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Chapter 1 - A Flight To Remember

This is my most recent project, which follows the trials of my friends an di as we strive to be manga artists/writers. Really up lifting, but realistic at the same time

Chapter 1 - A Flight To Remember

Chapter 1 - A Flight To Remember

Gaijin Gattai

By Josh Sorey

Volume 1

Panel One: A Flight to Remember


VINNY, JAY, and JOSH are on an air plane, sitting next to each other. Josh is sitting next in aisle, talking with the stewardess. VINNY is looking out the window, and JAY is reading manga.

JOSH: So, what time do you get off work?

STEWARDESS: I'll have a few hours rest once we land, then it's a all day flight from Tokyo to Australia.

JOSH: Bummer. So you wanna get some coffee once we land?

The stewardess looks at him weird, then laughs and walks away. JOSH slumps back in his seat.

VINNY: Not work our for ya?

JOSH: Shut up.

VINNY: No, I'll talk if I wanna. (Bops him on the head)

JOSH: (Bopping VINNY'S head) Don't' touch me!

VINNY: (Bopping him) What are you gonna do about it!?

JOSH: (Bopping him) I'm gonna kill you!

JAY: (Bopping them both) Why don't you both shut up before I kill ya and flush your bodies!

JOSH: (Stomach growling) I'm starving.

VINNY: Lunch should be here pretty soon.

JOSH: Wow, air plane food, I'm sure that will fill me up.

JAY: Stop your doging. I'm trying to read.

VINNY: It's bad enough you were flirting with that stewardess-

JAY: Really poorly, I might add.

JOSH: Like you two idiots could do better?

VINNY and JAY look at each other and smile evilly. Goes to a new scene, JOSH is slump in his seat to the extreme and glaring at the other two out of the corner of his eye.

JOSH: I still don't know how the hell you got her phone number.

JAY: What? What was that? Her phone number and?

JOSH: Her email address.

VINNY: You forgot her AIM.

JOSH: What! You got her AIM too?

JAY: Was there any real doubt in your mind?

JOSH: I hate you both.

VINNY and JAY high five each other.

JOSH: Yeah, laugh it up. Tell me guys, what street is our apartment on?

JAY: Umm

VINNY: Shinjuku?

JAY: I thought that was a prefecture?

VINNY: Naw, it's a street too.

JOSH: Actually it is a prefecture. My point is proven.

JAY: Either way, we're the ones with digits.

Stewardess walks by and winks at VINNY and JAY. JOSH get's angry.

JOSH: Switch seats with me, Vinny. I wanna take a nap.


JOSH: So move over so I can lay may head on the window.

VINNY: No. Use Jay.

JAY: Josh, you put your head on me and I swear I'll friggin kill you.

JOSH: Well how am I supposed to take a nap?

VINNY: Dude, move to one of those seats in the back.

JAY: And get that seat's blanket, I need another one.

JOSH: (stomping down aisle) I hate flying.

(JOSH sits down in a seat and continues to talk as he gets ready to sleep.)

JOSH: I don't even know how those two managed to drag me along on this dumb escapade. Bunch of sons of bi-

(JOSH falls asleep. Suddenly goes to the three sitting in a restaurant and talking.)

VINNY: So me and Jay are going to Japan to pursue our manga careers.

JOSH: That's cool.

JAY: What are doing after high school?

JOSH: I'm not sure still. I was thinking about going to a small college or something.

(VINNY and JAY look at each other.)

VINNY: Say Josh, ever considered manga-ka?

JOSH: What?

VINNY: Did you know that manga has a place for you?

JAY: (Bopping him) We aren't Jehovah's Witnesses.

JOSH: What the heck are you two talking about?

JAY: Ya wanna join us and be our writer?

JOSH: For what?

VINNY: For our manga studio we're forming.

JOSH: You mean you two want to make manga?

JAY: Duh.

JOSH: Isn't that a little risky, basing your entire futures on a dream when there must be, like a million aspiring manga artists out there?

VINNY: True, but see we're a cut above the rest. We have a really great plan.

JOSH: You two have a plan?

JAY: What are you trying to say?

JOSH: Oh nothing just that your plans are crappy as hell

JAY: You wanna fight, punk (grabs his collar)

VINNY: (bopping him) He can't write if you kill him. (JAY lets go)

JOSH: That and if you touch me again I'll break you.

JAY: What was that, pudgy?

JOSH: You heard me, hippy!

VINNY: As I was saying, we're going to-

JAY: You did not just call me a hippy.

JOSH: I did, cause its true. Dirty hippy.

JAY: I'm going to breaking your mother-


JOSH: Cool, what studio?

JAY: Pht, what studio? There's only one studio that matters.

JOSH: You mean…

VINNY: Yep, Namu-Namu Studios

JOSH: That's awesome! When do you start!?

VINNY: Well, we actually haven't, you know, applied, but-

JOSH: You guys are complete idiots.

JAY: And you're a tub of lard, what's your point?

JOSH: My point is that I'm going to smash your friggin skull if you call me that again!

JAY: If you can reach me with those stubby @$$ arms of yours.

JOSH: That tears it!

(He grabs JAY and heaves him over his head. The owner rushes over.)

OWNER: Gentlemen, please, no fighting. You'll scare the customers.

JOSH: You got lucky today punk.

JAY: I'll waste you when we leave.

(Cuts to JOSH in the plane again. He is asleep, his feet towards the window. He suddenly

kicks in his sleep and cracks the window. The window shatters and things begin to fly out

out. The pilot comes in over the intercom.)

PILOT: This is your captain speaking, we're experiencing some minor turb-

STEWARDESS: (Voice over loud speaker) What are you talking about! The cabin

pressure is falling, we've lost control over the left wing, WE'RE GOING DOWN!


PILOT: Uh, passengers, please ignore that last transmission. We are not crashing, we are

simply landing a slightly higher speed than normal. Now if you would all look to your

right please.

(Everyone does when the pilot runs down the aisle and grabs a parachute next to the

emergency exit and opens the door.)

PILOT: So long suckers!

(He jumps)

VINNY: He ditched us. Weak.

JAY: Hey, what's everyone screaming about? I can't read my manga.

VINNY: The planes crashing and we're all gonna die in a fiery blaze of smoke and

twisted metal.

JAY: It's gonna be one of those days.

(Cuts to JOSH, sucked up against the wall, but still asleep.)


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