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Chapter 20 - Dream...

Nicole explaing her story...

Chapter 20 - Dream...

Chapter 20 - Dream...
.Everyone who was following this story ever since it began should have known this was bound to happen. Two complete different individuals, growing up in a completely different environment… Being the complete opposite of each other… Maybe that’s why we liked each other… It’s like we compensate one another… And right now when I think about it… I don’t even know why I fell in love with him… I thought it was just a phase or something but it wasn’t. I guess it shows how unpredictable things can be and that there are no clear answers to that sort of thing. Does it matter? No, no I don’t suppose it does. Looking for answers that no one else knows but you. All it takes is a little bit of perspective and someone who open your eyes…

Blain and I never made it official. We didn’t even ask each other to have a relationship. Come to think of it, it wasn’t even necessary… Everyone knew and could see that there was something, and saying something like “I love you” is redundant as well. All it took was a quick look in the eyes of each other and we knew exactly what the other one was thinking… I never had to explain myself ever again whenever I was feeling a little down. He knew. He just knew. And he had the same with me. Whatever it was, we always got through. And that’s something no one could break apart…

One and a half month later, Sonic returned with everyone else. They said they had succeeded and a few days later, they were about to restore their powers… I have no idea how they were gonna pull it off, but I was curious enough to see it… Everyone was gathering around at the lake…

Shadow: Would you just hurry up already?!
Sonic: Alright, alright alright!! Chill out dude!
Shadow: Seriously, how long does it take to get out some emeralds…
Sonic: Check this out... You’re gonna love this...

Sonic tossed up six emeralds towards Shadow as he got out another one… Then they both balled there fist as those emeralds started to float up. Along with it, grass, twigs and all sorts floated up as well as all of a sudden a bright flash appeared and we all looked at Sonic and Shadow who floated up in the air…

Then the emeralds just dropped on the ground as they slowly went down again

Sonic: Whoo!! Hell yeah!! That was tingly!!
Shadow: …
Nicole: … That’s it? Some light show and everything is fine?
Shadow: Yeah, basically…
Cody: Does it work?!!

Then Shadow just snapped his fingers and made a fist as a dark red aurora flame surrounded his hand… I just couldn’t believe it and thought it was just a magic trick or something…

Nicole: Is that real…?

Then he threw the flame against a tree with a lot of strength… I heard wood cracking, and saw a tree coming down in the distance… He spreads his fingers and relaxed his hand, shaking it up and down like it was burned or something…

Shadow: Yup, looks real to me.
Nicole: … Whoa…
Sonic: My turn, my turn!!

Sonic started to run in place, as his feet moved faster and faster until it was nothing more then just a blur in an eight figure. He got lower to the ground as his right hand touched the ground. Dust, grass and twigs flew up in the air, then he just took off in a blink of an eye, leaving a dust cloud and a blue streak behind. Not long after that, he returned the other way… How the hell was that possible?! Blain and I just stood there looking baffled, but everyone else looked like it was just normal…

Blain: Holy fffffffffffffffffrack……!!
Nicole: Wait, how did you…

Sonic just grinned and ran off again… It looked like a dream or something… How the hell was he capable of running that fast…? I didn’t knew… Not long after that, he stands behind me…

Sonic: I don’t know how I got it. I could run this fast as long as I can remember.
Shadow: Yeah, yeah, yeah, stop showing off already.
Sonic: There’s this one thing we haven’t tested yet…
Shadow: … Do we have to?
Sonic: Yeah, unless you wanna chicken out as usual…
Shadow: …
Sonic: *makes chicken noises*
Shadow: Ok!! Bring it on, scrotumsack!!!

Then suddenly, those emeralds started to float around them. They went fast and faster until the light got so bright, we had to look away. And as soon as we could look at them, Shadow was white and… Sonic was yellow…? What the hell is going…? I didn’t exactly look. Gawping at them was more like it. I never saw anything like that before and apparently; Blain didn’t see that before either… He was baffled as well… Then Shadow cracked his neck and closed his eyes for a short time… Some aurora surrounded them and you could actually feel the pressure of it. Like you got forced down or something… Everyone else acted normal, but Blain and I were speechless really… Then all of a sudden, they disappeared and before I noticed, I almost got blown away by the wind. And as I looked up I saw they were fighting above the lake. Shadow punched Sonic down and he fell on the ground.

Sonic: Cheap shot!!
Rouge: … *sighs* Here they go again…
Nicole: Are they for real?!
Amy: Naah… Their just being childish…
Blain: Their beating the shoot out of each other!!

