A Sonic Political Cartoon:Contradictions-Sally
A Sonic Political Cartoon:Contradictions-Sally
A Sonic Political Cartoon:Contradictions-Sally by ShortyChan


Ever hate it when Sally fans down your girl (be it Amy or Mina) and call them ditzy 'fangirls' for Sonic, when all Sally ever does in the comics is cling onto Sonic, and play as some sappy girlfriend,(who's "mission" isn't about trying to raid Robotropolis, rather glomp Sonic with kisses every ten seconds)? Name me ONE issue since Sonic and Sally have been dubbed 'couple' in the comics where they were together, and haven't kissed! It goes to show.. do they have anymore room to talk? <br />
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As you can see, no I don't like Sally. But for the most part, I like how this picture came out. Especially the hair.
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As you can see, no I don't like Sally. But for the most part, I like how this picture came out. Especially the hair.
General Info
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Category Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog » Characters (Fanart) » Sally Acorn
Date Submitted
Views 12503
Favorites... 19
Vote Score 1
Category Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog » Characters (Fanart) » Sally Acorn
Date Submitted
Views 12503
Favorites... 19
Vote Score 1
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Tailsgeek on December 11, 2008, 9:29:33 AM
Tailsgeek on
kelseyrose on October 27, 2008, 9:17:13 AM
kelseyrose on
Comment Deleted
bergman_joe on October 14, 2008, 1:30:40 PM
bergman_joe on

But, NEITHER Sally OR Amy were OFFICIALLY created by Sega, as Sally was made by DiC (and later used by Archie) and Amy was made by Japanese comic creator, Shogaguken (and note that Shogakuken was just borrowing Sonic from Sega for ther own non-Sega manga, and in return, Shogakuken gave Sega the rights to Amy...in late 1993).
As such, come 1993, the TV series (and the comics) were ALREADY in the face of the fanbase, whereas it took a few months for Sega CD to come out (which was Amy's first debut as an official Sega character).
Therefore, in terms of who came first, it WAS Sally who came first, and just to make things harder, Sonic HIMSELF was NOT made by Naka OR Shogaguken.
Sonic was made IN Hawaii--specifically Honolulu--and if my historical geography is correct, Hawaii IS an American state, which would--despite the games--make Sonic a real american more than it would make him Japanese.
What this means is that Sonic was developed in America, but was used by Naka and Shogaguken for their games (ALL of the Sega games) and comics (Shogaguken's manga, whose continuity is NOTHING like ANY of the other Sonic universes, because it was not Sega-approved as mentioned).
And speaking of the games, Naka had it CONFIRMED that, for gaming purposes, Sonic's personal life (let alone his LOVE life) would NOT--I repeat, would NOT--be touched upon, sans the whole "hero description" of Sonic getting kissed BECAUSE he's a hero (just like his former competitor, Mario).
Thus, because the games (which were geared towards American Western audiences to start with, given that Sonic 1 & Sonic 2 first came developed for the American Master System--and its handheld counterpart in the Gear Gear device--before Japan created the Mega Drive [known to americans as the sega genesis]) do NOT go into characters' personal lives, it is the job of the comics to do so (for UNLIKE games that focus on the action, the comics [and various tv series] would NEED to focus on character relationships--romantic or otherwise--to move the stories along and to keep people interested, just like any good story [and it is to be noted that the comics have made it perfectly clear that the only being Sonic would say he'd ever love would be Sally]).
And IN the comics, despite being treated like a player as of late with the girls--Sally, Mina, Amy, Fiona, et al--following his EVERY waking moment, Sonic's relationships have been numerous.
