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Chapter 15 - Miss Betty's big break

Someone destroyed the Earth,
Someone destroyed their lives,
Someone's gonna pay.
Someone had better be watching their Back.

Chapter 15 - Miss Betty's big break

Chapter 15 - Miss Betty's big break
Chapter 15
Phantom had forgotten how good it felt to do this. Flying through the night sky used to be what he did to clear his head, but since the invasion night seemed a constant and he had been almost exclusively on spaceships, which did the flying for him. The air was cool and inviting, making him slow down a bit to enjoy it, while still going fast enough to feel the wind in his hair. His mind went back to when he would do this almost every night. He remembered seeing the city all lit up beneath him, with a cozy, warm glow. It reminded him of the many times he had to fight a ghost eel or giant squid or robot monster late at night. The trill of the fight came back to him as a dull sensation. He remembered the calmer moments, when he was on patrol on a slow night, or just trying to be alone, or when he would take Sam for a flight…
Suddenly and rudely, logic came back into his mind. Remembering he was falling apart, he landed on a rooftop to save energy. Flying really didn’t take all that much energy but he still didn’t want to take any chances. Phantom took stock of the situation; he needed to regroup with Betty, find a way to get those handcuffs off her (if she hadn‘t done it herself already), get back to the ship and get off this planet as fast as possible. Looking over the city he started thinking up a way to find Betty and use as little power as possible.
His thoughts were interrupted by a scuffling the next roof over. Instinctively going invisible, he moved closer to the noise. On the next roof he saw Betty, as he expected she had gotten the cuffs off. He floated over to a spot on the roof where there where five metal blocks that looked like air-conditioning units. He would have gone visible if he didn’t hear another noise. Looking to the source Phantom saw Sparky in hot pursuit of Betty. Phantom sunk down behind the air-conditioner units and once he was hidden he went visible again to save energy.
“Betty wait!,” Sparky called out, “I just want to talk.”
She paused for a moment with her back to him, after settling some internal dispute she turned back to face him.
“Wait, How’d you get the Venusian handcuffs off?” Sparky asked in amazement.
“Yeah, about that,” Betty said, “You’re going to want to tell Admiral DeGill to change protocol. If an agent ever goes rouge you need to change the override codes in all Galactic Guardian equipment.”
“Admiral DeGill? You mean, you didn’t- Look, Betty you need to turn yourself in, now.”
Betty could tell there was something bigger here. “What happened to Admiral DeGill?”
Sparky sighed, “I didn’t I’d have to tell you about this, but, he’s awaiting a court marshal.”
Betty’s stomach twisted, “Why?”
“A few weeks ago, DeGill got an order from the Galactic Council, an order about you… to eliminate you. Shoot to kill.”
“Then why didn’t you shoot to kill tonight?”
“DeGill wasn’t going to issue your execution so the moment he got the order, he threw it in the laser shredder. They just found out. They replaced him and re-issued the order, giving me and Speevack the choice on when to activate it, within three days, of course. I tried to slow it down as much as I can but the three days are up tomorrow. If you turn yourself in now you‘ll be safe, if not then…” Sparky trailed off.
“Then I die, just like everyone else on Earth. Sparky, I have to do this, I have to find out who these invaders are and stop them. The Galactic Council can either help me or get out of my way.”
“Is that really the best way to go Betty?”
Betty turned around to look out over the city, “Right now, Sparky, it’s the only way to go. Now, if you‘re not going to stop me, just go back to being Speevack‘s lap-dog.”
Sparky sighed hopelessly a slowly turned to leave. As he put his hand on the controls for his jet-pack he turned back a little, “You know why DeGill shredded that order? Why I tried to protect you, Betty? Because we still believed in you. But the Betty DeGill and me believed in stood for something. You don’t stand for anything anymore. Maybe… maybe the Betty we believed in died with Earth.” Sparky activated his jetpack and soared off. There was a long moment of silence before Betty broke it.
