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Chapter 3 - My Superhero Story

My creative writing stories. I have my fright fair project, character story, and superhero story.

Chapter 3 - My Superhero Story

Chapter 3 - My Superhero Story
You didn't think I was just goanna forget about Anime Idol all together, did you? I wouldn't do that. To all my's not over!
The Ninjas and Arc Angels are proud to present
Anime Idol: The ‘Make Your Own Superpowers’ Kit

It started out as what was most likely the greatest day of my life. (I'm not telling you anything. You'll have to read Anime Idol 3 to find out.) Everything was going so right for me that day. Then I got a large package in the mail, which was strange because I usually didn't get any mail. The strangeness continued when Hannah arrived at my house even before I had opened the package. She said she got an incriminating letter that told her to come to my house immediately. (The 'Hannah getting letters that say to go to my house' thing was really starting to get on my nerves.)
Hannah was jumping up and down, and my eyes rolled. It was probably nothing to get excited about. Hannah was expecting it to be some sort of awesome new gadget from Melinda at the research center. It turned out to be nothing remotely similar to anything we could have gotten from the research center.
"What is it, Emma?" she asked in her usual hyper voice of excitement.
"Uh, it says it's a 'make your own superpowers' kit," I said with no excitement whatsoever.
"Ooooo! That is so awesome! You have to open it now!"
"Hannah, I'm not buying this at all. If I open it, we'll probably have to buy it."
She gasped. "You mean you don't believe?!"
"I have found ninjas in my bedroom when I woke up. I've found soul reapers in David's guitar shop. I've even found Itachi sitting in The Evil Simon's resort and casino getting massages by hot babes. Do you think I believe?!"
"Uhhh, you don't believe, do you? Ahhhh, shun the non believer!"
"Gosh, Hannah! Would you just shut up! I meant that I do believe!"
"Well, you don't have to be mean about it." She crossed her arms and pouted.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
Hannah pointed to the first line of this story, "I thought this was supposed to be the best day of your life."
"Oh, that's right, thank you for reminding me."
To make a long story short, we decided to open and/or use the 'Make your Own Superpower' kit. (I did it because it seemed like something ridiculous that could pass the time. I didn't really think it would work.) I decided to give myself the power to school people in extreme guitar battles and randomly zap people with my fingers (Kind of like force lightning. You know, like those dudes off Star Wars). Hannah gave herself the power to do killer drum solos that are so amazingly awesome that they knock people out, and the power to randomly summon key blades. Together we were apparently some sort of super hero team (Hannah is paying me to call us some cheesy name but I won't take her money). Surprisingly, it worked and we had superpowers. (I have no idea how that happened.)
"Hah! Take that, Emma the nonbeliever! It worked, and now we're superheroes!" Hannah exclaimed.
"Don't count on it," I said with a sigh.
"C'mon, Emma, we have to do it. What if The Evil Simon got one of these 'Make your Own Superpowers' thingymadogers in the mail too? What if the forces of evil are alive and well, and they are going after our friends?!"
"Um, what was wrong with my ninja skills that I had before this?"
"I've ran out of comebacks."
"My point exactly."
Despite my pleas to drop it and leave it alone, Hannah convinced me to become a superhero. (Some superheroes we turned out to be.) She then proceeded to jump around the house yelling random things and not paying any attention to where she was going. That caused me to start yelling at her big time and telling her that if anything in my house got broken she would die. (You people know how I get when people touch the things in my house.) She ended up dragging me all the way to David's guitar shop so we could tell everyone about our little adventure. (For all of you who are furious about the decision I made in Anime Idol 3, yes, I do get back together with David. No, you're not going to get any more information, so quit asking!) All of The Ninjas and Arc Angels were there to hear it.
"Oh my gosh! That's so cool! I can't believe you guys are superheroes!" Angel exclaimed, just as excitedly as Hannah. (I think she was spazzing.)
"You guys should make up like some cool catch phrases and stuff. What's your goal as superheroes?" Ayuri asked while she was trying to calm down Angel.
"Their goal should be something like 'to maintain a peaceful television schedule so we can watch awesome anime shows all day and no evil little kids shows.' No more evil Pablo!" Sammy said in one of those weird voices that the people on super hero shows usually use.
"Well, actually we were planning on making all of you have super powers too," I said with a grin.
David sighed, "Are you serious?"
"Dead serious."
"Well, this should be interesting," Archie said beginning to run around the room with Hannah and Angel.
Then it started to get crazy and I had to scream until I was hoarse to get them all to shut up. (I tire easily of their antics.) We did end up sharing our 'Make your Own Superpowers' kit with everyone, and we all ended up having ridiculous super powers.
