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Chapter 2 - No Secrets Left

When a new student come's to cadic acdemy for the first time in month's xana rear's his ugly head and things definetly get ugly will the gang be able to win once and for all and what will they lose along the way

Chapter 2 - No Secrets Left

Chapter 2 - No Secrets Left
The next day the whole gang re united at Mrs. Hertz class today was a lot less exciting of a day it had gone from the hubbub of a new student back to the normalcy that is their science class.

“ok sit down and please be quiet I have a announcement to make I will be handing out a instruction booklet today I want you to read it and follow its instructions and make a presentation that will be due in one month” Mrs. Hertz said as she got her thing’s situated on her desk

The class continued normally until the door opened and interrupted Mrs. Hertz lecture

“I’m sorry I’m late I overslept” odd said as he walked into the class and headed for his seat

“alright just take your seat Mr. delarobia you have your homework I trust?” Mrs. hertz said as she looked through her attendance folder and marked odd late not absent

Odd sat down at his seat and got out his stuff and began to pretend to take notes so Mrs. hertz wouldn’t give him a hard time

“where were you odd” Ulrich leaned over and asked odd

“I actually overslept I was up late playing video games and I didn’t get to bed until 3:30 and I overslept” odd said not taking his eyes off the board for one second

“so wait you were late to class because a video game” Jeremy said trying not to be to loud

“yea why is that a problem?” odd said trying not to laugh

“no not at all” Jeremy said as he returned his attention to the front of the class

Do you have something more important going on than my class Mr. delarobia now I gave you a break on being late but I will not tolerate you disturbing my class now if I hear one more peep out of any of you back their and you will all have detention do I make myself clear you three!

“yes Mrs. Hertz” odd Jeremy and Ulrich all said

“so as I was saying for the presentation I’m going to pair you up with a partner I expect a equal portion of work from both students if I don’t see participation from both student I will give both of you a F”

So now come up and get you packet and I think I’m going to let you pick your own partners if you all promise you can do it quietly and calmly

The class when into what was considered a calm frenzy because everyone wanted to be paired up with their friends and of course most of them got their wish their were a few odd kids out who just kid of sat their waiting to see who would be left after everyone has had their pick. In the end Jeremy got paired with alieta of course Ulrich paired up with a kid named mark who was not a part of their little group of friends after about a minuet or so the only two kids not left paired up was odd because he was a goof and a slacker and wie jai because of how she looked

“would you like to be my partner” odd said to wie jai being polite because they both knew they were the only two left

“yea ok sure” wie jai said taking a quick scan of the room in awe of how quickly everyone partnered up

“so what do you want to do our presentation on” Wie Jai said to odd looking over the booklet the teacher had passed out wile they were picking thier partners
“I don’t know you can pick if you want” odd said

“hmmmmm… what exactly are our choices again?” wie jai said as odd looked over the booklet

“it says the topic dose not matter as long as it tie’s into science class in some form” odd said quoting the booklet

They sat for the next fifteen minuets discussing what they should do their project on when all of the sudden the fire alarm went off

“ok children don’t panic go out the door down the hall and outside quickly go” Mrs hertz said as she grabbed her laptop and headed to the door

The whole class ran as fast as they could out into the hall to realize that it was not a drill their was a small haze of black smoke blurring the vision of anyone who was in the hall’s in a few seconds everyone was out of the building watching firemen rush in

“Jeremy over here” odd shouted through the crowd noticing Jeremy alieta and Ulrich

“odd hey” Ulrich said as him Jeremy and alieta walked over to join him

“so I guess it wasn’t a drill” Ulrich said looking at the smoke that was coming out of the front of the school

“yea I guess not I hear that it was a fire in the cooking room weird thing is that their wasn’t a cooking class yet the only one in their was a teacher and she said that the room just like burst into flames” alieta said

“are you guys thinking what I’m thinking” Jeremy said

“you think this could be xana’s work” odd said

“I’m not sure but It wouldn’t make sense he has no reason to attack the cooking lab we weren’t their and he would have known that the fire would get put out before it got to us” Jeremy explained

“well do you think we should go check to see if any towers have been activated” alieta said

“we might as well classes have been dismissed for the day they have to look and see if their was a gas leak or something that caused the fire” Ulrich said

“alright lets go” Jeremy said picking his backpack up off the ground

They all began to walk away from the huge mob of kids and teens and toward the entrance to path to the factory but what they didn’t know was that someone actually did notice that they were leaving

“hey that’s that kid odd from my science class where is he and his friends going?” wie jai thought to herself

She ran after them trying to catch up cause she wanted to ask odd if knew what had happened plus she was going to tell him to meet her on the lawn near the front of the school later this afternoon to work on their project but they were going to quick for her and when she caught with them Ulrich was just closing the hatch to the secret path

“what the hell….?” wie jai said as she watched them go down into the secret hatch

She walked over opened up the thing and hopped down “hey odd” she shouted the footstep’s she was able to hear echoing stopped she walked down the path and looked to the left and to the right she didn’t see anyone but she did see the shadow of the gang around a corner down the left side she walked down toward the shadows and when she got their realized they had made a mad dash the corridor. She continued to run after them. Normally she would mind her own business but this time it had caught her attention and her curiosity so she had to at least find out where they were going. She continued to follow the sound of their foot steps for what seemed like forever until finally she came to another ladder that she just figured that this is where they went she climbed up out the hatch and on to the street outside of the factory.

