's finish it now!" Red said.

"Right!" They agreed and came together to combine weapons. "RPM Enforcer!"

Red slipped a device into the Enforcer. "Engine Cell Activate!" The weapon charged.


The Enforcer fired at the same time as Kordec let loose his attack. The two forced met and pushed against each other, each side giving their all. The attack finally hit home and the monster exploded.


Overdrive Red opened the prongs of her weapon and a blade jutted out. She ran forward, jumped and spun crashing the Lance into the monster. Black spun around and tossed the wheel-themed hammer with everything she had and directed its path to crash into the monster several times before bringing it back to her. Blue wasn't far behind with his attack, activating the hand-held wind turbine and punching with it. Which then brought Yellow behind, lashing out with the scoops on her hands ending in an uppercut that had him sparking wildly. Pink followed up by cooling him with liquid laser fire.

Having taken enough punishment Zyrinoc roared a rocky roar and lashed out with his weapons, throwing each of them off their feet. He began to swing the weapon again. Black lashed out with her hammer and telekinesis once more.

Red sprang to her feet. "Defender Vest!" She summoned a chest piece that reflected the speedometer-like insignia of the power suit. "Drill Blaster!" She summoned a large heavy weapon with a drill head that she had to stabilize on her thigh. The other Rangers lined up behind her to get out of the way. "Spiral Shot!" The drill head began to turn and she fired the weapon as an energy blast shot toward the monster.

Weakened and unable to gather enough energy to defend, the monster was powerless against the attack. The power of the drill exploded into the monster.


Saksor got a little cocky after his last attack and tooted his own horn a little too loudly. He really thought he'd done it that time. "Psyche!" Turbo Pink sprang out of the dust, firing the Wind Fire at the monster making him give and discordant squeal.

Yellow sped up and pressed the Star Chargers against the monster. "Clear!" she called and the electrical discharge sent the monster stumbling back.

"Say hello to my little friend!" Green said in a really bad accent and fired his Thunder Cannon at the monster.

Blue aimed both the Hand Blasters at monster. "Han didn't shoot first. I did!" he began shooting the monster.

With a full charge of the Lightning Sword. He ran forward, crouched slightly and slashed, unloading an electrical pulse that almost finished the monster. But it didn't. In retaliation, he trumpeted loudly again. "Turbo R.A.M. Cannon!" Red called and the Rangers gathered to assemble the cannon. "Fire!" They fired on the monster, exploding him hopefully once and for all.


Riti's Fortress Ship

Lammy was almost to the engine room when she came upon the worst round of resistance yet. There was a line of soldiers with shields and lasers pointed at her. They fired as soon as they saw her. She braced herself for the worst, squeezing her eyes shut. When nothing came, she opened her eyes.

Griff was standing in front of her, holding his mace. The spiked ball was absorbing the energy fire. Finster was cowering behind Lammy. Griff grunted as the mace became heavier and heavier. Seeing that nothing was happening, the soldiers stopped firing. Griff's move was swift. Lammy ducked and pulled Finster down with her. He swung the mace and sent the energy back toward them.

They and the entrance to the engine room exploded. Lammy got to her feet and ran in. There was heavy damage and alarms were beginning to flare. A voice told them that a critical event was eminent and they should evacuate the ship. "Good job," she told her brother.

Griff shrugged. "It's what I do," he said.

"Hurry. Take Finster somewhere safe. I need to help the sisters," she said. Griff nodded and the three of them disappeared.


The three Sora's were having a tough time fending off Rio's laser fire and the Bone Drones she occasionally sic'd on him. Zeta was surrounded by Bone Drones and Sigma was trying to help him. Omega was facing down Rio herself.

"I have to admit, that was impressive, but even three of you aren't a match for me," she said. She held a gun pointed at him.

A flying pool of a metallic substance crashed into, knocking her backward. The metallic substance solidified into a Power Ranger with a silver and black power suit, the Overdrive insignia on the chest, neon orange piping, blue shoulder guards and a silver helmet with a visor lined in orange and an antenna. "What about if I come out to play?" the Mercury Ranger asked with Lammy's voice.

