Chapter 3 - Chapter 2
Submitted February 18, 2006 Updated February 21, 2007 Status Incomplete | this isn't exactly my favorite story, but it's quite decent and input for reviewers can only help it (i think...)
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Chapter 3 - Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Chapter 2
When Kira woke up, Tarja was sitting in bed, careful not to wake her up. Collin was still asleep in the corner of the room and the entire palace was quiet.
“How long have you been awake?” asked Kira.
“Only about an hour, but my legs are starting to feel numb, Lady Kiralinda” he said eyeing her foot that was placed on his legs.
“Oh, sorry. You could have pushed me off, I wouldn't have minded. And call me Kira, my full name is really too long to say it all the time”
“I'll know next time. I want to work my legs, can we go for a walk?” said Tarja massaging his legs.
“Are you sure you feel up to it?” asked Kira, worried for his health.
They walked out of the room after Tarja gave her a stare. They walked across the courtyard and sat by the fountain in the center.
“Before this morning, I never really knew who you were, you were just `the one who doesn't flirt'” he said ashamed.
“How could you possibly not remember this pretty face?” asked Kira, giving him a hit to the sides with her elbow. He was trying not to fall and he grabbed her shoulder. In a couple seconds they were both covered in water, gasping for breath. Kira was suddenly next to him. “What are noble ladies supposed to be like?” she asked.
“I don't know. All the others are covered in jewels and are all obsessed with getting me to talk to them. Life is like a game to them.” Said Tarja, “but you aren't like them, you're…”
“I am what? You can tell me, even if it is bad,” asked Kira, suddenly very interested.
“What are you kids doing in there? You will catch a cold! Oh god, what will your aunt say about this, miss Kiralinda? Oh god, oh god!” said Agnes, Kira's maid.
“I will se you soon, if I survive what my aunt will do to me,” said Kira. Then, unexpectedly, she kissed Tarja on his cheek and pushed him playfully back into the water. When he sat back up Kira was gone and Agnes was murmuring to herself, “She's getting worse and worse every day. First the healing lessons, now this. She's always been a wild child, but she's getting out of control.”
Eventually Tarja got out of the water and walked over to the barracks, where Jenga was waiting for him.
“I knew you'd never last long in that room. Why are you all wet? What just happened?” he asked.
“Kira pushed me into the fountain.” He said dropping heavily onto his bed. When he finally sat up he told Jenga the story of the entire day, at least what he knew of it.
“I don't know much about women but I think she might like you,” said Jenga, smiling.
“I wouldn't be sure of that. She's different from the other girls. She'll be joking around, then the next second she'll be totally serious.” Tarja said hesitantly.
“Sounds like you like her though,” said Jenga, making Tarja blush. All of a sudden Tarja yawned, and he layed down on his bed and pretended to fall asleep. This was a subject he did not want to talk about, even with Jenga.
“Aww, come on! You were just asleep for the past 18 hours!” asked Jenga, sad that the conversation had been ended when it finally got good.
Tarja secretly smiled to himself.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kira was walking to her doom but she didn't care. She had had fun this night and nothing could ruin it, not even a lecture, iron pokers, or some other form of torture her aunt could do. Tarja was different from the other men around here. They always wanted her hand in marriage and they always worked her position or wealth into every conversation. He had only mentioned that he had not known who she was before. Without warning she stopped.
Before her stood the Oak door of her aunt. Kira sighed and walked in. Agnes was already in the room and was retelling the events that had just happened. Aurella looked furious, even more so than before, if that was possible.
“What were you thinking? You were already in a load of trouble before but now… I do not even know what to do with you!” screamed Aurella across the room. “You know that you will never be with him so why do you spend so much time with him? Your reputation is ruined. No one will want to marry you know!”
“Dear auntie, if you have not noticed yet, I have a life of my own! You may think that my only point in life is to be married to the highest bidder, you are wrong. I have a life and I will live it as I want.” Kira said cruelly.
“You impudent little…you will be punished for this!” said Aurella as she lunged towards Kira. Her nails dug deep in Kira's skin and she soon had long trails of blood running down her right arm. “What is this?” asked Aurella seeing an indigo mark on Kira's arm. “A tattoo! You little dog, what else have you done? Agnes get her out of my sight! And I want to see that commander she was with. Tell him to come during breakfast.”