And Sonic speeded towards Shadow and they kicked and punched each other until Shadow fell down in the lake…

Nicole: Is he dead…?
Rouge: Naah…

Then all of a sudden, the water in the lake looked like it was about to swell up and all the water drained out of the middle as Shadow slowly rises up with dark red lighting bolts surrounding him and he just laughed with some sinister tone… The water started to spout up in the air like a fountain… I was actually worried for a moment when all of a sudden…

Old guy: Oi!! Will you two stop with the monkey tricks?!
Sonic/Shadow: … Sorry…

Sonic and Shadow relaxed and got back to the ground, as they received their normal colours back… I still didn’t get it. It was like… Some… Illusion or a magic trick… But… It wasn’t. I pinched myself to see if I wasn’t dreaming and could wake up any second. But I wasn’t asleep…

Nicole: Can someone tell me how it’s all possible?
Tails: No one really knows! It got something to do with those emeralds but…
Sonic: Well, these are the Chaos Emeralds, containing unlimited amount of mystical power…

Rouge: Long thought to be a myth, until someone found one…
Shadow: And that’s how Blain and I got created… Well, with help of course…

Nicole: So… How’d you get in contact with the emeralds…?

Sonic: A long time ago. Shadow had one in his possession.
Shadow: To be able to use my powers.
Sonic: Did you know he used to be a bad guy?
Shadow: … *sighs*
Sonic: Anyway, once he deflected to us, he told us all about them.
Shadow: And once all of them were found-
Sonic: I noticed I could exploit their powers as well…

Cody: Yeah but how come I’m not able to shoot lasers out of my butt and stuff?!

Then everyone just laughed…

Cody: No! I’m serious! What makes you guys so special that you have powers?!

Good question…

Shadow: I got created with the power of Chaos… So… That’s easy to explain…
Sonic: But for me… I don’t really know…
Tails: Well there is one theory that might explain it…
Blain: Well, tell us.
Tails: Humans used to experiment on animals waaaaaaaaaaaaay back… As time went on and animals evolved, some of it enhanced their natural abilities. Some even mutated into something paranormal as genes were passed on generation by generation. But over the centuries, some kept their abilities, some even managed to enhance it. Others don’t have anything at all, and with others, their powers are dormant waiting to be sparked by something…

Blain: Sounds interesting…
Tails: Well yeah!
Nicole: … You mean, I could actually have powers…?
Sonic: Well it might be. Who knows, maybe you can run just as fast as me!
Shadow: Don’t mind him, he always runs like hell when he has to take a shoot real bad.

Sonic: … Shut up.
Nicole: Hehehe…

Then Shadow looked all serious at Blain…

Shadow: … Blain…?
Blain: ‘Sup?
Shadow: Remember you asked me a long time ago about powers…?
Blain: Yeah…?
Shadow: Time to find out kid…

He tossed an emerald towards Blain… Blain just looks a bit worried at it…

Shadow: You feel it…?
Blain: Kinda…
Shadow: Let it flow…

I could have imagined Blain floating up in the air and turning pink or something. That would have been hilarious. If he did, his creator had a very good sense of humour. Except, nothing happened… After he stood there for a while with the emerald in his hand, we saw a few sparks, and a dark blue aurora flame surrounding his hand… Then after it burned for only a short time, it slowly died out… He looks a little disappointed, and tried on for another fifteen minutes but it never came back after that…

Blain: … Damn it…
Cody: … You think I can turn super as well…?
Sonic: Well try it. Here. *tosses emerald to Cody*
Cody: I don’t need no emerald!!
Sonic: Huh?
Cody: I can turn super by eating…

Cody was grabbling in his pocket until he got out something…

Cody: *high pitched voice* A cream cracker! *gobbles it*

Then everyone just stared at him as everyone was laughing…

Cody: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! *gasps*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! – I’m not done yet!! – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!-

Nicole: *slaps Cody on the back of his head*
Cody: Ow!
Nicole: Enough is enough Cody…
Cody: Psh…

The guys got together ever since then on Friday and Saturday, playing a card game like Poker. Most of the times, I just watched, but it seems a lot of fun. Just looking at them was a lot of fun, especially when the tensions were rising as to question who would win the round, acting all retarded and silly. Blain joined as well, and he even act retarded whenever he was playing… I didn’t know much of those terms, like, Big Blind, Flop, Pot Odds and all that, but I understood the basics of the game… Sonic and the others said they learned it a long time ago, and used to play this game whenever they got bored. And they taught Blain the basics of the game when they first started playing. And ever since that, he was hooked on it. But yeah, most of the time I didn’t play, I just watched TV with Amy and occasionally watched the poker game. This time, I watched the game, seeing as Blain was running low on chips…

Sonic: Whaddaya mean I’m the dealer?!
Shadow: You got the highest card, stupid! Shuffle those cards befo-
Sonic: Just post the small blind…
Tails: Big blind!
Rouge: Yeah, yeah, yeah…
Blain: Ok deal!
Sonic: Ya’ll ready?
Blain: Deal it!!

