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Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

A fanfic I made last week, so you'd be expecting to story to be like, rushed. Great story anyway. For all of you Naruto fans out there. This is for you!

Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

Chapter 4 - Chapter Four
Chapter 4

Everything was dark. The sound of water could be heard as it dripped onto the unseen floor.
dip dip dip& on it went, as something moved.
Kid& what are you doing? Get up and come over to me. Stopped laying there like some moron and come over NOW or I will eat you! something in the dark said.
I cant see&why cant I see? Who are you? Naruto-nii? No&Youre not Naruto-nii&where is he? I cant remember. Why cant I rememb& a child voiced out.
Stop your inane babbling you dumb cracker! Open your god damn eyelids, yelled a deep omnipotent voice.
Slowly, the world became bright as the young boy moved to open his eyes. Water surrounded him, though he didnt feel wet.
Did the bathroom over flood? thought the boy.
Im stuck in a god damn moron! Of all the people he could have chosen he chose his mentally retarded son! yelled something off to the right.
Looking over quickly he stared at the caged fox demon, Kyuubi. The fur on the foxs body shown bright red as if it were on fire, the nine tails sprouting from the back were waving around in a mad frenzy as the demon went on about the Fourth, the Toad, and the stupid cage. A few times the tails would hit the bars that trapped him.
Wheres Naruto-nii? asked Naruto in confusion.
Dead. Its too bad really, he was a pretty demented guy. Had some nice ideas about torture and pain. We could ha& spoke Kyuubi.
Dead? No that cant be& impossible. He wouldnt have just left me. No. No. Never. No. Your lying! You LAIR! screamed out Naruto as he started pulling on his blond spiky hair.
Your pretty fracked up too. Hes dead kid. Want to see how? questioned Kyuubi with a flick of his tail.

Flashes appeared before Narutos eyes.
Why cant you be more like Sasuke!&
Naruto looked over to Sasuke and saw a smirk on his lips. Clutching at his forehead, Naruto went and slammed his fist into the picture of Sasuke. Landing on the ground, Naruto choked on his spit as tears blurred his vision.

The black world was falling apart. Piece by piece the worlds wall fell leaving behind white as it disappeared. The world was going away and when Naruto turned to Naruto-nii he saw him fading.
We arent going to be together anymore&Ill always be in your memories though. Ill remember you forever Naruto. Dont be sad. Dont cry. Dont let the villagers get to you. We use to have such fun together and if you try hard enough we can do that again. Im only a thought away. Go find the Fox, hell help you. He might not be nice but dont worry he isnt that bad after you get to know him. Naruto-nii spoke to Naruto.
Your leaving me too? Why! Cant you fix the damage? I need you! Please dont leave me. I dont want to be alone&please? Tears fell as Naruto spoke.
As the tears fell to the floor holes appeared where it landed. Naruto looked to the ground and tried to stop his tears but they just kept falling and falling. With a sob Naruto fell to his knees and tried to stifle the tears with his hands. Pressing his hands to his eyes Naruto felt his tears sliding through and hitting the floor.
Why wont they stop? Stop it! Stop crying you moron! Your so weak! Flashes of people sneering at him and calling him demon went through his mind as he scrubbed his eyes harshly.

The villagers dont want you here demon. We might not be able to kill you but the villagers will kill you sooner or later. Your worthless and weak. Look at your face. Crying like some infant. Humph snorted some ninja as he walked away.
Get out of here you pest! We dont serve demon children. Go! Leave before I become impatient and beat you! screamed a merchant as Naruto walked in to the store for some home supplies. Staring like a deer at a head light, Naruto blinked then turned and ran. Stupid demon scaring away my costumers.
End Flashback

No make it go away! No more! screamed Naruto as he writhed on the floor in the falling black world. Arms came around Naruto comforting him. He looked behind him and found Naruto-nii. The memory of first meeting him came to mind. He had been lying in the field staring at nothing particular. Just looking at the sky and thinking about all the villagers and ninjas and their hate for him.

Dont mind them Naruto someone said.
Whose there? Naruto asked as he looked around and found no one.
Close your eyes. Im in here. again someone spoke.
Closing his eyes Naruto found a boy just like him. He had the same colored eyes as him and the same colored hair as him, as well as the same shape face and body.
Are you me? asked a confused Naruto.
Well kind of. I look like you dont I? Thats because you made me. Ill be your friend Naruto. Your Best Friend. said the boy with the same face.
Really? You dont hate me? Youll be my friend? asked Naruto.
Of coruse I dont hate you. How could I. Im you. said the boy.
I think I hate myself. So that means that you hate me, doesnt it? said Naruto.
Well I dont hate you thats all that matters Naruto. Ill be there for you. All you have to do is close your eyes and Ill be there for you. said the boy.
Naruto hesitated unsure.
Whats your name? Im Naruto. said Naruto finally after staring for 3 minutes.
Im not sure. You name me after all you made me. said the boy
Hm&well you look like me so how about Naruto-nii. Because you and I are the same and well be like brothers! said a smiling Naruto.
What ever you want Naru-chan. What ever you want. said the newly named Naruo-nii.
End Flashback

Naruto looked at the fading Naruto-nii and saw that he was almost all gone.
No! Not yet! Please a little longer! screamed Naruto and he tried to grab for Naruto-nii.
Im sorry Naru-chan. Ja ne for now. said the voice of Naruto-nii as the disappeared.
Screaming, the black world disappeared.


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