"Drive Detector!" she summoned a weapon that was vaguely reminiscent of a metal detector mixed with a laser blaster and used it to help Zeta and Sigma with the Bone Drones.

"Thanks, I owe you," the three Rangers said as one.

Suddenly a blast of pink energy exploded around them, and it was all the four of them could do to protect the sisters.

Riti walked out of the dust. "I shouldn't have to be here myself," she sneered at her daughter.

Rio turned red. "I had this covered," she snarled.

Riti flicked a hand, and Rio went flying through the air. She crashed through the trees and wasn't seen again.

"That was your own daughter," Mercury said weakly as she got to her feet.

Riti's eyes were glowing pink now. "I have no use for the useless," she said.

Suddenly, their Morphers began to discharge the Morph Keys and the Morphs faded.

"I don't think this is good," one Sora commented. The other two shook their heads.

"Go to them. I'll hold her off as long as I can," Lammy said.

Sora wanted to argue, but decided not to. The three of him summoned his swords and stood as the last bastion for the trio still incanting, seemingly oblivious to what was going on around them.

Riti scoffed. "As if a baby like you is any match for me," she said to Lammy. She held up a hand and threw an energy blast at her.

Once again, Lammy was saved by her brother appearing at just the right time. He managed to turned the energy of the blast back on Riti, wounding her slightly. But in the process his Mace was exploded.

Riti was getting to retaliate but the two siblings and the three Sora's disappeared. Now there was nothing between the sisters and her. She grinned wildly. "Now, my dear nieces, it's time to finish this," she said.

She held up a hand and the Soul Stone floated there. She channeled her power through it and sent a devastating blast toward them.


Sora and Lammy weren’t the only ones whose temporary Morphs gave out. Even as they thought they were winning, the Power Rangers found themselves discharging the Morph Keys. Though the three monsters had exploded, they grew from new eggs into new monsters. Lithe creatures with smooth features and hands that seemed to be the subwoofers of a speaker. Now defenseless, when the monsters used their new and improved sonic attacks on them, they were nearly out of the game.

Chloe had stood in front of everyone else with her body as dense as she could possibly make it, but she didn't have much surface and her clothes ended up looking worse for the wear.

Saksor laughed. "So much for all your fancy wardrobe changes. All you did was make me stronger," he said.

"Morph or no morph, we won't let you and your master win," Win, who was relatively unscathed from going intangible, told him. The other Rangers regrouped.

Saksor laughed and held out his arms and sent another blast toward them. They hit a powerful magical shield that reflected the blast back on him. He sparked but didn't go down. "What happened?" he demanded.

"Good question," Lammy said. "How did I get here?" she wondered. Then she and the other Rangers felt it.

Win made his cuffs appear. "It's Morphin' Time!" Stygimoloch! Stygian Armor!"

"Smilodon!" Wood and Manny activated their Morphs.




Saksor momentarily stumbled back as the Rangers Morphed into their true selves. Their Power Coin began to glow and formed a link amongst them that centered on Green's Stygian Blade. The blade began to crackle with Power. Saksor through a blast of energy at him, but he put up his shield and ran forward.

With the combined power of his team, he ran slashed, slashed, slashed all around the monster. he turned his back on the monster and the monster exploded. This time the monster didn't get up.


Lani, Mel, and Tori took cover behind the force-field that Danny could generate and the psychic field that Zara threw up when the newly powered up Zyrinoc threw at them. It left Zara dizzy and she staggered back. Mel caught her. They stumbled to find cover.

Zyrinoc didn't give them a lot of time to recover and came at them with another attack. Wielding his Sword, a single Sora knocked it back toward him like a baseball. "Well, this a twist," he said, looking around in confusion.

"Welcome to the jam," Danny said and shook his hands out.

"No time for pleasantries," Lani said. She smiled thinly. "Let's find out what kind sound a sound monster makes when it dies," she suggested. She twisted her twisted her wrists. "It's Morphin' Time! Tyrannosaurus-Rex! Power Armor!"