Aaaaaaaaaand everyone got two cards. I peeked with Blain and he had a 10 and a queen.

Tails: I’ll bet 2.
Blain: … Call
Sonic: Call!!
Shadow: … Call…
Rouge: … Raise with 5.

Then Blain just looked at Rouge… Then he looked down on his stack of chips… He only had 5 left… Then Rouge just grinned…

Blain: Oh for fu- All in…

Tails: … Fold…
Sonic: Pass.

Rouge: Come on Shadow, show some guts…
Shadow: I fold, thank you very much. Five is a bit too high for me…
Rouge: Chicken…
Sonic: Everyone gone?
Shadow: Yeah except for Rouge and Blain.
Blain: I’m all in.
Sonic: Open up the cards!

So they both showed their cards… Rouge had a King and 10…

Sonic: Blain is still leading.
Rouge: Yeah, yeah, flop it. My guts says I’m gonna win this one.
Sonic: Here comes the flop.

Sonic placed three cards down, and three cards open… Which were a 10, 5 and Queen.

Rouge: Hehehe…
Blain: Whoohoohoohoo!! Say goodbye to those chips Rouge!!
Sonic: The turn…

And he placed a card down and one open…

Rouge: A nine?!!
Blain: Yeah whatever!! I’m still leading!!
Rouge: So?!
Blain: Come on, come on, gimme that stack, I’m still in the game!!
Sonic: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand… The river…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand another card got placed down… And he opened another one… Which was a king… So basically, they both had two pair. Except Rouge had a higher one. She had Kings and 10’s and blain had Queen’s and ten’s…

Rouge: … Buhbye. Thanks for the donation!
Blain: …. Ffffffffffffffffffffiddlesticks… Well there goes my two dinar…
Rouge: Yeah, they will be missed dearly. Now shove over!
Blain: …

Nicole: Hehehehe… Let’s watch a movie.
Blain: … ‘kay… I got nothing else to do now…

So we made our way back to the TV, where Amy was sitting on the edge of her seat.

Nicole: Anything interesting tonight?
Amy: Ssh…
Nicole: What?
Amy: Sarafina is about to confess to Fabrizio that she cheated with Cassijero but she only just found out she’s been pregnant of Giorgio!

Nicole: Sounds like she was busy…
Amy: Well yeah!

Then it just ended…

Amy: Ack!! Cliffhanger!
Nicole: Change the channel will ya?
Amy: … Sure…

Then she zapped for a few channels until…

TV: Former dictator doctor Julian Ivo Robotnik was assassinated this morning at the Taiba Crest. The-

Blain: Whoa!! Whoa!! Whoa!! Change it back!!

TV: -was of great importance. Forensic analyses indicate that it was a professional hit, and that the shooter was an excellent marksman, seeing as the projectile travelled for more then 2 kilometres. Doctor Julian Ivo Robotnik was the number one resource supplier of the humans ever since the war has ended, and the humans are on a brink of an economic disaster. The ICA and GUN has set up a thorough investigation to apprehend the assassin.

As I looked around, I noticed everyone was all serious and silent as they stared at the tv… They showed a picture of Robotnik back when he was ruling this continent as everyone just stared at it…

Sonic: … He’s only been dead for 11 hours…?
Shadow: … He wasn’t dead yet…?
Rouge: … He is now…
Amy: How’s that possible…?
Nicole: What?
Blain: How the hell could he have survived…?
Nicole: Well… He’s truly dead now… So…
Blain: Yeah but… still…

I cuddled him on the couch as Amy kept looking for a movie… She made popcorn as she picked a DVD. I didn’t know what it was called, but it was some action slash comedy movie I once saw. Not long after that, the guys were done playing poker and joined us watching the movie. Everyone seemed to forget the news bulletin as soon as the movie was starting and popcorn got shoved down their throats… Blain still looked all serious and puzzled…

That night, Sonic just all of a sudden got out of the house and went outside. And after a while, he still didn’t come back. So I went looking for him. As I walked outside, I saw his figure moving in the distance and disappeared. As soon as I caught up where he stood, he wasn’t there.

Nicole: Sonic?
Sonic: Yeah?
Nicole: Where are you?
Sonic: Up here.