I'll start with The Ninjas. David, who was just as excited about all this as me, decided to have the power to do something weird to his numchucks to make them kill people, Sammy ended up with the power to use jutsu like the characters from Naruto, and Ayuri had the power to transform things. Victor came up with the power to knock people out with his good looks (I have no idea where he got that from). Then there was Arc Angels. Archie kind of copied off of Hannah and had the power to summon key blades, Daniel decided to keep the power that he had, but he changed it so that he could control people's minds, and Angel had the power to fly around and randomly breathe fire on them.
"There is one thing that you should all keep in mind," I said after everyone has almost settled down.
"Yeah, what is that?" Sammy asked curiously.
"With great power comes great responsibility."
"Wow, that's really deep...hey, wait a minute. You copied off of Uncle Ben!"
"So what if I did?"
", I got nothin."
"HEY EVERYBODY, I'VE GOT AN IDEA!" Hannah randomly shouted.
"Just tell us, you don't have to shout," I said, flinching and covering my ears.
"We should write a manga about our super powers. We'll call it 'The Awesomely Amazing Justice League of Anime Idol'."
"Um, Hannah, that actually sounds like a good idea."
Sammy jumped in between us, "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? Let's sell them here at David's Guitar Shop."
We had all thought it was impossible, but it was happening right before us. It was actually Hannah who came up with the good idea this time. For a moment we were all in shock but then we got right to work on the manga. I was dead set against us having cheesy superhero names so I stopped Hannah at Cookie man and Archie boy. I didn't even want to know what she had planned for the rest of us. After that we put Hannah on drawing duty and I was in charge of making up the stories. In a few short hours we were done with our first volume and we were ready to share it with the world.
After we sent our manga volume out to be copied I went home for a while. There wasn't really anything to do so I crashed onto the couch and turned on the TV. What I saw was a commercial, but it wasn't your average commercial. Hannah and Sammy were in it. I watched the commercial as I started to get mad, but then I changed my mind when I saw it. With a sigh of relief I realized that they hadn't come up with anything embarrassing.
"Hello people of Anime Idol. If you haven't already noticed, out anime has been transformed into a superhero world. Now we have created a shiny new manga series for you to read," Hannah's hyper voice said through the television speakers.
"I'm sure you want to know where you get the first volume of this amazing new manga series. Well, you can pick it up in a few minutes down at David's Guitar Shop. If you want to get your hands on this epic manga, all you have to do is go down to the guitar shop of everybody's favorite left-handed, bearded rock star, David Cook! You better hurry if you want to get it today, because we have a limited supply of copies and they are going fast," Sammy said cheerfully.
"Oh, and coming soon, The Adventures of Cookie man and Archie boy!"
"Wait, Hannah, Emma said we couldn't use those names."
"Never mind."
I looked up at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and counted to ten. I couldn’t believe they made a commercial about it! It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. At least they took back the "Cookie man and Archie boy" thing. I decided to get back up and go back to David's Guitar Shop. When I got there a huge crowd of people had formed in front of the shop. I looked around back and found The Ninjas and Arc Angels, and Hannah, Sammy, and Victor (don't ask) were crying. They were all standing in front of an empty semi.
"What's going on here?" I asked in confusion.
"The truck that was supposed to be carrying the copies of our manga showed up empty," David said looking back at me.
"What could this mean?"
"I know what it means!" Angel shouted, "It means that there's evil afoot!"
"What? The evil is a foot? What person do we know who is evil and also a foot?" Archie asked clueless.
"Ugh! I give up!" I groaned, "Who could have done such a thing."
"I have a theory!" Angel shouted, louder than the last time.
"Then say it."
"My theory is that The Evil Simon got the same thing in the mail, and now he and all his evil minions all have super powers too!"
"That actually sounds like a legitimate theory. What is this anime series coming to? Are things actually going to start making sense?"
"Not quite, you haven't heard my theory about Sanjaya yet."
"What is that?"
"He has the power to form ugly hairstyles without touching his head."
"Wow, he sounds scary," I said sarcastically.
"I know! We better watch out for him!"
With that we began to devise a plan, and, of course, I always had to be in charge of that. I couldn't think of a really great plan because of the fact that I wasn't too enthusiastic about the whole 'superheroes' thing. I decided that we would need to break into our old groups, which meant that Angel, Ayuri, and Victor would have to stay behind. (So much for killing them with good looks.) After that I would take the remaining ninjas and go fight The Evil Simon and his minions. Then Hannah would take the remaining arc angels and go grab the manga volumes. It wasn't a very fancy plan, but it would work. The plan was devised, the so called "superheroes" were ready, and we were off to The Evil Simon's Evil Lair, Resort and Casino.
* * * *
Because we were flying on Saphira, we arrived at The Evil Simon's Evil Lair very quickly. As I said before, take that downtown traffic! It was very easy to find the evil lair now because we had seen it before. It was especially easy when the giant sign with flashing lights that said 'The Evil Simon's Evil Lair, Resort and Casino' was turned on. Honestly, I thought he would have changed the look of that place by now.