After Kira was lead to her room she undressed and then slipped on a new gown, one that did not have tears and splotches of blood. The one she wore now was a dark blue that looked almost black and it had long sleeves and a high collar to hide the marks her mother had just made. Kira then pretended to sleep so that she could think in peace. Kira already knew that nothing good would come out of the meeting between Tarja and her aunt. He would probably be sent away or tortured. Her aunt had cruel ways of taking care of people who disobeyed or angered her. Kira was only alive because she was the heir to the throne and with her she could control who would be the next king.
Agnes walked in, “miss, you need to go to breakfast.”
Kira sighed and braided her hair. Then she was out the door and into the dinning hall. When she walked in the whispers intensified, but she ignored them completely. Emily steppe out of the crowd and asked, “what happened yesterday?” but Kira just kept on walking. She was in no mood to talk. Once she had her food she sat on the foot of the pillar in the far corner of the room. She heard footsteps behind her. When she turned around she saw Tarja.
“What are you doing here?” she asked surprised to see him.
“I have to go in a couple minutes, I decided to come and see you first.” Tarja said.
“She will destroy you in there. Try to stay away from her.” Kira said.
“What did she do to you?” asked Tarja. She rolled her sleeve up and showed him her cuts. “I'll...” he started but Kira interrupted him.
“You will do absolutely nothing. You don't want to do anything to make this worse. I want you to stay alive.”
“But, what she did to you, how can you just let her go unpunished?” he asked quietly, trying not to be noticed. Too late a girl had seen him and a hoard was running towards them.
“I've survived with her giving me cuts and bruises all my life. I just don't want you to die in there.”
“I've got to go if I ever want to get out of here,” he said
But before he could do anything Kira kissed him fiercely on the lips. “Stay safe” was all she said. He nodded and left as silently as he had come. The girls had just arrived at the pillar and they were staring at her accusingly. Emily grabbed her right arm, and Kira hissed in pain.
“What did you do to him? No sane man would fall in love with the likes of you!” she shrieked accusingly. All Kira did was give her a murderous glance that, if looks could kill, she would be dead several times over. Emily stepped several paces back. That was all it took for Kira to get angry. Her power took control of her and Kira created a small fire on the hem of Emily's dress. When Emily shrieked Kira grinned cruelly. A girl to the side of Emily screamed and fainted. Everything was going fine, but Kira could not stay there. She turned around and left the same way Tarja had. She ran to her room and screamed into a pillow, just before shredding it to bits.
At around Noon she came out of her room and stalked across the courtyard. Whispers floated in the air around her. They were all about her. She never stopped, she had a goal and nothing would dissuade her from it. She walked directly towards the barracks. She found Jenga at the entrance, only then did she stop. Jenga had previously been talking to two younger men but they were all quiet now, the entire world was quiet.
“Where is Tarja?” Kira asked fiercely.
“He in our room, why?” asked Jenga calmly. But Kira ignored him; she walked into the barracks and ran directly to the room Tarja was in. She stopped at the door and knocked on it. Tarja opened it and brought Kira inside, he then he closed the door. She burst out crying in his arms.
“Calm down, calm down. Nothing happened,” he said kissing the top of her head. After a few minutes she stopped crying.
“What did she do to you?” asked Kira, sitting on his bed.
“I've been demoted. I have to go home within the day. Wait a second, I thought you never cried,” he said trying to cheer her up.
“You really don't know anything about females,” she said smiling.
“Well, you aren't exactly like everyone else,” he said sitting next to her.
“What am I like, you didn't manage to tell me yesterday.” Kira asked.
“Kira, you can't be described with words. You are an extraordinary being, unique and amazing in so many ways.” He said just before kissing her on the lips.
“At least you know how to flatter a girl,” she said, “that has to count for something.”
“I was being serious Kira. You really are remarkable,” said Tarja. This time she could feel that he was entirely sincere. “Before I leave I want to give you something.” He said digging into his pack. “Close your eyes.” And she did so. He took her and she could feel something cool being slided onto her finger. When she opened her eyes she saw a tiny silver ring on her middle finger. It had an intricate design that looked like writing of some sort on it.
“It is beautiful! Thank you!” she said amazed at it's beauty. “But are you sure you can give it to me, it looks extremely expensive and…”
“My mother gave it to me when she died. She said that one day I would feel an extreme urge to give it to someone. And I did,” he said
“I have nothing to give you, even though I have so much. I can only give you this,” she said taking off the necklace she was wearing. “ You could probably sell it and you could get something from it.”