I looked up and saw he was kicking back in a tree, leaning against the tree trunk while his arms supported his head. Normally, Sonic isn’t always that serious, but tonight, he really had a depressed look on his face… So I climbed up the tree with a lot of effort and sat on another branch…

Nicole: What are you doing up here?
Sonic: I could ask the same thing about you…
Nicole: I asked first…
Sonic: Meh… Sometimes I got moments like these ya know.
Nicole: What’s wrong?
Sonic: Look how everyone is doing now… Look what we build up…
Nicole: Yeah…
Sonic: I mean, even Blain changed a lot… That’s gotta mean something…
Nicole: He’s got good friends…
Sonic: He also got you…
Nicole: Yeah…
Sonic: No I mean it… He talks a lot about you. It’s always Nicole this, and Nicole that… He can’t really find a way to express how he feels towards you, yet everything he ever talks about nowadays is you. You mean a lot to him.

Nicole: Heh…
Sonic: It’s just that…
Nicole: What…?
Sonic: Seeing you together with him and all the things you do together… *sighs* I just miss Sally a lot, you know… I wish there was a way just to see her one more time. Five more minutes with her, that’s all… I recognize a lot with you and Blain of how Sally and I used to be…

Nicole: I… I’m sorry but… I don’t really know what to say…
Sonic: You don’t have to say anything… Just saying it out loud helps a lot you know…

Nicole: Well… If it makes you feel any better… I lost people I loved too…Except… The unbearable thing is that their still alive…

Sonic: Whaddaya mean…?
Nicole: My parents for example... I had a really good bond with my parents until one day, everything was over… I didn’t know what I did, or… What caused it, but… Apparently, my mother didn’t want to know me anymore… And that hurts a lot… Sometimes I really get homesick and just wanna go home… To find out why… But… I feel like its chasing down wind….

Sonic: Yeah… At least their still alive… My parents died during the war… And my uncle took care of me until he got rounded up… Before that, we had a fight… I can’t remember what it was about … I just kept being stubborn and left, and when I got home a few days later, he wasn’t there anymore… People from the underground said he got rounded up and executed… I was so devastated by that, that we formed a resistance group… We weren’t the only ones though, but our group consisted of more then 150 people… Most of them died… And sometimes I’m actually wondering why I’m still alive… Because looking back now, I took a lot of risks and even got caught a few times. Yet I always managed to look death in the eyes and grin at it, while I kicked mister grim reaper in the nuts… Like someone was protecting me from above. I don’t know…

It stayed quiet for a long time… I thought about what Sonic said and I actually felt really sorry for him… We continued to sit in the tree for a long time and every now and then, I moved a little over so that my butt wouldn’t turn numb from the branch. Then at some point, I heard some soft wood cracking. And before I realized, the branch snapped and I fell out. Except my tail got stuck between a few other branches on the way down. It didn’t really hurt, except my ego was deeply offended. I was dangling on my tail in a tree, and it took a long time before I could free myself… Sonic just laughed…

Why the hell is that always happening to me?

I had a dream that night. While I was in bed, I felt myself floating away gently. Then all of a sudden, I felt a shock. Like you feel when you got high voltage running through you. In a blink of an eye, it felt like I was going through a tunnel. It all happened for a few seconds I believe, but it seemed much longer then that. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw I was standing on a beach. And as I looked around, everything looked so familiar… Tiny islands in the distance, being surrounded by crystal clear bright blue water… Pearl white sand… As I looked around I noticed Sonic was standing next to me. Which… Was a bit odd. He didn’t say anything, but just smiled… And before I knew it, we were standing on top of a mountain…This one also looked very familiar… It was mount Soraya, that was near Kennice… Then all of a sudden I knew it… I was back in Buthainah… I had no idea how I got here, but every now and then, it switched view… Like all of my memories were speeding by and just continued to loop. And every time, Sonic was standing next to me… That was such a weird dream, because everything just felt so real… The water felt real, the wind felt real… Everything… Then suddenly, It felt like I hit the ground… And as I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Blain lying next to me, sleeping… As I looked up, I noticed Sonic standing in front of my bed… He smiled, tossed up an emerald and just disappeared. It was just a very weird dream. Not long after that, I fell asleep again, not remembering any of it…


Comments (1)

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kittyshootingstar on June 9, 2008, 12:43:50 PM

kittyshootingstar on
kittyshootingstarI would so love to draw a floating pink Blain, but... I probably would kill it since I'm having a bit of an artist's block right now. Also would love to draw Nicole dangling from the tree by the tail, but I can't do tree branches very well. Good trees, just horrible branches.

LOL I got so sidetracked again.