Yes, he crushed on Mina. Yes, he went out with Fiona, knowing Tails would have a now when he found out. And yes, he treats Amy with respect, despite her fangirl-esque tendencies. But, it is his relationship with Sally that gets debated the most, BECAUSE people either like it or dislike it and in general, love to discuss it.
Regarding said relationship, it is more real than the others (Mina ended up with Ash, Fiona would be discovered as the traitor she ended up as, and Amy would be considered by Sonic as a mere friened [considering that Amy--thanks to an emerald's power--only aged physically, whereas she mentally still would be a minor, especially when compared to Sonic's being a near adult]), because both of the characters--though the same age, and thus, closer in some aspects--would have their faults and ups & downs.
For instance, during Sonic's flings with the other ladies, Sally would be jealous, and the same could be said of Sonic when Sally was seen with Geoffry St. John, when Sally's father--King Acorn, ruler of Mobius--arranged a prepared marriage between Sally and Antoine [unfortunately to everyone, this would be the evil Antoine--Patch--who would've murdered his way to the throne anyway], and when Sally flirted with Knuckles.
Thankfully though, the two would reconcile and come back together, thanks to the transition between writers (from Ken Penders & Karl Bollers to Ian Flynn). But before the transition, Sonic and Sally would come to a breaking point.
Due to Sonic's nature, he would NEED to be out fighting. Unfortunately for his nature, he had AGREED to be Sally's consort (in lament's terms, he had AGREED to be Sally's future husband), and as a result, Sally expected Sonic to act like a consort usually acts (i.e. to stick by her side & do king-type things).
However, when Robotnik reared his fat & ugly head again, Sonic left, leaving Sally alone. Thus, Sally would retreat into the recesses of her mind, resulting in her being in a fragile state.
Due to her being in a fragile state, her parents stupidly said that Sally was forbade from ANY sort of contact (even though said contact was what she NEEDED) and--obviously--that just further aggravated Sally's condition.
What broke the camel's back was when news spread that Sonic had died (in actuality, he was just missing for a year, due a time gap [said time gap was when sonic met his Sonic Underground counterpart and had him help in defeating the enemy]).
So, when Sonic returned from his absense, Sally PLEADED with her love to stay, just so she would NOT either lose him to the enemy (as she DEEPLY loved him) & so she herself would NOT become a slave to the insanity that began to plague her mind (without Sonic, Sally went somewhat off the deep end, as noted).
Unfortunately, Sonic would leave, driving Sally to the brink (hence why Sally slapped Sonic...she was both unstable [her mind had drove her batty] and love-sick [she needed sonic to keep herself sane, because she loved him that deeply], not to mention that the whole concept of love is--of itself--selfish [as people--and mobians--would hate to be seperated from their significant others]).
Thankfully--as already noted (thanks to Ian Flynn)--that whole convoluted mess would slowly be deconstructed & Sonic and Sally would slowly but surely begin to rekindle their relationship. As a result, Sonic and Sally COULD wind up back together. Only this time, the relationship would--hopefully--be done right in that they would either stay together (to eventually make Mobius: 25 Year Later--or any of the other possible Archie Sonic futures in which Sonic & Sally are back together--officially canon) or they would "just be friends", although I'd doubt that latter statement, because of Sally literally singing of her love for the blue blur in the Sega World Sonic LIVE! stage show in Syndey, AUS back during the blue blur's heyday in the 90's.
komodozack on January 6, 2007, 6:01:29 AM
komodozack on