After Arc Angels left Sammy, David, and I prepared to enter the evil lair and fight The Evil Simon. All we heard was the sound of the neon sign flashing on and off. It was quiet...too quiet. It could have been a trap, but The Evil Simon didn’t even know we were coming. My guess was that the whole 'Anime Idol has been transformed into a superhero world' thing hurt the feelings of all the anime villains and they went home. As we walked in we didn't notice that a few sin spawns were sitting outside the door.
We sneaked around for a while until we found the entrance to The Evil Simon's real evil lair. It was a big room in the basement of his 'anime villain vacation getaway', and, oddly, it was empty. We all looked around but found no trace of a single bad guy, minion, or (insert title of super villain sidekick here) anywhere. I didn't know what to think.
"Hey guys, either we have some speedy competition, or The Evil Simon flew the coop," Sammy mumbled, looking around the room.
"They have to be here somewhere," I said, doing the same.
"Do you think Angel, Ayuri, and Victor held a grudge and hired the flash to come and do our job for us?"
"I highly doubt that. I bet The Evil Simon is planning something."
"Emma is exactly right," we heard one of the minions say as The Evil Simon and his minions appeared out of nowhere.
Sammy gasped. "It's The Evil Simon and his evil minions! Where did they come from?"
"Excellent question, Sammy," The Evil Simon scoffed, "I...actually have no idea."
"What are you planning, Simon?!" David asked with a scowl. (We were all scowling.)
"Well, since it went so well, I thought I would bring back the 'bad guys always win plan'. We are going to rewrite your manga so that we win and you loose and there's no way you can stop us. MUWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!"
A big hairy something came up in The Evil Simon's face.
Sanjaya ran away screaming.
I slapped my forehead, "You guys are so pathetic."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" The Evil Simon shouted angrily.
"You heard me.
"AH...." he paused, "Wait, would you guys just attack them?!"
All at once at least a hundred sin spawns came out of the walls and surrounded us. Jason jumped in front of me with an acoustic guitar in his hand, Kimberly Caldwell jumped in front of David, and Sanjaya jumped in front of Sammy. For about ten minutes we stood there making scary faces and growling at each other. Eventually I looked around, slapped my forehead, and yelled at all of them, and they snapped out of it.
"Emma, I challenge you to an extreme guitar battle!" Jason yelled pointing at me.
"Woah, wait a minute. You're challenging me to a guitar battle, and you're going to use that?" I questioned in disbelief pointing to his acoustic guitar.
"Yeah, is there a problem with that?"
"I guess not. I get to pick the song."
"No way! That is so not fair!"
"You sound like a sissy girl, its fair. Now we shall play...Once in a Lifetime!"
"Oh no! Not a Dragonforce song!"
"Yes, a Dragonforce song."
The song began and I started zapping the sin spawns with my guitar. I was also masterfully dodging every one of Jason's weak attacks with his guitar. (Now you know what extreme guitar battles entail.) I looked over, and saw David beating Kimberly Caldwell badly with his awesome numchuck skills. I looked the other way and Sammy and Sanjaya were still standing there, staring, and growling at each other. I yelled at them, and they sprung into action. I turned back to Jason after Sammy and Sanjaya had started fighting, but then everything stopped.
"Hey, that's not very nice," Sanjaya said as he began to stare at her again.
"You are my enemy. Do you expect me to be nice to you?"
"Um, I guess not, but that was just uncalled for!"
"I say it was called for. You never know what could be living in THAT hair." Sammy pointed to Sanjaya's pohawk.
"What do you mean what could be living in it?!"
"That really hurt!" Sanjaya started crying and ran away. (One down, two to go.)
Eventually Jason's fingers got tired, and he began to weaken. I took advantage of that and finished him off, but I was paying too much attention to him, and I allowed one of the sin spawns to get too close and scratch my arm. For the umpteenth time, the stitches on my bad arm came undone. (WHY DOES THAT HAPPEN IN EVERY STORY?!) David finished off Kimberly Caldwell and came to save the day. Between the two of us we defeated all the sin spawns, and The Evil Simon ran away...again. There was a kissing scene but we had to stop because Sammy turned around, and I didn't want her to use it against me.
We met up with Arc Angels at the entrance to The Evil Simon's Evil Lair. They had found all the manga and brought them back to David's Guitar Shop. We all got on Saphira and headed back to Anime Idol where everyone was waiting for us. I'm not going to say that we lived happily ever after, because that is never the case. Who seriously believes that all of those fairy tale characters actually had perfectly perfect lives after the stories ended?! Well, anyway, this is not the end of Anime Idol. There will be more. (No, Hannah, we are not coming back in tights!) Until then...I really don't have anything to say except for the end.


Comments (1)

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Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on July 15, 2009, 8:33:09 AM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animehahahahahhaha... that's hilarious! this is really cool. i might have to check out Anime Idol. you write really good stories. =^_^= *gives pocky and pixie sticks* (yay! 1st comment on chapter) *1st comment celebration/dance*