“Phantom, you’re good at being invisible but not quiet.”
Awkwardly standing up, Phantom walked over to Betty. “Soooo, execution order, huh? What do we do about that?”
Betty stared quietly for a moment, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now I want to worry about getting back to the ship, if they haven’t already impounded it.”
“Right.” Phantom said resolutely, “How do we get back to the ship from here?”
Betty sighed, and pointed down the side of the building “Look down, Phantom, anything look familiar?”
Phantom took a glace at the spot Betty pointed to. It was all a mess of rubble and cracked sidewalks, “Oh yeah, looks a little different out side of June’s head. This is where we fought, so the ship should be,” Phantom looked around and, after getting his bearings, pointed into the distance, “that-a-way.”
Betty And Phantom moved quickly and silently through the streets, only having to hide from the occasional Galactic Guardian patrol. Finally they reached the docks. It was then that Phantom made an important discovery.
“Hey,” he whispered, “our ship is really big.”
Betty rolled her eyes, fearing this was another moment that would further prove Phantom’s insanity, “Yes Phantom, it’s really, really, big.”
“Well, the shouldn’t we be able to see it from here?” Betty froze in her tracks, he was really, really, right.
“They might have already taken the ship. Do you think you could pull a disappearing act again and scout it out?”
“Yeah, I’ll give it a shot.” Phantom slowly fade out of view. Betty sat in in the dark for what felt like eternity. It seemed Phantom took her advise about being quit, though she still would have liked to know where he was. She listened intently to every little sound, so when Phantom reappeared without warning she was a little shocked. “Well?” she demanded.
“Well there’s bad news and good news, The bad news is the ship is gone.” Phantom whispered.
“And the good news?”
Phantom grabbed Betty’s hand, “I think you should see for yourself.”
Betty became aware of a slight tingling in her stomach and the realized she could no longer see herself. Phantom had made both of them invisible. It was little strange at first walking when she couldn’t see her own feet, but fortunately Betty remembered her stealth training and got along with little trouble. They walked right on past several Guardians and finally made it to where The Avenger should have been. In it’s place was, to Betty’s surprise, Phantom’s ship. When the got up to it Phantom punched a code on the door, causing it to swing silently open. A slightly cautious, but calm Jake sat inside. As soon as Betty and Phantom were inside and the door closed Phantom let go of Betty, making her visible again.
“Jake? Where’s the ship?” She demanded.
Jake just smiled, “Hang on, I’ll show you what’s goin’ on.” He pulled a large, purple jewel out of his pocket and spoke into it. “Yo! June! Still there?”
June’s voice rang out from the gem, “Yep, read you loud and clear, you got them now?”
“Yeah,” Jake replied, “Bring us aboard whenever you’re ready.” Jake turned back to Betty, “Teleportation crystals.” He explained.
“Jake, what’s going on here?” Betty asked. Before she could get an answer she felt herself being pulled in a direction she didn’t even knew existed. The pull turned to a twist, which turned to a scrunch, which turned to a hundred other things before it was all over. Finally Betty found herself back it The Avenger’s cargo hold.
Jake spoke up, “Okay, it’s like this, while you were gone, we were all bored an’ stuff, right? So we turned on the TV, nothin’ was on, so we wanted to play some videogames, this ship ain’t got any, so we looked at Phantom invader-tracky-thing,”
“And?” Betty asked.
“And we saw them start turning back.” Betty’s heart skipped a beat; if the invaders were turning back then it would be easier to catch up with them. “And then when we were figuring out what to do they stopped. We figured we’d have to get at them as soon as we could, but we couldn’t get a hold of you guys, so then June’s all like, ‘yo, I got these teleport rocks, we could jet off an’ jet those two with us when they get back.’”
It was almost too good to be true, Betty decided to clarify, “So, let me get this straight, We’re finally going to catch the invaders?”
Jake smiled again, “That’s what it looks like Chief.”


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