“where the hell am I?” wie jai said to herself as she looked around not recognizing where she was

She walked into the factory and looked around she climbed down the rope and walked over toward the elevator

“theirs no where else the could have gone” wie jai said as she looked around and saw no other plausible exit for them so she pressed the button for the elevator and got on it she road it down one level very nervously as it shook and rumbled she finally arrived at the computer room

“wow what is all this” wie jai said in awe as she walked into the main computer area not even noticing the whole gang sitting right their

After a few seconds Ulrich turned around noticing a noise and saw wie jai standing their

“well hi how did you end up down here?” Ulrich said

“oh I uhm I……” wie jai stuttered

“yea how did find this place did you follow us or something” odd said kind of confused

“well yea but I uhm..I…I had no idea this is where you were going” wie jai said half nervous and half and embarrassed

“so why did you follow us” Jeremy said turning around in his seat

“I was originally trying to catch up with odd to tell him something but then I saw the tunnel hatch and I just got curious” wie jai said explaining herself

“well well who do we have here” yumi said as she walked out from the elevator

“so I take it you got my text message” Ulrich said

“yea I got your text Ulrich now who do we have here I do not believe we have met” yumi continued to say turning her attention to the slightly shorter very unusual

“oh uhm hi my name is wie jai I’m a foreign exchange student at cadic” wie jai said introducing herself

“so what is going on is xana back or not I mean you weren’t very descriptive in your message” yumi said completely ignoring the fact the wie jai had absolutely no idea what was going on

“wait what exactly is going on here I’m confused who is xana what is all this equipment why are you all meeting here” wie jai said

“wait you guys haven’t explained it to her yet” yumi said

“no we didn’t I mean she wasn’t exactly invited here she kind of followed us” odd said

“well are we going to tell her or what I mean she is already here we cant exactly pretend like she knows nothing” yumi said

So the gang spent the next about twenty minuets explaining the in’s and out’s of the factory lyoko xana and all of it at the end wie jai was more confused than she was when she knew nothing.

“so wait your trying to tell me that there is a computer world called lyoko that is terrorized by a evil computer program called xana and that he was the cause of the fire and that you guys can go into the computer and battle xana and his monster?…….” wie jai said obviously and rightfully skeptical

“well it makes sense you don’t believe a single word of neither did Ulrich yumi or even odd but I proved it to them and if you still don’t believe me I will show you to but know that if we do show you what we know and what we do you can go back you cant run off and tell people cause if you do we will no longer be able to protect the world from xana and that would be bad for all of us” Jeremy explained

“well if you think that you could possibly explain this to me go ahead and you don’t have to worry about me blabbing I’m not what you would called overly popular I don’t really have anyone to tell that would listen and take me seriously” wie jai said

So Jeremy took her and yumi down into the scanner and explained what to do he took the elevator back upstairs and began the virtualization process and uploaded her with no problems

[after they arrived in the forest area in lyoko]

“woo wait what happened where am I” wie jai said more than frightened

“welcome to lyoko I love how your outfit looks very Goth but at the same time cool looking” yumi said

Wie jai looked like something out of a video game she was wearing a all black with red trim her hair still in its normal style spiked up on both side’s dyed red and laid down dyed black in the middle she was wearing what looked like a cross of a swat body suit and a leather shirt she had on knee high combat boots on a neon plaid red and green skirt on her sides within her jacket were two gun holster sporting two 9mm

“wow I look cool will I always look like this now?” wie jai said looking over her outfit in pure awe of how cool she looked

“ no you’ll revert back to what ever you were wearing when you got in the scanner but every time you come into lyoko this is what you’ll look like” yumi explained

“wow this is actually happening isn’t it?” wie jai said in total shock that it was all real

“yep its all real well there is no reason for us to stay here right now we will if you want practice combat another day” yumi suggested

“yea that would be fun so how exactly do we get out of here” wie jai said

“well before we would have to find a tower and use it like a portal home but now Jeremy has come up with a program that can take us out whenever we want” yumi explained

“ok jer bring us home” yumi said

After they got out of lyoko they left the factory and walked back to school to continue on with their day. And as they returned and as they talked wie jai thought to herself “for once I have met people who doesn’t judge me for what I act and look like I think my time here is going to be fun”.


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