"Ceratosaurus!" When Sora morphed he split into three again. Their Power Coins formed a connection. A link to Red.

"Power Sword!" she summoned her Sword and held up her shield.

Seeing her coming, Zyrinoc attempted to throw small but powerful blasts at her. They bounced off her shield. Power was crackling around her blade. She angled her shield and actually used the power to bounce herself off the ground. Zyrinoc watched her fly over his head, twist her body and land slashing him. The Power of their combined energies exploding him and sending her tumbling. "Miscalculated that a bit," she groaned, but the monster was no more.


Though Tai, Billie, and Autumn had genetic abilities, there was nothing they could do against the power behind the new and improved Kordec's attack. Tai tried to shield Billie and Holly, but Fox and Autumn were on their own.

Kordec strutted around. "It's not even worth finishing you off. You are nothing now," he declared.

Tai turned toward him. He held out a hand and his red sheathed katana appeared in his hand. "Come over here and say that," he challenged. He pulled the blade from its sheath. "There's something you and all your ilk have forgotten here," he said and strode forward.

"Oh, and what's that?" Kordec asked, far from intimidated. "Do I have something in my teeth and you're bringing me a toothpick?" he asked.

"What's he doing?" Autumn gasped. Wide-eyed, Holly shook her head.

Billie and Fox were a little less concerned. "He's being Tai," Billie answered.

"That's what they forget. That's he's Tai," Fox explained.

Tai suddenly ran forward and slashed with his katana. The monster blocked, sending sparks shooting up. They eyeballed each other as they pushed against other, trying to get the upper hand. The monster grunted with the effort. He pushed forward with his other hand and released an attack.

Tai went with it, flying backward, he somersaulted and landed in a crouch. He stood when Taran materialized beside him. "No, they forget that Power Rangers never work alone," he said. He twisted his wrists. "It's Morphin' Time! Tyrannosaurus-Rex! Power Armor!"





Their Power Coins made a network of power that was centered on the Red Ranger and his Tyranno Sword.

Kordec backed up and started running away, but Red was running after him. Every now and then the monster would throw a pot shot over its shoulder but, Red brought up his shield. "What happened to all your big talk?" he asked.

"I was wrong! Just let me go!" Kordec answered.

"Not going happen," Red said. He pulled up short and threw his Sword with every ounce of his strength. It hit home and the monster exploded. Red turned his back and started walking back to the others.


Riti's victory was assured. There was nothing that could stop her now. She had the Soul Stone and her nieces pathetic power was nothing. She did not expect the sudden well of power below the trio to suddenly turn white-gold.

When she threw her attack, the sisters each held their free hands toward her. There a sound. A sudden, beautiful harmonious sound as the three sister's powers became synchronized. Another sound joined their unique tune as they channeled not only their Power but the power of Taran and Zordon's staff.

Riti's magic met their magic. They pushed against each other. "You can't win!"

"We already have," the sisters said with one voice. "And we always will. It is inevitable. Good-bye, Aunt," they said. The power pushed through and the Soul Stone shattered in an explosion that shook the very air for miles around.

Riti gasped. She retreated to her ship, unaware that it was just moments from exploding.

The sister's redirected the power upwards. The sky suddenly shimmered with a digital matrix as the access bridges to the Morphing Grid were restored. The Power suddenly winked out and the sisters collapsed. They remained in a heap beneath the cherry trees until Griff, Sora, and Tai found them later and let them rest at the house.


Tai looked over the sea of faces he'd just finished giving his Valedictorian speech to. He'd talked about change and growth. The memories made and the time to move forward with their lives. He'd changed dramatically since the beginning of the year. He didn't even recognize the gawky kid in his memories who was tongue-tied around any girl. The thought of giving that speech would have been enough to make him sick before. Now, he didn't even blink.

He wasn't the only one who'd changed. As he glanced at the faces in the crowd, the familiar ones belonging to the friends he'd never imagined he could make, he could see the changes in them as well.