but i do like the expression in this pic and the fact shes in amys dress, dunno y but its amusing.
bergman_joe on April 12, 2008, 1:24:11 PM
bergman_joe on

WRONG. BOTH SatAM</i> (and the Archie Sonic comics) AND Sega CD were being developed around the SAME time.
But, NEITHER Sally OR Amy were OFFICIALLY created by Sega, as Sally was made by DiC (and later used by Archie) and Amy was made by Japanese comic creator, Shogaguken.
As such, come 1993, the TV series (and the comics) were ALREADY in the face of the fanbase, whereas it took a few months for Sega CD to come out.
Therefore, in terms of who came first, it WAS Sally who came first, and just to make things harder, Sonic HIMSELF was NOT made by Naka OR Shogaguken.
Sonic was made IN Hawaii--specifically Honolulu--and if my historical geography is correct, Hawaii IS an American state, which would--despite the games--make Sonic a real american more than it would make him Japanese.
What this means is that Sonic was developed in America, but was used by Naka and Shogaguken for their games (ALL of the Sega games) and comics (Shogaguken's manga, whose continuity is NOTHING like ANY of the other Sonic universes).
And speaking of the games, Naka had it CONFIRMED that, for gaming purposes, Sonic's personal life (let alone his LOVE life) would NOT--I repeat, would NOT--be touched upon, sans the whole "hero description" of Sonic getting kissed BECAUSE he's a hero (just like his former competitor, Mario).
Thus, because the games do NOT go into characters' personal lives, it is the job of the comics to do so (for UNLIKE games that focus on the action, the comics [and various TV series] would NEED to focus on character relationships--romantic or otherwise--to move the stories along and to keep people interested, just like any good story).
And IN the comics, despite being treated like WWE's Godfather as of late with the girls--Sally, Mina, Amy, Fiona, et al--following his EVERY waking moment, Sonic's relationships have been numerous.
Yes, he crushed on Mina. Yes, he went out with Fiona, knowing Tails would have a now when he found out. And yes, he treats Amy with respect, despite her fangirl-esque tendencies. But, it is his relationship with Sally that gets debated the most, BECAUSE people either like it or dislike it and in general, love to discuss it.
Regarding said relationship, it is more real than the others (Mina ended up with Ash, Fiona would be discovered as the traitor she ended up as, and Amy would be considered by Sonic as a mere friened [considering that Amy--thanks to an emerald's power--ONLY aged physically, whereas she mentally still would be a minor, especially when compared to Sonic's being a near adult]), because both of the characters--though the same age, and thus, closer in some aspects--would have their faults and ups & downs.
For instance, during Sonic's flings with the other ladies, Sally would be jealous, and the same could be said of Sonic when Sally was seen with Geoffry St. John, when Sally's father--King Acorn, ruler of Mobius--arranged a prepared marriage between Sally and Antoine [unfortunately to everyone, this would be the evil Antoine, Patch, who would've murdered his way to the throne anyway], and when Sally flirted with Knuckles.
Thankfully though, the two would reconcile and come back together, thanks to the transition between writers (from Ken Penders & Karl Bollers to Ian Flynn). But before the transition, Sonic and Sally would come to a breaking point.
Due to Sonic's nature, he would NEED to be out fighting. Unfortunately for his nature, he had AGREED to be Sally's consort (in lament's terms, he had AGREED to be Sally's future husband), and as a result, Sally expected Sonic to act like a consort usually acts (i.e. to stick by her side & do king-type things).
However, when Robotnik reared his fat & ugly head again, Sonic left, leaving Sally alone. Thus, Sally would retreat into the recesses of her mind, resulting in her being in a fragile state.
Due to her being in a fragile state, her parents stupidly said that Sally was forbade from ANY sort of contact (even though said contact was what she NEEDED) and--obviously--that just further aggravated Sally's condition.
What broke the camel's back was when news spread that Sonic had died (in actuality, he was just missing for a year, due a time gap [said time gap was when Sonic met his Sonic Underground</i> counterpart and had him help in defeating the enemy]).
So, when Sonic returned from his absense, Sally PLEADED with her love to stay, just so she would NOT either lose him to the enemy (as she DEEPLY loved him) & so she herself would NOT become a slave to the insanity that began to plague her mind (without Sonic, Sally went somewhat off the deep end, as noted).
Unfortunately, Sonic would leave, driving Sally to the brink (hence why Sally slapped Sonic...she was both unstable [her mind had drove her batty] and love-sick [she NEEDED Sonic to keep herself sane, because she loved him that deeply], not to mention that the whole concept of love is--of itself--selfish [as people--and Mobians--would hate to be seperated from their significant others]).
Thankfully--as already noted (thanks to Ian Flynn)--that whole convoluted mess would slowly be deconstructed & Sonic and Sally would slowly but surely begin to rekindle their relationship. As a result, Sonic and Sally COULD wind up back together. Only this time, the relationship would--hopefully--be done right in that they would either stay together (to eventually make Mobius: 25 Year Later</u> officially canon) or they would "just be friends".
FTCSS on September 29, 2007, 5:45:19 AM

and ppl I dont want any figths ok!this is is yust what I think ok plz dont take it againts me!cute pic!
FluffysPrincess2968 on August 12, 2007, 12:18:09 PM
WickedSpeedDemon on June 20, 2007, 12:10:19 PM
sonicstrom34 on December 17, 2006, 2:22:07 PM
sonicstrom34 on
Fuzzball96 on December 5, 2006, 12:09:19 PM
Fuzzball96 on

Fuzzball96 on December 9, 2006, 2:45:38 PM
Fuzzball96 on
Seriously I'm no Sally fan. I like Amy and that isn't about to change. In the cartoon, Sally DID NOT act as a drooling fangirl, but she did in quite a few of the comics. I think Sonamy is good couple and Sally is quite annoying. Thats my opinion. No amount of screaming commenters can change that, YOU ROCK!