“I need to go, the Queen said that I couldn't see you and I won't want her to hurt you anymore.” Tarja said kissing Kira for the last time.
“I will see you again, I will make sure of it,” said Kira, tears coming back to her eyes.
When Tarja was gone, she layed back in Tarja's old bed and cried herself to sleep. An hour or two later Jenga walked in and woke her up.
“Lady, it's almost night, you need to go to your own rooms. I will lead you.” He said
“I know the way, I don't need help!” she said furious that he deemed her in need of help for such an easy task.
“You know the way that will make you walk in front of many people, and I don't believe that you would like to be seen in your present state. I know a… more discreet way.” Jenga said, his tone of voice telling her to stay quiet about it. “Follow me.”
They walked to the back of the barracks and into the armory room. In the back of the room there was a door with a hole at eye level. Jenga knocked three times on the door and an eye appeared at the hole.
“What is she doing here?” said the person belonging to the eye.
“She is here because I am leading her to her rooms. I also grant her complete access to these corridors. Now, the password is Lily. Can we go in?” asked Jenga smiling the entire time. It seemed that nothing could ever make his anything but happy.
“Yeah, whatever, just go.” Said the man as the door opened.
“Kiralinda, this system of corridors is basically, an emergency system. If something happens in the palace we can get there quickly and without anyone knowing. There are two passwords, Lily and Rose. Lily is for when you want to go in, and Rose is when you are being forced to tell someone where the passage is. We never have used Rose, but you never know. Before you say the password you need to knock on the door three times. That tells the guard that you want to come in. this system extends to pretty much the entire palace, and you are the first female to know about it. Tarja wanted me to tell you about it.” Jenga said.
“You can just call me Kira, and thank you for letting me know about this place. I promise never to tell anyone about it.” Kira was happy o know that she now had a system of escape, “where is the closest door to my room?”
“You are right next to the library right?” asked Jenga already knowing the answer.
“Yes… why?” asked Kira, scared that she would have to drop from the ceiling because she knew that there was no door in that room.
“The door is in the study,” said Jena seeing her worried look in the darkness.
Kira was now in her room Agnes ranting on about how she was a very foolish young girl. Kira did not care. She starred blankly at the fire burning in the grate, wishing that she could see Tarja again. Suddenly an image created itself in the flames. It was Tarja eating his meal in front of the fire. Kira crawled of the bed and sat in front of the fire. She started to reach out a hand towards the image of Tarja. She could feel the warm embrace of the fire around the tips of her fingers.
“Stop! What are you doing?” Agnes screamed, she caught hold of Kira's arm and pulled her away from the grate. The Image disappeared immediately. Agnes grabbed her hand and inspected it for burn or blisters, the skin was perfectly smooth.
“Lady, you must be tried. Try to get some sleep.” Said a shocked and terrified Agnes. Today was becoming the weirdest day of her long life. This girl was just as strange as her mother.
Kira slept until dawn, dreaming of running off to find Tarja. She was running across the barren plains of Avalon, she never tired and never gave in. She ran and ran eventually she saw the faint light of Tarja's campfire.
“Ah, my dear little niece, soundly asleep! What a beautiful thing,” said Aurella walking into the room.
“Not anymore, don't you have anything better to do than wake me up?” asked Kira.
“No, our great king is always talking to his commanders, he believes that the evils in the forest are trying to kill us. He's also angry that I demoted and sent away his best commander.” She said as if she didn't really care.
“He's not the only one...” muttered Kira as she got dressed in a Navy blue gown that covered just about every part of her body but her face. She didn't really care what she looked like anymore. “I'm going to get my breakfast, if you don't mind.” But she didn't wait for an answer; she was out the door in a flash.
When Kira arrived into the dinning hall, everyone became quiet. Emily stepped up and walked over to her.
“Are you happy now? Tarja's gone and it's because of you!” she said just loud enough so that everyone in the room could hear.
“You think I wanted him to go? The world does not revolve around you,” said Kira, angry, no infuriated at Emily. But Emily had a new object of conversation.
“What is that on your finger? It looks like a ring! Where did you get it?” asked Emily envisioning it on her finger.
“You would like to know wouldn't you?” said Kira glad to have made Emily jealous, but sad that it was at Tarja's expense.
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phjasmine on June 25, 2007, 8:02:30 PM
phjasmine on