The principal finished handing out the diplomas and mortarboards were being thrown into the air. There was supposed to a graduation party at the Youth Center, but the Power Rangers were going to meet at the Command Center first. But Tai had something to do even before that.

He found himself at the cherry trees, still wearing his gown.

"Look good on you," Zita said with a guarded air. She was tying some new talismans to the trees.

"You tried your best to make sure I wouldn't get to wear it," he said.

She gave a shrug. "I've learned my lesson," she said. "You won't have to worry about me anymore, but just remember that Roki and Widow were only going on a trip," she said.

Tai nodded. "I know. What are you going to do now?" he asked.

"Going on a trip myself. See how Uncle Rito's doing. Then from there, who knows?" she shrugged again. "Good bye, Tai," she said. "It's been real," she said, unable to say that it was a pleasure to meet him or any other such pithy remarks.

"As real as it gets," Tai agreed, feeling exactly the same way. She nodded and disappeared in a wisp of purple smoke. He sighed, patting one of the trees and walked to his house to change.


After the rangers had defeated the three monsters and returned to the Command Center, their Power Coins had ejected themselves from their cuffs and went dormant. Not even Taran was sure what that meant. Now they were locked away behind a glass display as the Rangers and their allies gathered.

Billie cornered Jason. He looked at her oddly. "I want to go to Eltar," she stated.

Jason cleared his throat. "Why are you telling me?" he asked.

"I'll tell you if you really want me to," she said.

Jason cleared his throat again. "What do your parents think about you going to an alien planet?" he asked.

"They think it's a fabulous idea," she said.

"Wait, you actually told them?"

She shrugged. "You haven't met my parents," she said.

"I will though," Jason said. She nodded. That sounded fine to her. She walked away to find Nathan. He and Wood were supposed to leave for their CPAC workshop thing soon.

"Maybe you should go to Eltar, too," Lammy told Taran, startling him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" he asked. "Oh, right. No," he said shaking his head. Though he'd finally accepted his magical heritage, he wasn't super gung-ho about it yet. "What are you going to be doing now?" he asked, since technically she wasn't a Ranger anymore. None of them were.

"What I came back to Earth for to start with," she answered and didn't explain it to him. Instead she skipped over to Win and Autumn too Lammy's place beside Taran.

Lani, Manny, and Holly had their heads together. Manny was explaining happy but sad news to them. "You guys know I was only staying with Abby because my mom was working in France for a year, right? Well, she's been given a permanent position and she wants to me to come live with her," she said with a smile.

"That's so great! You missed her a lot," Lani said and gave her friend a hug.

Holly hugged them as well. "We'll miss you," she said.

"Oh, I'll miss you guys so much," Manny sniffed.

Tai finally arrived in the Command Center. "It's the man of the hour!" Sora shouted and that got everyone's attention. They started cheering for him.

Tai held his hands up and quieted them down. "Thank you, everyone," he said. "I'm going to try not to speechify. Just, thank you all for being my friends and team mates and saving the world with me," he said. There was another round of cheers. Lani hugged him around the waist and he squeezed her back. "Now, there's a whole building full of other kids who just graduated and are looking to celebrate. Let's go," he said.

The Command Center quickly emptied out. Tai gave Lani a brief kiss and assured her he'd be there in a few. She left only he, Jason and Beez in the Command Center. "Today might be a good day, and we diverted a disaster of epic proportions, but--" he started.

"But nothing. Today is not the day to worry about tomorrow," Jason said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Today you go to the Youth Center and celebrate with your friends and you forget all about what might be coming next," he instructed.

Tai managed a smile. "Okay. I get it. I'm going," he said and teleported.

Beez and Jason were left in silence. "Take your own advice," Beez said.

"You take my advice, too," he said with a grin.

"I'm a computer. I can have fun and work at the same time," she said with a shrug.

Jason nodded. He left the Command Center.

The storm was over for now. Or was it merely the eye of the hurricane? No one knew when the next wave would come, but life could not be lived in fear of what would next for the Power Rangers.

-xThe Endx-           


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